Chapter 59: The Freezing Charm

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"It seems like our dear Hermione is truly suited for Gryffindor," George teased after hearing her plan.

Hermione, much like Professor McGonagall, appeared to follow rules and stick to the book, but deep down, she was more adventurous than anyone. In fact, George believed that eighty percent of the rule-breaking activities Harry and Ron got into were thanks to her. He suspected the reason Hermione was so angry with Harry and Ron at the start of the term wasn't because they caused trouble, but because she wasn't in the car with them.

Blushing slightly, Hermione didn't deny his remark. Instead, she asked, "I searched the entire library but couldn't find the Moste Potente Potions book Snape mentioned in class. Without the recipe, we can't brew Polyjuice Potion. George, have you seen that book anywhere in the library?"

"Moste Potente Potions? I think I remember seeing it somewhere near the Restricted Section," George replied after a moment of thought.

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise. "The Restricted Section? You can go there?"

"You can thank Professor Lockhart for that. All you have to do is compliment his books a little, make up an excuse, and he'll write you a note to access the Restricted Section. Next time I go, I'll keep an eye out for that book," George said, winking at her.

Since the first time George borrowed a book on tracking spells from the Restricted Section, he had visited several more times. However, he made sure to avoid touching anything related to Dark Magic, especially since he knew Dumbledore was keeping an eye on him. Instead, he borrowed books on advanced spells. Though many of the spells were beyond his current abilities, it never hurt to study ahead.

Helping the trio this time was part of his plan to send a message to Dumbledore. He wanted Dumbledore to know that he was Harry's friend and could assist Harry within the Restricted Section. That way, Dumbledore might turn a blind eye to his activities there. Otherwise, Dumbledore, being the headmaster, could easily put a stop to George's trips to the Restricted Section with just a word.

It was partly why George had chosen to befriend Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the first place.

"I knew it! Lockhart really is a brainless idiot," Ron said, not at all surprised. After the Cornish pixie incident, Ron had lost all faith in Lockhart.

Hermione, however, was quick to defend him. "He's not brainless! I looked up all the things he wrote in his books, and they're real!"

"Oh, sure. It's probably because he called you the best student in second year," Ron teased.

"Alright, enough," George interrupted their squabbling. "I agreed to help, but I have one condition."

He turned to Hermione. "I heard you easily froze a group of Cornish pixies with a Freezing Charm in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I've been researching the Freezing Charm myself. Any chance we could exchange some notes?"

The Freezing Charm was a type of area-binding magic, useful for restraining small, weak creatures. It couldn't, however, hold stronger beings like humans, who could easily break free. George wasn't interested in that aspect of the spell. What caught his attention was its unique ability to affect modern technology.

When used against devices like burglar alarms or surveillance cameras, the charm could immediately stop their internal components, rendering the machines inoperative. It was one of the spells that wizards frequently used in the Muggle world.

George imagined that if he used this spell against Iron Man, it might interfere with the arc reactor in his chest, potentially shutting down his suit on the spot.

"No problem. I'll teach you everything I know about casting the Freezing Charm," Hermione agreed.

When Hermione heard that George, the star of Slytherin, wanted to ask her for advice on a spell, she immediately lifted her chin proudly. She loved being a teacher, especially when the person asking was as polite as George. Unlike Ron, who often ridiculed her even when she tried to help, George's words were flattering.

"He's a freak!" Harry and Ron exchanged glances, both thinking the same thing.

The Freezing Charm was notoriously difficult, one of the hardest spells taught in second year, and even then, not until the next term. Hermione learning it ahead of time was already impressive, but George—who was only in his first year—was already studying it too. They couldn't even begin to understand the world of overachievers.

The next day, George used Lockhart's signed note to access the Restricted Section and retrieve Moste Potente Potions, which he promptly handed to Hermione. However, before giving it to her, George had already recorded every potion recipe from the book into his computer in the Marvel world for future reference. Even Dumbledore wouldn't believe that George had copied all the potion recipes in the short time between borrowing and returning the book.

With the Polyjuice Potion recipe in hand, the trio started gathering the rare herbs required for the potion, while Hermione, a natural at potion-making, began brewing it. Polyjuice Potion was an advanced concoction that took nearly a month to complete, so George didn't involve himself further, instead focusing entirely on his own magical studies.

Time quickly flew by, and soon it was the end of November, a period eagerly awaited by Hogwarts students. It was time for the annual Quidditch matches between the four houses. Each Quidditch victory added a significant number of points to the winning house's score.

On Saturday, the first Quidditch match took place: Slytherin versus Gryffindor.

At breakfast, the atmosphere around the Gryffindor table was somber. They knew how tough this match was going to be. Apart from Harry's Nimbus 2000, all their other broomsticks were much slower than the Slytherin team's Nimbus 2001 brooms.

In contrast, the Slytherin table was lively, bursting with confidence. They were certain of victory, thanks in large part to George's exceptional performance during practice.

"George, are we really going to do this?" asked Flint, the Slytherin team captain, looking uncertain.

George, sipping his pumpkin porridge, replied calmly, "I've already discussed it with the Head of House, and he agreed. If we have a 100% chance of winning, we can't give anyone a reason to speak poorly of Slytherin. We need to show everyone that Slytherin wins through pure skill—that's the standard our house should uphold!"

"Alright, we'll do it your way," Flint said through gritted teeth. "But if we lose, you're taking full responsibility."

George glanced up at Flint, his expression unreadable. "So, you're doubting my abilities?"

Flint's face froze, and then he quickly forced a smile. "Of course not. I'd never doubt your abilities."

George was one of the Head of House's favorite students, and Slytherin's hopes for consecutive Quidditch victories depended heavily on him. Flint knew he couldn't afford to upset him.

(End of Chapter)