Chapter 8

Ace looks at the man up and down and scoffs. "Yea I might have, I'm guessing your wife found out you cheated on her with her stepbrother huh?" He smirks making then man's face go red from anger, the other man steps up and grips ace hair and glares. "Listen here pretty boy give us the information and we will let you and the girl live but fuck us over again she dies first" he says in a growl and I swear I feel chills down my spine. "If you Touch her I swear to god you and your love ones will fucking die tonight" Ace says gripping then mans hand tight that I hear a bone crack.

The man yelps and moves his hand while the other man grabs his gun pointing it at ace. "Watch it Ace!" he says shouting making me flinch from the noise. Ace draws his gun as well pointing it at the man. "Fucking try me" he says smirking and I swear he has never been hotter with a gun in his hand.

The mans finger goes on the trigger and shoots at ace head but he miss. However the 2nd guy fires his gun hitting ace in the shoulder. Making ace fall back and drop his gun in response. I looked around the scene in fear and rage but I don't know why...For some reason my body knew exactly what it wanted to do because the next thing I knew my body moved on its own.

Making me hear 2 gun shots and bodies falling to the ground with a thud. "Hailey!?" Ace screams not from fear or worry but from shock. My mind clears and I finally realize what I have done both men are on the ground lifeless with me holding the gun in my hands as evidence....I killed them.

 Ace gets up and comforts me from my shocking discovery but I can see the danger and arousal in his eyes. He pushes me on the bed and takes the first aid kid and bandages his shoulder decently, then walks back to me taking his cock out and pushing it inside me earning a groan from me. "A-ace your shoulder and what about th-" I try to protest but he wouldn't let me his movement quickens making me wet and breathless.

"Shhh baby don't worry just let me finish making you feel good like I was before" he says his movements harsh and quick making me scream and my hold on the gun gets tighter as I feel myself getting closer. He grabs the gun and sets it on safety and puts it nearby. He finally does a few last hard thrusts and I cry his name. "Fuck Ace yes I'm cumming!" I manage to say between his last few thrusts. I release all over him and Ace does the same after me.

Making us both exhausted and breathless. He looks at me and smiles and gives me a kiss "You were so good for me princess" he says stroking my hair and pulling out and cleaning us up. I sit up and notice the blood and bodies are gone. "Ace what happened to the-" I start to say but he cuts me off. "Don't worry about it princess get dress your coming with me tonight" He says getting dressed. I get dress. Me and ace hand and hand as we leave the club hand to head to his home.