Chapter 23

As the days passed, the tension in the air thickened, casting a shadow over the once-easy camaraderie. We had always been inseparable—especially the twins—but since Haiden's unexpected confession about his jealousy, an invisible rift had grown between us. It shifted day by day, like the unpredictable weather, and I can't help but feel heavy-hearted every time I observed the brothers' silent exchanges and hesitant glances.

When Haiden had first told us about his jealousy, his voice had been shaky, almost vulnerable. "I don't want to feel this way, Hailey," he'd admitted, running a hand through his tousled hair, his blue eyes clouded with emotion. "But I can't help it. Watching you two... it just hurts." In that moment, I had realized how deep our bond ran, yet the newfound distance between us made me feel as if I was walking on eggshells.

The three of us had formed an unlikely alliance fueled by our shared disdain for Ace, My toxic ex. He brought me to the mansion after our first fuck and after I saved his life from two ass holes. I wish the two bastards killed him that night. 

 Ace had betrayed my trust, and I had found solace in the company of the twins—Christian's attitude and smart remarks, and Haiden's steadfast support became an anchor while I navigated the stormy seas of heartache. However prior to that night I had a sex fantasy for the first time in a while, it was about Haiden and damn did I wish it was real. 

But due to my loyalty with ace and me wanting him badly since our younger days, I stayed with the bastard and shut my feelings down for Haiden. 

 The day of the wedding had forever changed everything. When I caught sight of Ace with his ex-wives, jovially chatting and laughing, an icy wave of realization washed over me and I ran out my dressing room, not knowing where I was even going. I just knew I needed to leave here, and get the hell away from that man.

It was there, on a park bench under the wide canopy of leaves, where Christian found me. He had sat beside me with an earnestness that was both terrifying and exhilarating. The conversation turned intimate—a dance of emotions we had both held at bay. In that moment, I had felt ecstasy and guilt warring within, wrestling against the backdrop of impending chaos that had followed with Ace's arrival.

Now, I'm sitting on that same bench, the memories whirled around in my mind like autumn leaves caught in a gust. I replay the moments we all had—the warmth of Christian's hand brushing against mine, the way Haiden had rushed in to break up the fight between the two of them, how his eyes had flickered with concern and something else that I couldn't quite pierce through at that time.

Was it possible that Haiden had feelings for me this whole time? I wonder if there had been any signs I missed. Had he looked at her differently when they laughed about Ace's shortcomings or when they huddled together, plotting their next escape from drama?

As I drowned in my thoughts, I hear a faint voice behind me "Hailey?" It was Haiden, stepping cautiously onto the path that led to the bench. The sun had dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and violet. He looked unsure, as if he were negotiating a treacherous path.

"I—uh." I started hesitated, anxiety twisting in my stomach. How were they supposed to bridge the gap that had formed? "Should we talk?"

He nodded, taking a seat beside me. "About everything?" His gaze was heavy with unspoken words.

"About everything," I confirmed, feeling the weight of their history pressing down on them. For a moment, we sat in silence, encased in a bubble where it felt safe to reveal the elephant in the room.

Haiden was the first to break the stillness. "I never meant to create this distance. I thought... I thought if I told you how I felt about you, it would ruin everything."

"Haiden, I had no idea," I reply, my voice barely a whisper. The realization struck me—I was not alone in this tangled web of affection and conflict. "I didn't want to choose between you and Christian. I hate that Ace made me feel this way."

"He doesn't deserve your loyalty," Haiden answered, a trace of anger in his voice. "It should have been us—together, without him."

My heart raced at the idea. I can see it in his eyes now—the yearning that had always been there beneath the surface. But could we navigate this new dynamic together? The thought scared me, yet excited me too.

"We're going to figure this out," I say gaining back control this time. "Somehow, we will."

As we sat side by side, I realized that our journey would be messy and complicated. Still, it was a journey worth taking. One that began with honesty, mutual respect, and the willingness to brave the unknown—even if it meant confronting the shadow that Ace had cast on our lives.

With tentative smiles and fragile hopes, we sat in the twilight, united in our commitment to ignite a new flame, one that would rival the past and illuminate the path ahead.