Upgraded Skill

Oh! So will I be able to copy 100 abilities every day now?

30 Years Later

Sigh! 30 more years have passed and I am going to a family living in Z Island to copy a new ability. Whose ancestral work is to polish river rocks. Yes, Rocks Polish.

Although this Rocks Polish ability is of no use to me. But I have no other option. The system demands that the ability will be counted only if it is different from all the abilities copied before. I have copied 999995 abilities till now. The system gave me Vitality Potion as a reward for every 100K abilities. Why so? Because I myself asked it to do so. To understand the whole thing, let's go into flashback.

29 years 6 months ago


[Congratulation! Host, you have successfully copied 200K abilities.]

[As a reward...]


Before you distribute the rewards, listen to me. I don't want any other reward right now. Give me only vitality potion as a reward. Because I have understood that extending life is much better than other rewards. What is the use of such rewards that I die before I can use them?

[Let me calculate...]

[Host, this can happen. You will get a Vitality Potion for every 100K new abilities copied. But how much life you will be able to extend with it will be random. That is, Vitality Potion will extend random life.]

Ok, what can be wrong with this.

[How long do you want to keep this thing going?]

Until the skill ability extraction is upgraded.

Present Time.

I thought how random can this be? But I got +20 years vitality potion at 200K abilities, +32 years at 300K abilities and +48 years vitality potion at 400K abilities.

Everything was fine till here. But when I reached 500K abilities, I got +1 year Vitality Potion. Seriously, +1 year. So random. Either way it doesn't matter my life span increased by 175 years. And now I am going to copy another ability.

After a while


[Congratulation! Host, you have successfully copied 999996 abilities.]

I have copied one more ability. Now there is no other unique ability to copy. If there is, I don't know. But I have a chance to copy four more abilities. But I don't want to, why? Because I don't want to become a criminal. You guessed it right, those four abilities are stealing, scamming, lying and murdering. I didn't want to copy them earlier but now I have no choice. I am going to make them my own.




[Congratulation! Host, you have successfully copied 999999 abilities.]

Now only one more ability is left to copy. For this I am going to jail. No, no. I have not committed any crime. I am going to meet a prisoner with permission who committed a murder 10 years ago. Yes, my next ability is going to be murderer whom I hate the most. But don't worry, the person whose ability I am going to copy has killed only 10 people.

System, Use Skill Ability Extraction.


[Host, skill cannot be used. He has no experience of murder.]

What? How is this possible? He is in jail for 10 murders. Wait a minute, is it possible that he has been framed in a false accusation. Haah, fu*k. My coming here was a waste. Now I have to go somewhere else.

Officer, who is this person in this cell who is staring at me for so long.

"His name is Buaski and he has committed 1 murder due to which he has been sentenced to life imprisonment."

What a lucky day. My work is done here.

Officer, can I meet him? I am a lawyer and want to question him for work experience.

"Ok, but just 1 minute."

Hey, Buaski, can I shake hands with you?

Wow, your hands are very strong. You have committed murder with these hands.

[1 minute is over. Using skill ability extraction on Buaski]

[Congratulation! Host You have copied your 1Mth Ability Assassination Ability Grade High+.]

"Come on, your time is over, come out."

Assassin? But he is a murderer, right? And what is this, grade high+? Is he also a God gifted person? What does it matter to me? My work is done.

System, give me my reward. Let's see how many years of Vitality Potion I get this time?

[Calculating rewards....]


[Congratulation! Host, you get these rewards:

1. +100 years Vitality Potion

2. Mystery Voucher +2

3. Recovery Voucher +1

Description: You can use Recovery voucher to heal any fatal wound. Your wound will heal within 2 minutes.

Condition: Recovery voucher can be used only within 10 minutes of getting a fatal injury. After that, if you use the recovery voucher, the voucher will not work and will disappear.]

[Skill Upgrading Key Voucher:

Condition: The host must have 1M different abilities.]

[Condition met to use the Skill Upgrading Key Voucher]

[Unlocking The Skill Ability Extraction.]

[Skill Unlocked]

[Upgrading The Skill Ability Extraction.]

[Skill: Ability Extraction+ (New) ⊹

Description: You can now copy the ability of anyone just by touching them.


For Human Species (Intelligence): None

For Other Species(Unintelligence):

1. Only one ability of an Unintelligence species can be copied.

2. This skill can be used only once on one species of an Unintelligence species.


1. You can use this skill only 200 times a day.

2. You must maintain physical contact with anyone for at least 30 seconds to copy their ability.

3. Copying more than one ability will take times the amount of time equal to the ability being copied.

4. Since you fall in the human species category and if you copy any ability of a non-human species, then there may be some limitations in that ability, like time limit for that skill or not being able to fully use that ability or both.]

What is meant by Intelligent and Unintelligent Species? And please elaborate the conditions of the skill.

[Here's a brief explanation about: Intelligence Species: Possess advanced cognitive abilities - Demonstrate problem-solving, learning, and adaptation - Exhibit complex communication, social behavior, and innovation - Examples: Humans, Primates, Dolphins, Elephants, Octopuses

Unintelligence Species: Lack advanced cognitive abilities - Primarily driven by instinct and survival instincts - Limited problem-solving and learning capabilities - Examples: Starfish, Corals, Jellyfish, Insects (except some species like Bees and Ants)

Note: The term "Unintelligence Species" is not a formal scientific classification. I used it to provide a clear contrast to "Intelligence Species". In reality, every living being has some level of intelligence, and scientists avoid labeling species as "unintelligent". Instead, they focus on understanding the unique cognitive abilities and adaptations of each species.]

