Servant Profile, Zaraka.
True Name: Zaraka the Lion Hunter.
Origin: the hunters of Uruk.
Class: (Lancer) (Assassin.)
Gender: Male.
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Strength: B- (C+ if summoned as Assassin)
Endurance: C.
Agility: B++. (A if summoned as Assassin.)
Magical Power: C.
Luck: A.
Noble Phantasm: B+,
1: Sabotage A.
The ability to mess and ruin the enemy forces before the battle even begins. Zaraka had to master this skill in life as a way to wear out the stronger Beasts before starting the hunt.
2: Mystic Slayer (Beast).
Being a hunter from deep within the age of gods, Zaraka has conceptional advantage against hunting mystics. Especially wild Beasts such as Demonic Boars and Wyverns.
3: The King's Pelt.
A pelt of a lion given to Zaraka by King Gilgamesh himself as a reward after a very rewarding hunting trip. The skill raises his endurance from "C" to "B" if he is wearing the pelt.
4: Trap Master.
Zaraka was known as a master of traps when it comes to hunting Beasts. This skill gives him the ability to create traps in great speed while hiding them flawless.
5: Blessing of the forest Spirit.
Zaraka was blessed by the the forest spirit, Zakrim, upon his birth. This skill represents his protection by giving him the ability to camouflage himself. The more urban and wilderness around, the better the skill becomes. If in the middle of a forest, it can even match A ranking Presence Concealment.
(Noble Phantasm)
[Divine Forest Spear.]
A spear forged from Divine Metal by Zakrim. The spear was a gift from an Elemental so that humans can fight on their own. As the gods had no hand in creating the spear nor approved of it, the spear is unaffected by Divine authority. In the forest, the spear is naturally charged with magical energy from the world.
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-Personal.
Range and Maximum number of targets: 1 (Second Noble Phantasm)
[The Hunter]
This Noble Phantasm, which normally would be a skill, is born from Zaraka's great accomplishments as a Hunter and his amazing tracking skills for prey. Even the King of Heroes praised Zaraka's skills. He is able to track any target no matter how good they are at hiding their tracks.
(Voice Lines.)
Summoning (3 Star): Hello there. I came to answer your summon. I am Zaraka, the Lion Hunter. I am not truly impressive like most Heroic Spirits, but if my skills as a hunter can be of assistance, I'd be glad to help.
Leveling Up: Training is good. You can never learn too many survival techniques.
Leveling Up 2: Adapting is very vital to a hunter. Both the weather and prey can be unpredictable.
1st Ascension: changing uniform isn't really strange for hunters. Blending to the environment is only natural to hide from your prey.
2nd Ascension: Are you sure it's good to use so much materials on someone like me? Surely there's more fitting heroes
3rd Ascension: Honestly, I believe you should focus on strengthening more useful Servants. But, if you insist, I shall aspire to keep getting stronger for you.
4th Ascension: This... really brings me back. When his majesty rewarded me with this royal lion pelt. The first thing I did was go home and show it to my mother. She cried tears of happiness that day. Thank you, Master, for returning me to the appearance that gave my mother so much joy.
Bond 1: I'm just a hunter. I can cook and make pelts from the stuff I hunt, but that's about all I'm good at.
Bond 2: Chaldea isn't so different from Uruk. Everyone is given a role they fulfill, and they coordinate with each other.
Bond 3: We of the Forest Nomads weren't originally of Uruk, you know. We originally came from the forest. Great Zack guided us through the desert and protected us. But, that's what I was told. This happened before I was born.
Bond 4: My father was declared chief by Great Zack. Mother said that they always suspected that Great Zack didn't like being leader. Huh? Oh, no. He didn't hate leading or anything. Mother said he always looked awkward whenever they turned to him for guidance.
Bond 5: I never knew my father or Great Zack. The former died and the latter left when I was too young to remember. But, I can't say I was sad. They both left me great things in this world and helped me make my own path. Now, you're helping me achieve further by allowing me to be at your side in this journey. So, thank you for this chance.
Conversation 1: Rest is important, but lack of movement for a long time can give you cramps.
Conversation 2: Master Servant relationship? Well, I'm summoned as a Servant so I'll try my best to help my master in their endeavour.
Conversation 3: Our relationship? Hmm. I can't say it's like the one I had with his majesty because you lack his... uniqueness, so let's say we're friends? I'd like that.
Conversation 4 (with Gilgamesh Kid): Your... majesty? Why do you look like this? What do I mean? How should I put this... You're a child!
Conversation 5 (with Gilgamesh Archer): I wasn't around for his Majesty when he was at that age, but I was told he was rather... impulsive.
Conversation 6 (with Gilgamesh Caster): Ah, it's wonderful to see you, your majesty!... Huh? Hold my head high? An example of Uruk's warriors? No way! Someone like me- N-No! I'm not saying you're mistaken! Yes! I'll be more confident!
Conversation 7 (With Enkidu): Enkidu. It is wonderful to see you again. You always visited us to tell stories of Great Zack.
Conversation 8 (With Svend): Ah, S-Svend! Please stop pulling! I get it! I get it! You don't have to drag me every time you want to hang out.
Conversation 9 (With Gorgon Sisters/Yggdrasil): Excuse me, I heard you knew Great Zack a good deal. Can you tell me what he was like?
Likes: my likes? My mother, the rest of the nomads, Uruk, and Great Zack. There's not much to it.
Dislikes: hmm... well, there is that one goddess... mother told me Great Zack said not to think about it since he was already planning to leave, but I really can't help but think she was... bratty.
About the Holy Grail: Granting wishes?... I would like to meet 'him' just once, and ask if I lived up to his expectations.
During events: Hunting season is important because it gives a chance for great prey. You should take the opportunity
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Title :- One with Nature
All credits to XanaShadow
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