Mysterious Angel

The Rose Sect's eyes became dull and lifeless like a puppet, but his curse did not weaken at all, and there was a faint power of a higher level, so that the "weather warlock" did not dare to take it directly.

This almost cover-up behavior made the "Weather Warlock" look very ugly, but compared to the real fate of the Rose School of Thought, this seems to be a good result...

George III silently waved his scepter again, and the battlefield began to divide.

One is a battlefield for ordinary people, one is him and the Rose Apostle versus the "Weather Warlock", and the last one is Klein and the remaining historical projections versus Zaratul.

The "Scepter of Order" and Old Zaratul also correspond to Sequence One, and have the same personality. The "Realm of Mystery" and the "Realm of Order" are also in a stalemate.

"You actually want to hunt me? That's why you appear on this battlefield in your true form?" This was Zaratul's first words after arriving on this battlefield, "How brave you are."

This veteran angel has already noticed something in Klein's mind.

"That's fine, I just need the 'Servant of Secrets' characteristic in you."

Sure enough... Klein breathed a sigh of relief and finally determined the purpose of "Zarath".

"...Of course, there is also the 'Origin Castle'." Zaratul made no secret of his ambition.

"I also hope you can take it." A cloak suddenly appeared behind Klein, and it slowly floated behind Klein. It has already come to reality.

"..." Zaratul saw the cloak behind Klein's pupils shrink suddenly, and his expression finally changed.

"It turns out... it is really in the 'Origin Castle'!" Zaratul confirmed this information, but soon he imagined some kind of terrifying meaning in it.

"With you as a buffer, I feel like I can give it a try." Zaratul said slowly, and then he raised his right hand and waved it gently.

Old Zaratul's eyes flashed, and Klein's location was "tampered with", and he came directly in front of him, and a cohesive force of extraordinary characteristics that seemed to be substantial emerged from his body.

——Historical projection has no characteristics, so this is a miracle.


Klein didn't try to resist, but simply became a ball of flying dream bubbles.

In the last mutual testing, he had confirmed that Zarath had a certain degree of suppression over his "divineer" path, not to mention this "Servant of Secrets"!

Klein appeared on the edge of the battlefield, with extremely bright dreamy phosphorescence shining on his body. The strong dreamy phosphorescence even suppressed the extraordinary characteristic cohesion of the "divineer" path. Now he is more of a "true apostle" .


Klein waved his hand, and Bernadette and Mr. Azik flew out. The bronze coffin in Mr. Azik's hand had been opened, revealing the will of death inside.

The "Planeswalker" stretched out his hand and shook it slowly, as if holding a sun.

The light of this sun has a terrifying purifying effect and heat, which neutralizes the aura of death to a certain extent.

Of course, this is not enough.

Zaratul's eyes darkened, and a new miracle came.

It was a starry sky. Under the starry sky, all of Klein's actions were severely restricted, because he was not essentially an angel, and he did not even dare to look directly at a certain star!

Russell Gustav's historical projection stepped forward in one step and turned into a torrent of information to drown Klein.

But at the same time, Bernadette, who had been standing next to Klein, took action. When he raised his hand, a phantom of the sea of ​​​​dreams directly covered the starry sky, weakening it to the level that Klein could bear.

Then, seven-colored angel wings suddenly appeared behind her, facing the torrent of information from Russell's incarnation.

This wave is a father-daughter game!

Klein's heart skipped a beat when he saw Bernadette facing the torrent of information. He knew that Bernadette was now conscious, so the first thing that hit him was Russell's historical projection. Isn't this a bit confusing? Not quite right?

But now the battlefield changes so quickly that Klein doesn't even have time to think.

Old Zaratul had reached out and grasped the thread of his spiritual body.

Klein, who had already integrated his spiritual body thread and causal thread into one, no longer worried about being held by the spiritual body thread. However, when facing old Zaratul, his spiritual body thread seemed to have some weird problems. Variety.

His spiritual thread seems to have been reawakened, becoming incompatible with the causal thread, and can be held in the hands of the "Secret Attendant".

Klein was startled by the strange methods of the "Servant of Secrets", but he controlled himself in time and forcibly covered his spiritual body's threads with causal threads, thus escaping from control.

"This old Zaratul seems to be a bit too difficult to deal with. In front of him, all my 'divineer' path abilities cannot be effectively used, and most of my 'dream' path abilities are also affected to a certain extent."

Klein found that when facing this powerful "Servant of Secrets", the most useful ability turned out to be virtualization.

Transforming into a dream bubble can avoid the power of this "secret waiter" to the greatest extent.

"Can you deal with Him?" Klein asked the "Snake of Destiny" bracelet on his hand during a break when it turned into a dream bubble.

In a battle like Klein that could overturn at any time, the consciousness of the "Snake of Destiny" has fully arrived, giving Klein the final guarantee.

"You can try, but I suggest you wait." "Snake of Destiny" grasps Klein's fate very accurately.

And soon, after Klein once again escaped the control of old Zaratul, he looked in the direction of Bernadette.

Obviously, it seems that he is the only one who can change the situation on the field.

Bernadette's grace on the court was unique. She suppressed Russell's historical projection and didn't save any face for her father, directly forcing him out of the flood of information.

Zaratul was helpless when facing a dream angel. His miracle actually encountered an unprecedented setback when facing the dream sea.

The miracle failed!

The miracle of the starry sky is already extremely powerful, but on the phantom of the Dream Sea, this miracle seems to be stuck and not even one percent of the effect is exerted.

But the appearance of the Dream Sea was overwhelming to his various means.


Russell's historical projection inexplicably suffered a heavy blow and almost collapsed.

And Bernadette, who sensed Klein's crisis, finally set her sights on him.

"Mysterious Reappearance"!

Bernadette gently raised her hand, and a strange message directly covered the entire battlefield, that was...

The Rose School of Thought when the "Bound God" became a god!