Chapter 20: Thanks to the Big Sniper from Old Iron

Support me and be 20 chapters ahead of webnovel:


As George, somewhat awkwardly dodging X-24's attacks, continued to close in on the bus, Little Wolf Girl had already reached the front of the bus.

The four soldiers filming the scene noticed her approach and immediately pulled out submachine guns, firing wildly at her.

Despite her small stature, Little Wolf Girl's combat experience was extensive. She moved like a true wolf, flipping and leaping to avoid most of the bullets aimed at her vital spots. Enduring the pain from the remaining shots, she ferociously lunged at the four soldiers.

Trained from a young age in various killing techniques, she was accustomed to such battles.

The sniper on top of the bus, hearing the commotion below, realized the situation was deteriorating. He immediately abandoned his support role for targeting Wolverine and redirected his gun towards Little Wolf Girl.

After Little Wolf Girl had taken down two of the soldiers, a bullet struck her chest.

This shot was different from the others; it had tremendous power and sent her flying, causing her to cry out in pain.

Taking advantage of this moment, the remaining two soldiers quickly restrained Little Wolf Girl's arms and legs, preventing her from getting up.

Despite her impressive physical prowess and combat skills, Little Wolf Girl, being a child, couldn't match the raw strength of adults, especially when facing two heavily muscled men.

No matter how much she struggled, she couldn't break free.

"I wonder if blowing your head off will prevent you from recovering,"

The sniper glanced over at Test Subject 757, who was struggling to evade X-24's attacks and was unlikely to last much longer. A cruel smile crossed his face as he aimed his gun at Little Wolf Girl's head.

He doubted that a shot to her head from a sniper rifle would leave her unharmed. If one shot didn't kill her, he would fire two, or even three. Hearing her scream in agony under his gun would bring him a certain pleasure.

"Almost time!"

At that moment, George saw that Little Wolf Girl had been subdued. Calculating the distance, he knew it was time to act.

Using all his power to affect X-24's ankles, he caused X-24 to stumble, missing his attack. Seizing this opportunity, George quickly drew the handgun he had been hiding in his chest pocket.

He disengaged the safety and pressed the gun against X-24's temple:

"Game over!"


With a gunshot, the first Adamantium bullet fired from the chamber, piercing X-24's head and killing him instantly.

Hearing the gunshot, the sniper, who had been preparing to shoot Little Wolf Girl, instinctively looked towards Test Subject 757. Seeing X-24 lying motionless, his face changed drastically.

In a panic, he adjusted his aim back towards the charging Test Subject 757.

"How could this happen?"

However, he soon noticed that his sniper rifle was shaking uncontrollably, as if trying to fly out of his hands. Despite his efforts to steady it, the shaking only worsened.

With his rifle so unsteady, he couldn't aim accurately. He managed to fire a few shots in desperation, but all missed their mark.

"Bang! Bang!"

Using the opportunity to control the shaking sniper rifle and perform evasive maneuvers, George fired two shots at the soldiers restraining Little Wolf Girl.

Both soldiers fell to the ground with headshots, and Little Wolf Girl, freed from her restraints, clawed her way up onto the top of the bus, heading straight for the sniper.

She had a long memory for grudges. After the pain inflicted by their bullets, she was determined to make them suffer in return.

As X-24 fell and the sniper's voice crackled through the intercom, George, still evading X-24's fury, saw Little Wolf Girl dragging the sniper's lifeless body down from the bus roof, blood covering her.

George winced at the sight, then approached her. "Alright, it's over now. Leave the rest to me."

He gently patted Little Wolf Girl's head, picked her up, and grabbed the submachine guns and sniper rifle from the fallen soldiers. He made his way to the driver's seat of the bus.

Given the special circumstances, George would have preferred not to involve the young Little Wolf Girl in such a brutal fight. He placed her in the passenger seat and examined the sniper rifle, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Thanks to Old Iron for the sniper rifle!"

His current abilities were not enough to alter the trajectory of sniper bullets, but he hoped for that possibility in the future. Just thinking about a sniper rifle with a range of over two thousand meters, accurate with every shot and capable of curving bullets, was awe-inspiring.

With the bus speeding towards the factory, George smashed through the windshield and unleashed a barrage of bullets from the four submachine guns, creating a flurry of deadly arcs.

Inside the factory, Donald watched as Wolverine, panting and half-kneeling, and taunted him, "The drug's effects are wearing off, huh? I wonder how long you can hold out. Honestly, I'll have my men capture your backup—Test Subject 757 and X-23—soon enough. Then, we'll all go together!"

Just as Donald finished speaking, the intercom crackled with the sounds of the sniper's report and screams.

Wolverine, seeing the turn of events, burst into laughter, rallying his willpower to stand up again. "Looks like it's our turn to send you off!"

"Commander, we have a problem! The bus is charging toward the factory. We can't hold it back!"

A squad leader burst in from outside the factory.

Donald's face darkened as he assessed the situation—the exhausted Wolverine and the chaotic sounds of gunfire and screams from outside. With a grim resolve, he ordered, "Retreat!"

With Donald and his remaining fewer than twenty men fleeing, Wolverine, finally unable to hold on, collapsed to the ground.

Moments later, a bus crashed through the factory doors and stopped in front of Wolverine. George and Little Wolf Girl jumped out.

"Are you alright, Logan?"

"I'm not dead yet. If it had been twenty years ago, none of these bastards would have gotten away," Wolverine groaned as he struggled to stand.

"Don't use foul language in front of the kids. But Logan, your performance was as good as it was twenty years ago," George said.

At that moment, Professor X, wheeling out of the water tank with the others, approached.

George addressed everyone, "Although we've temporarily repelled them, it's not safe to stay here. According to the plan, let's make some quick adjustments and split into two teams to leave immediately."

Gabriella suddenly spoke up, "George, we've decided not to go to Canada. Professor X is right. With the time crunch before Friday, it's too risky for you. We can't be so selfish."

(End of Chapter)