Chapter 30

Christian and Haiden Pov

The night was still thick with the intoxicating warmth of our earlier pleasures as I lay in bed, the faint scent of Hailey lingering in the air. The soft glow of moonlight spilled across our room, casting shadows that danced with the remnants of passion. Hailey was fast asleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically, an angel unaware of the storm brewing in my mind—the storm that had begun with the shocking sight at the strip club earlier.

"Christian," I whispered just loud enough to rouse my brother. He turned to face me, his emerald eyes gleaming with curiosity and concern.

"We need to talk," I said somberly.

The atmosphere shifted between us as we slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Hailey. We tiptoed into our respective offices, the air thick with urgency. The moment we sat in front of our laptops, the world outside faded, replaced by the cold, stark reality that we had to confront.

"Did you see that man?" I started, my fingers hovering over the keyboard as if the very act of typing could unveil the truth. "Jacob Alan."

Christian's expression hardened. "It has to be him. No one else is that arrogant—using a woman as a footrest like that." His jaw clenched, revealing the quiet fury that simmered beneath the surface.

It had been thirty years since Jacob disappeared from the underground world we'd both grown up in, and the fact that he'd resurfaced in New York sent chills down my spine. The city was ours, or at least it had been, ruled by the "Red Devils" with an iron fist, a name that instilled fear and respect in equal measure. We had fought tooth and nail to gain our territory, and the last thing we needed was a ghost from our past resurrecting old rivalries.

As Christian booted up his computer, I dialed a trusted ally—Evelyn. Her expertise in gathering intel had saved our skins more than once.

"Evelyn, it's urgent. We saw Jacob Alan tonight. We need to know everything you can dig up about him. Now."

"Jacob? I thought he was history. Are you sure it was him?" Evelyn's voice crackled with disbelief, mingled with admiration for our tenacity.

"Positive. I'd recognize that smug arrogance anywhere. Find out what he's doing back here, and, more importantly, who's backing him," I urged, my heart racing at the implications of his return.

As I hung up, Christian scrolled through images and news clippings from years ago, each picture a haunting reminder of our bloody past. "If he's back, there's more to this," he said, his tone laced with determination. "We need to keep Hailey safe. With Jacob around, she's a target."

I nodded, the reality of our situation crashing over me like a wave. Hailey deserved a life devoid of violence, a life where our criminal shadows didn't obscure her dreams. Yet here we were, two mafia bosses bound by the chains of our own choices, wading through the underbelly of danger to protect what we held most dear.

"We'll keep her close," I whispered, determination etching itself in my voice. "No leaving her side, no matter what."

Christian's gaze met mine, and I knew he felt the same—a pact forged in the fire of brotherhood and love for Hailey. Both of us knew we were prepared to do anything to protect her, even if it meant waging war.

The hours slipped away as we plotted our next moves, reaching out to our allies for information and keeping a watchful eye on the streets. But even as we delved deeper into the web of Jacob's reemergence, the thought of Hailey—the laughter that danced in her eyes, her gentle touch that soothed our turbulent souls—was never far from my mind.

As dawn broke, a silvery light flooded the room. I looked across at Christian, who was already lost in thought. "We'll deal with Jacob," I promised, steeling myself for the battles ahead. "But Hailey—she never asked for this. We'll shield her from it all, no matter what it takes."

And as the morning light streamed in, I felt a fierce resolve course through me. We were the "Red Devils," and we would protect what's ours until our last breath. Jacob had no idea what he was walking into. We weren't just fighting for power; we were fighting for love.