Infinite Lifespan

[ Yes, because her lifespan is infinite. ]

Yun's grasp on Ariana's hand tightened. "Infinite?!" he repeated, his mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of the statement.

[ Yes, Yun. Your love has granted her a significantly extended lifespan. Your bond has created a powerful resonance, infusing her with vitality and energy. ]

Yun's eyes widened in awe, his lips still touching Ariana's. "Infinite years?! That's incredible!"

Yun pulled back, gazing at Ariana with wonder. "This is amazing! Our love can do this?"

Ariana's eyes sparkled with confusion. "What happened? Why did you suddenly start kissing me?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

Yun's face lit up with joy. "We received a gift!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. "We can now be together forever!"

Ariana's expression transformed from confusion to shock. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yun's grin widened. "Our love has created a resonance that transcends time and space. Your lifespan is now infinite, and we can spend eternity together!"

Ariana's eyes widened in awe. "Infinite?" she repeated, her mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of the statement.

Yun nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! Our love has created a miracle. We will never be apart again!"

Ariana's face radiated happiness as she embraced Yun. "This is the most amazing gift ever!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy.

As they hugged, Yun whispered, "I am so grateful for our love. We will cherish every moment together, forevermore."

[ Congratulations, Yun and Ariana. Your love has created a timeless bond. Enjoy your eternal journey together! ]

[ Caution: Ariana will live until this universal energy resides in her. ]

Yun's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions. "What do you mean?" he asked, his tone tinged with concern.

[ The universal energy within Ariana is self-sustaining and will continue to nourish her existence until she willingly chooses to transfer it to someone else. ]

Yun's gaze intensified, his curiosity piqued. "Can this universal energy be extracted from her body?" he pressed, his words laced with a hint of trepidation.

[ No, it cannot be extracted. The energy will remain within her until she desires to share it with someone else. It is her gift to give, and no one can take it from her. ]

As Yun's eyes locked onto Ariana's, a sense of wonder and awe washed over him. He realized that her body now harbored a powerful force, one that would sustain her life forever. The weight of this knowledge settled upon him, and he felt a deep sense of reverence for the mysterious energy that now resided within her.

Present Time

Ariana's words hung in the air like a gentle breeze, her voice barely above a whisper. "After that, you were so happy when you learned I had an infinite lifespan that you wanted to give something back to this earth as a thank you to the world's will. But you didn't want to reveal your presence, so you instructed the hidden families to use 50% of the resources we obtained from galaxy Z42H to build spaceships and allocate the remaining 50% for the development of humanity."

Yun's eyes sparkled with nostalgia as he gazed at Ariana, his mind wandering back to that pivotal moment. "Yes, my love," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. "I wanted to make a difference, to leave a lasting legacy that would benefit all of humanity. And what better way to do that than by harnessing the advanced technology from galaxy Z42H?"

Ariana's smile radiated understanding, her eyes shining with admiration. "You've always had a heart of gold, Yun. Your selflessness is one of the many qualities I adore about you."

As they stood together, basking in the warmth of their love and the promise of a brighter future, Yun's thoughts turned to the hidden families and the monumental task they had undertaken. "I wonder how the spaceship construction is progressing," he mused, his brow furrowed in concern.

Ariana's gentle touch on his arm reassured him. "I'm sure they're making excellent progress, my love. After all, they have the best resources and the most brilliant minds working on the project."

Yun nodded, his confidence bolstered by Ariana's words. Together, they gazed out at the stars, their hearts filled with hope and their spirits soaring with the endless possibilities that lay before them.

2000 Years Later

Two thousand years had passed since Yun and Ariana's love had sparked a new era for humanity. One day, a message from the hidden families arrived, shattering the silence. "The 500 spaceships are complete," it read. "We await your instruction on how to proceed."

Yun's eyes lit up as he composed his response. "I will come there personally and then give you next instruction."

As the message transmitted, Yun's thoughts turned to Ariana, who had long since passed into the realm of eternal energy. He smiled, knowing that her spirit would live on through the countless generations that would now spread across the galaxy.