[A creature may have one or more abilities, whether it falls into the intelligent category or not. Unintelligence species may have more than one ability, but You can copy only one of its abilities.

For example the electric eel is a fish and it has two abilities but you can only copy one.

1.Electrocuted - The Electric Eel has specialized cells called electrocytes that generate an electric discharge, up to 600 volts, to stun predators, communicate, and navigate.

2. Air-breathing - Electric Eels can absorb oxygen from both water and air, allowing them to survive in low-oxygen environments.

If you copy the electrocuted ability then don't try to catch another electric eel in the flock and copy the Air breathing ability because that won't happen at all.

But this is not the case with intelligent species. You can copy more than one of their abilities and they should be different every time. The more abilities you copy at a time, the more time it will take. 30s for one ability and 60s for 2. One more thing, in unintelligence species there is no grade for abilities, but you can still assume the grades are high.]

Yun goes to the zoo the next day to use his upgraded skills and first of all he wanted to increase his strength so he uses his skill on an elephant.


[You are using skill ability extraction+ on an elephant.

Choose any one of Elephant's abilitiy:

1. Memory: Elephants have exceptional memory and recall, allowing them to:

- Remember their social hierarchy and family bonds

- Recall watering holes and food sources

- Recognize individual members of their herd and even humans

2. Empathy: Elephants demonstrate empathy and compassion towards each other, showing:

- Grief and mourning

- Comfort and support

- Cooperation and altruism

3. Physical Abilities:

- Exceptional strength and endurance

4. Intelligence: Elephants are considered one of the smartest animals, demonstrating:

- Problem-solving skills

- Tool use (like sticks for retrieving food)

- Learning and innovation]

Woah! System, from where did you gather so much knowledge.

[I am 'The Great System 7.0' I can do this in a jiffy. I can get information using the internet anytime.]

I choose the third ability.

[Host learns the new ability Physical Abilities.

Limitation: You can only use 1/3 of the strength and can't use endurance.

Time Limit: For 5 minutes]

Yun now goes home first and makes a solid plan as to which ability to copy from which animal.

After a few days

Ding! Dong!

Who is it? "Sir, it's your delivery."

Looks like my order has arrived.

Yun takes his order and goes to his room happily. System use Skill Ability Extraction+ on...

[Choose any one ability of Merlin Bird:

1. Speed: Merlin birds are incredibly fast, reaching speeds of up to 275-300 km/h (171-186 mph) during level flight. This makes them one of the fastest birds on record.

2. Hunting skills: Merlins are skilled hunters, using their agility and speed to catch small birds, insects, and even tiny mammals. They have exceptional eyesight, which helps them spot prey from a distance.

3. Agility: Merlins are highly agile and can make sharp turns and quick changes in direction while pursuing prey. This agility also helps them evade predators.

4. Exceptional vision: Merlins have outstanding eyesight, which is essential for their hunting success. They can spot small prey from over a mile away and track it with ease.

5. Adaptability: Merlins are adaptable birds and can be found in various habitats, including forests, open fields, and mountainous regions. They are also capable of adjusting to different environments and prey populations.

6. Territorial behavior: Merlins are territorial birds and will fiercely defend their territory from other Merlins and predators. They use their speed and agility to chase away intruders.

7. Migration: Merlins are migratory birds, traveling between their breeding and wintering grounds. They make impressive journeys, often crossing entire continents and oceans.

8. Aerobatic skills: Merlins are known for their impressive aerial displays, performing acrobatic stunts and dives with ease. This helps them establish dominance and attract mates.

9. Stealth: Despite their speed and agility, Merlins are also stealthy hunters, using cover and concealment to sneak up on prey.]

System, copy ability Exceptional Vision.

[Congratulation! Host, you learned the Ability Exceptional Vision.

Limitation: Use only 1/4 of the ability power.

Time Limit: 3 minutes.]

System, copy targets Ability.

[Choose any one of Peregrine Falcon's ability:

1.Speed: The Peregrine Falcon is the ember of the animal kingdom, reaching speeds of up to 389 km/h (242 mph) during its characteristic hunting dive, known as a stoop.

2. Agility: Peregrine Falcons are incredibly agile and can make sharp turns and quick changes in direction while pursuing prey.

3. Exceptional vision: They have outstanding eyesight, which helps them spot prey from over a mile away and track it with ease.

4. Powerful talons: Their strong, sharp talons allow them to grasp and kill prey in mid-air.

5. Aerodynamic shape: Their sleek, streamlined bodies help reduce air resistance and enable them to reach high speeds.

6. Strong wings: Peregrine Falcons have broad, powerful wings that allow them to soar and dive with incredible precision.

strategy: They use a variety of hunting techniques, including stooping, tail-chasing, and ambushing.

8. Nesting: Peregrine Falcons nest on cliff ledges, skyscrapers, and other high-rise structures, using a scrape or nest box as a platform.]

I choose the 6th ability Strong Wings.

[Congratulation! Host, you learned the ability Strong Wings.

Time Limit: You can gain Peregrine Falcon's wings just for 3 minutes.]

I can now fly in the sky. I have imported these two birds from abroad by spending a lot of money. It is everyone's dream to fly in the open sky, even if it is for a short while. This dream of anyone may or may not be fulfilled, but mine has been fulfilled. Saying this, he flies towards the sky.