The line was silent for a moment. Then, a cold voice finally came through. "All available units are currently deployed on other missions. Reinforcements are unavailable at this time."
Liam's raised voice was filled with anger and despair. "Then I request for a high-level agent, foundation stage, or anyone. We can't hold much longer."
The comms went silent. Liam's eyes darkened, his jaw clenching as he switched channels. His tone grew sharper, more urgent, as he reached out to military command. "We need support around the portal perimeter. Immediate response requested!"
A few seconds later, the comm crackled to life, and a gruff military officer's voice responded. "Understood, Captain. We're authorizing a bombing run to slow the flow. Estimated time of arrival: two minutes."
"Two minutes?" one of the younger agents muttered through the open comm, his nervous voice adding to the grim scene. "Are we even gonna last that long?"
"We're holding the line until then, no matter what," Liam replied, his voice firm. He hoped the resolve in his tone could mask the uncertainty brewing inside him. "Stay focused, and push them back!"
The agents surged forward, holding their ground as monstrous claws scraped against stone and weapons flashed in the dim light. Each strike sent jolts through their bodies, the tension in the air as thick as the acrid smoke swirling around them.
John tightened his grip on his blade, his muscles straining as he parried a creature's sharp talons. Beside him, another agent unleashed a burst of flame, the firelight flickering against their grim faces as the monster reeled back, howling.
"Keep the pressure on them!" one of the senior agents shouted, his voice hoarse from exertion. "We need to push them off the wall!"
Every second felt like an hour. The sound of clashing steel and guttural roars filled the battlefield, drowning out even the comm chatter. Despite their efforts, the monsters clawed relentlessly at the wall, their sheer numbers threatening to overwhelm the agents' defenses. Liam's orders came sharp and precise through the comms, driving the team forward.
The two-minute wait felt like an eternity. When it finally ended, Liam's shout cut through the chaos: "Take cover!" His voice rang out as the agents fell back into defensive positions, some climbing onto nearby rubble, ducking behind remnants of barricades, or creating shields with their ability.
John barely had time to brace himself as the first wave of explosions rocked the ground, sending up a wall of dust and fire around the portal. The heat was searing, a wave of force pressing against his chest as debris rained down.
A series of thunderous blasts erupted in rapid succession, shaking the earth. The nearby agents shielded their faces from the shrapnel and shock waves. The nearby agents shielded their faces from the shrapnel and shockwaves, their muffled cries blending into the cacophony of destruction.
For a brief, hopeful second, it seemed to work. Any monster in the direct impact zone was dismembered. And the shook wave killed most of the rest. Those that lived their movements were sluggish from burned hot ground.
The acrid stench of burning flesh mixed with the smoke, creating a suffocating atmosphere that clawed at John's throat.
But then, through the thinning smoke, more shapes emerged—the beasts were still coming, their numbers seemingly endless, and now a new threat loomed above. From the smoke, a winged creature appeared, dark and serpentine, its leathery wings cutting through the sky. It let out a piercing shriek that turned the agents' faces ugly.
Ignoring the agents on the wall, it flew directly toward the military position. Liam's hands shook as he shouted into his comm. "A flying monster heading your way—be careful!"
The commander's eyes scanned the sky. At first, it was a distant dot, but within seconds, the creature's monstrous form grew visible, its wings slicing through the air like blades. Its talons gleamed, promising devastation. His expression shifted from calm to horrified disbelief.
"What the hell is that?!" He barked, his voice tight with urgency. "Soldiers, ready your fire!"
The creature dived straight for the soldiers stationed on the perimeter. Their faces went pale as they watched it approach, hands trembling on their weapons.
"Someone take it down!" The commander's hoarse shout was nearly deafening.
"Opening fire!" a soldier yelled, his voice laced with panic as he unleashed a volley of bullets. The shots glanced off the creature's armored hide, barely leaving a mark. Sparks flew where bullets struck its scales, but the beast remained unscathed, its gaze locked on its prey.
A soldier's body was ripped apart by the monster's claws, the sickening crunch of bone silencing those nearby. "Don't stop your fire!" the commander bellowed. The words rang hollow as fear gripped the soldiers. None of them had faced monsters before. The commander had heard of them, but seeing one in action was entirely different—a sight that rattled even his seasoned nerves.
The soldiers' panic was evident in their shaking hands and pale faces. The commander himself barely contained his fear. As the monster wreaked havoc amidst the soldiers, the casualties and injuries increased.
"What the hell are you doing?" The commander's shouting didn't cease as the soldiers acted like headless chickens running and screaming in every direction. "Get into a freaking formation and take the monster down, you dimwits!"
Finally, with coordinated fire and sheer determination, the creature thudded to the ground, lifeless.
The soldiers stood frozen, staring at the fallen beast. Though victorious, their trembling hands betrayed their shaken resolve. Blood pooled beneath the carcass, forming a grotesque scene at the village perimeter.
"What the hell is going on?" the commander yelled over the radio. "Captain Liam, my soldiers aren't equipped to deal with that kind of threat. Can you ask for backup from your bureau?"
The commander's voice was tinged with desperation, the enormity of the situation sinking in. Just one monster had done this much damage. He couldn't imagine the devastation if more came his way—or worse, if they breached the perimeter and reached civilian areas.
Liam gripped his radio tightly as he responded, "I already asked for reinforcement. There's not enough personnel for deployment."
The commander's heart sank. He took a deep breath before issuing an order to the trembling assistant beside him. "Make the soldiers check their weapons and ensure all artillery is ready for deployment at a moment's notice."
"Y-Yes, sir," the assistant stammered, scurrying off.