After a while later Yun with Ariana goes there and start giving the instructions, "Send 30 spaceships to the Milky Way galaxy and 30 to Galaxy UI67S. Observe the changes in both galaxies and report back to me." He paused, his mind racing with the endless possibilities. "Send remaining 440 spaceships to Galaxy Z42H. Anyone who desires adventure can join the fleet and explore the galaxy's wonders. Bring your loved ones, friends, and start anew in Galaxy Z42H. However," his tone turned stern, "remember that you represent humanity. Do not bring shame to our kind, and do not venture beyond Galaxy Z42H's boundaries."

The hidden families' response arrived promptly, their excitement palpable. "We will set course immediately, Yun. Thank you for this gift of exploration and discovery."

And so, the spaceships start departed one by one, carrying humanity's hopes and dreams into the unknown expanse. Yun watched as the stars twinkled like diamonds against the velvet blackness, his heart swelling with pride and wonder. The universe, once a daunting frontier, had become humanity's playground.

Yun's contemplation was interrupted by a gentle touch on his shoulder. He turned to see a young woman with piercing green eyes and raven-black hair, her smile radiant with an otherworldly glow.

"Yun, I am Aria, a descendant of the hidden families," she said, her voice like a gentle breeze. "I have been chosen to lead the expedition to Galaxy Z42H. I seek your wisdom and guidance before embarking on this extraordinary journey."

Yun's eyes widened in surprise, but he nodded graciously. "Aria, my child, Listen to your heart and trust the universe. Remember, the power of determination and kindness will guide you through the vast unknown."

Aria's eyes sparkled with determination as she nodded, her face set with a fierce resolve. "I will not forget your words, Yun. We will make humanity proud and forge a new legacy among the stars."

As Aria walked away, Yun couldn't help but use his skill Energy Profile on her. He focused his mind and gazed at her retreating figure, his eyes seeing beyond the physical realm. The information began to flood in his mind, and he was struck by the depth of her abilities.

"Name: Aria,

Age: 25,

Occupation: Expedition Leader," he muttered to himself, scanning the personal information.

But it was the personality profile and potential abilities that truly caught his attention.

"Personality Profile: Confident, strategic, values courage and justice.

Potential Abilities: Exceptional leadership skills, latent talent for diplomacy, and a hidden understanding for advanced technology."

"Aria, wait!" Yun called out, his voice firm but urgent. He strode towards her, his eyes fixed on hers. "I need to tell you something important."

Yun's eyes snapped back to Aria, his mind racing with the implications. "You have no idea how powerful you are, Aria," he said, his voice filled with awe. "Your leadership skills are off the charts, and your potential for diplomacy is unmatched. And... understanding about the advanced technology? That's a rare talent indeed."

Aria's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "What do you mean?"

Yun smiled. "You have the ability to interface with technology on a deep level."

Aria's eyes widened in surprise. "I had no idea."

Yun nodded. "Your Energy Profile reveals a lot about you, Aria. You have the potential to be a true leader and a game-changer in our expedition."

Yun smiled warmly as he handed Aria a small vial filled with a shimmering liquid. "This is a special gift, Aria. A Vitality Potion that will extend your lifespan up to 3000 years."

Aria's eyes widened in awe as she took the vial, her hand trembling slightly. "3000 years? That's... that's incredible!"

Yun nodded. "Yes, it is. And I want you to have it. You have so much potential, Aria. So much to offer the universe. I want to ensure you have the time to explore it all."

Aria's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she carefully poured the potion into a small glass vial. She raised it to her lips, hesitated for a moment, and then drank the shimmering liquid in one swift motion.

As the potion took effect, Aria's body began to glow with a soft, ethereal light. Her eyes shone brighter, her skin radiated a healthy glow, and her very presence seemed to vibrate with newfound energy.

"Wow," she breathed, her voice filled with wonder. "I can feel it coursing through my veins. Thank you, Yun. This is... this is an incredible gift."

Yun smiled, his eyes warm with satisfaction. "You deserve it, Aria. Now go out there and explore the universe. Make the most of your newfound lifespan."

With that, Aria turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Yun to ponder the mysteries of the universe and the destiny that awaited humanity. The stars shone brighter that night, as if beckoning the brave explorers to embark on their epic journey.

As the spaceships vanished into the vastness of space, Aria's thoughts turned to the future. He knew that the next chapter of humanity's journey was about to unfold. He envisioned the countless possibilities that awaited them in Galaxy Z42H - new worlds to discover, alien civilizations to encounter, and the secrets of the universe to unravel.