Chapter 4: Signs of a Prison Break

Support me and be 20 chapters ahead of webnovel:


"Today's actions were risky, but looking at it now, everything was worth it."

After Scrimgeour, Tonks, and the other Aurors had finished dealing with the scene and left, George lay on the dark wizard's luxurious bed, unable to resist letting out a sigh of relief.

It wasn't just about the fortune the old wizard had accumulated in Gringotts over a lifetime—this potion shop alone, along with its stock of potions and herbs, was already a significant treasure.

Maybe this wasn't much compared to the wealth of some truly rich wizards, but for a young wizard, it was more than enough.

It was like an adult having a million in assets—not necessarily something to flaunt. But for a middle schooler with a million in pocket money? That would certainly outshine most of their peers.

With this large sum of money, many things would be much easier to handle.

He had briefly considered whether it would be safer to sell the potion shop and move into the Leaky Cauldron after inheriting the estate.

But after thinking it over, he decided against it.

He would need a private place in the future to research certain spells that couldn't be seen by others. Besides, this potion shop might prove to be even more useful later on. Selling it would be easy, but buying it back would be far more difficult.

"This kid's body really looks frail. I'll need to eat more and get my strength up."

Sitting up, George wandered around the bedroom before stopping in front of the mirror, taking a good look at the body he now inhabited.

Since waking up, he had been too preoccupied with figuring out how to discreetly kill the old wizard to properly examine this body.

Blond hair, blue eyes, a prominent nose—his facial features weren't bad. However, due to long-term malnutrition and constant abuse, his body appeared frail.

But that wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed with proper care.

"At least my inner strength isn't as weak."

George bent his legs and, with a forceful jump, leaped over three meters high, easily touching the ceiling.

It wasn't because he was a wizard that he had such incredible jumping power. Wizards did possess physical resilience and healing abilities beyond that of ordinary people, but in terms of raw strength, unless they had a special bloodline like Hagrid's, they weren't much different from Muggles.

The reason George was so unique was that his current body not only had the mutant abilities from the Marvel universe, but it also retained the physical strength of that world.

In other words, his strength now was the combination of Dora's eleven-year-old body and the physical power of Subject 757, an eighteen-year-old synthetic mutant.

Although Subject 757's abilities didn't boost physical strength like Beast or Wolverine, it still had the body of a normal eighteen-year-old man.

Moreover, over the past three months, George hadn't just been training his powers in the Marvel world—he had also been undergoing physical conditioning and close-combat training. His physical fitness was far superior to that of an average eighteen-year-old.

In terms of raw data, if Dora's body could deliver a punch with 50 pounds of force and Subject 757's body could punch with 200 pounds, then combined, both Dora and 757 now possess 250 pounds of punching force.

For Subject 757, an additional 50 pounds may not seem like much, but for Dora, gaining 200 pounds of extra strength is a significant transformation.

Especially considering Dora's body is extremely light, weighing only about 50 pounds. With the full augmentation of 757's body, the change becomes even more pronounced—allowing him to leap three meters with ease.

His agility now rivals that of a feline.

"I guess I'm like a super kid among other children," George mused.

After a quick inspection of his body, George started rummaging through the old wizard's bedroom, hoping to find some hidden illegal dark magic books or notes on black magic research so he could learn some powerful spells early on.

Unfortunately, the search was disappointing. He found nothing more than standard magic books that could be bought in any bookstore.

It made sense, after all. Shops in Knockturn Alley underwent routine inspections every month, so even if the old wizard had any forbidden items, he wouldn't risk hiding them openly at home.

"Forget it. Time to let this body rest—it's been a long day," George thought.

Without finding anything useful, he washed up and lay down on the luxurious bed, letting his body drift into sleep mode.

Meanwhile, he refocused his attention on his main body back in the Marvel world.

It was already daytime there, and time for his daily training routine.

"I think it's about to happen soon... I better learn a few useful spells before that."

As morning training ended, George ate his lunch without expression, quietly observing the group of mutant kids gathering nearby.

Earlier, while walking down the hallway, he had seen a nurse being yelled at by the facility supervisor.

The nurse's offense? She had prepared a cake, hoping to throw a collective birthday party for the mutant kids, none of whom had ever celebrated a birthday before.

If George remembered correctly, this event was the catalyst. Soon after, the nurse would have a revelation and help the mutant kids escape the facility.

The afternoon passed with regular training. When night fell and his main body went to sleep, his consciousness returned to the Harry Potter world.

It was morning there.

After tidying up, George prepared a hearty breakfast for himself. As he enjoyed his meal, he retrieved the Daily Prophet from the owl that had delivered it to his doorstep. Relaxing with his breakfast, George began to read the newspaper, which the old dark wizard had subscribed to.

The food at the experimental base had always been nutritious, but it was far from appealing to his taste. And back when the dark wizard was still alive, Dora had struggled to get enough to eat, let alone anything that tasted decent.

"Internationally renowned author and figure, recipient of the Third-Class Order of Merlin, Honorary Member of the Anti-Dark Magic League, and five-time Witch Weekly's 'Most Charming Smile' Award winner, Gilderoy Lockhart, will be signing copies of his autobiography, Magical Me, on August 21 from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM at Flourish and Blotts."

Looking at the Daily Prophet image of the peacock-like wizard dressed in a flashy forget-me-not blue robe, George sighed.

"If only I had arrived a year earlier, I could have been in the same year as the Golden Trio. Maybe we'd have ended up in the same house—or even the same dormitory."

Indeed, it wasn't 1991 anymore—it was 1992, meaning Harry Potter had already completed his first year at Hogwarts. George would be starting one year after him.

On an emotional level, George had a soft spot for the trio due to his love for Harry Potter in his previous life. The idea of learning magic alongside them was appealing and would certainly be fun.

Rationally speaking, he didn't see the need to avoid the trio for safety reasons. Though the three had a knack for getting into trouble, Hogwarts during this period was still under Dumbledore's watchful eye, meaning there was little chance of real danger.

Those seemingly dangerous events were actually all within Dumbledore's control. Plus, George could even use the trio to lower Dumbledore's guard, allowing him more opportunities to access the Restricted Section in the library.

(End of Chapter)