Baby Steps [1]

Looking at stuff sideways was not fun. The fact you can ONLY look sideways was even less fun. Well, sadly for me, that's all I can do with the puppet body for now.

On the bright side, I know how to breath and open my eyes.

That's all I managed to achieve for now. It's been... Two days? I think? Since the bet with Scathach was made. Said woman left to deal with the rising undead.

I would just move the body to cross the line while she was gone, but something tells me she would know.

"Okay, focus," I told myself in my real body as I held my head. "Scathach said to use the air around the body to feel it. So, I should take deep breaths so that the air can reach every part of the body."

I returned to my puppet body and breathed deeply. I can actually feel the air going around in my body. It was... really weird. Like being in my wind element but trapped in a flesh bottle.

No, focus. I have to try and find which part is the arms to pull my self up. Opening my eyes, I looked down at my shoulder and tried to focus as much as I can at that part. I just need to feel the limb and- THERE!

It moved! I mean... it literally just moved a single inch, but I still managed to make it move!

Okay, that feeling just now! I have to focus on it!

... and that's what I did for the next few days. I just focused on learning on how to move the puppet body's arms. I reached a point where I can set them to be able to push myself up.

But that would be useless because I can't move the legs yet, so I can't set them to balance myself if I pull up. So, I spent the next few days doing what I did to the arms to the legs.

It was... not easy. The angle that the body was laying in didn't really offer much movement in the leg department. By I still managed to bend the knee! Which is what I needed to push myself up. So, I did! Placing my hands on the ground, I pushed myself up... only to fall face first to the ground.

Apparently, knowing how to move muscles and how to push stretch them are two different things.

After a couple of days of trying, I managed to go on to my hands and knees, albeit with shaking limbs, and tried to moved with my back a bit so I can at least sit straight.

All I got was falling on my back.

I kept flipping around for a while before I managed to actually stand straight on my knees while using my hands to balance myself. I set my hands on the ground, raised my foot to set it, and tried to stand up.

Once again, I was on my back. Scathach coming back and turning away with a hand on her mouth didn't help.

Days passed and I finally managed to stand on my own two legs! Okay, I just have to raise my foot slightly aaaaaaaaaaaaand my face was already on the ground.

The line is literally a few steps. I just need to stand up and take a few steps and I failed to do that. Trying to stand up again, I managed to do it but this time, I tried to focus on trying to be as balanced as possible so that I can do it more naturally.

I managed to slightly move my leg forward and do the same to the other. It was WAY slower than normal walking and I definitely am going to take a while, but this was the best I can do for now.

Slowly, at an actual snail pace, I managed to cross the line!

"Ha!" I was so excited that I accidentally popped back in my original body and the puppet one dropped. Not really a problem, it was made to be strong. "I did it! In your face!" I laughed while looking at Scathach.

In response, Scathach gave me a look that was a mixture of amusement and pity. The kind that you would give a child when they did something so insignificant but they still felt proud of it.

"It's already been three weeks."

".... say what?"


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Title :- One with Nature

All credits to XanaShadow

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