Under the Sea

Concentrate your thoughts, collect your thoughts... Klein kept chanting, using this method to concentrate.

"Mr. World reminds himself like a child in this way. It's a bit cute..."

"Ah... no! I didn't think that!" Miss Justice's face turned red with embarrassment, and she lost her ladylike composure.

"Hahaha!" Leonard laughed numbly.

"Hahaha!" Truman was also laughing.

Naturally, a screenshot of this famous scene needs to be taken.

"You knew something like this would happen, and you were still happy to see it?" Adam asked from the side.

"I remember you haven't been to this hall." Adam thought of something again.

"...Aren't you tired of being an 'audience' every day?" Truman's laughter stopped suddenly, and he looked at Adam's searching eyes and said speechlessly.

"This is my nature." Adam replied, but he did not ask further questions but looked at the murals in the hall.

At this time, Klein was quite angry as his voice was broken, but he could only use his own spirituality to forcefully restrain his thoughts.

"Hurry up, we're going in." Klein bluntly exposed the scene where he had made a fool of himself, warned him, and moved on.

"Yeah!" "Justice"'s face was a little rosy, but he quickly adjusted with "Dream Walker"'s strong control over his own emotions.

On the contrary, Leonard's thoughts kept flying, and it took him a lot of effort to stop.

"The murals here..."

Klein had obviously seen the contents of the travel notes, starting from the giants of the Second Age and passing through elves, ascetics, nobles, soldiers, etc., but all the stories came to an abrupt end after he obtained the travel notes.

"Fortunately, the power of the 'Dragon of Fantasy' has its limits..." Klein breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief.

After that, they headed towards the deepest "throne" of the ancient god.

Thousands of years ago, there was a real ancient god occupying here, and his eyes saw the present day thousands of years later.

It was also at this time that they also discovered that the throne of the "Dragon of Fantasy" was actually a dark color that was incompatible with the Hall of Honesty.

Klein and the others subconsciously felt fear, but couldn't help but get closer, and finally saw a downward, dark passage there.

"I can't see anything, it would be nice if there was light..." Miss Justice's idea was realized, and the pure light illuminated the passage.

The three of them couldn't help but look at the passage and saw an ancient bronze door that opened opposite.

On the gate, countless indescribable symbols are densely covered, like chains extending to the back one after another, as if they are sealing something, giving people a sense of heaviness and mystery intuitively.


Klein heard his own heartbeat, and his spirit screamed suddenly, rioting like never before.


Similarly, "Justice" and "Star" were also stiff and unable to move, feeling that their spiritual bodies were developing wills and betraying them.

Klein has never experienced this level of danger. It was just a thought that spread his spiritual body, wrapped up "Justice" and "Stars", and left this world.

And in the deep darkness that they didn't see, an eye opened. It was dark and full of blue cracks. Then, the same eyes appeared one after another.

"It's really Him." Truman and Adam stood outside the bronze door.

Adam looked at the dark face under the bronze door with a slightly complicated expression.

The "He" here is no longer the "Dragon of Utopia", but the will of "God" from the "Sea of ​​Chaos".

This is a back-up left by the "Dragon of Fantasy" for itself in the second era. However, in the following eras, the pattern of the earth has changed again and again. This back-up has been replaced by the higher-level "God" replaced.

"I haven't experienced that period of time, so what happened at that time?" Truman looked at Adam.

"I had just emerged from the underground at that time, and had not yet established the Kingdom of Creator God. I only knew that these ancient gods were going crazy and were preparing to solve the pollution underground." Adam frowned and looked at the bronze door, and then told Truman the second word Everything about the early epoch.

It was probably not long after the darkness and ignorance faded away that the race of the ancient gods began to rule the entire world.

At that time, the ancient god race had already begun to come into contact with the pollution underground and made certain responses.

Among them, as far as Truman knew, the "Dragon of Utopia" was actually put into action.

"Angelweed and the dragon clan are the most in-depth exploration of the underground. In addition to solving the pollution, the 'Dragon of Utopia' also wants to control the 'Sea of ​​Chaos'."

"But the result is not very good." Truman also knew the result. The results were the same for all races. In the end, they could only seal the leaked pollution points.

Adam nodded slightly, "Angelweed has truly entered the underground and seen a certain shadow left by him."

"'Shadow of God'?" Truman thought of the last battle of the Second Age, when Angelweed and the ancient sun god fought in the ocean of collective subconscious. Angelweed once showed the shadow of "God" .

"Angleweed was polluted, and here we are." Adam picked up the silver cross and walked towards the bronze door.


The bronze door slowly opened, revealing the deep darkness inside.

Truman also followed and entered the bronze door.

The feeling here is very strange. The further you go inside, you can feel that you are traveling underground and going deeper.

And this is essentially the sea of ​​the collective subconscious.

So they came to the deepest part of the ocean of the collective unconscious.

By analogy with the abyss of fantasy, this is where the darkest and most terrifying thoughts in this book condense.

Truman and Adam looked dull, but in fact a will that was as high as the universe itself had fallen on them.

The will silently watched their progress and reached the bottom of the collective subconscious ocean.

This is a dark ocean.

The dark seawater seems to contain all the colors, blooming at the edge of this space, with a beauty that transcends cognition.

The aura on Truman's body unconsciously conflicted with the sea water, and wisps of dreamy phosphorescence emitted from the dim sea, creating a dreamy space that was completely isolated from the outside world.

"False." Truman took one look at the dim sea water and made a judgment.

This is very similar to the real sea of ​​chaos hidden underground, but it is ultimately fake. It is essentially the materialization of the shadows and fears of the underground by the "Dragon of Fantasy".

It's just that these things merged with the pollution from the Sea of ​​Chaos and became something capable of carrying the will of "God".

"If it is true, how dare you come to me?" A voice other than Truman and Adam sounded in this strange space.