Daily Quest

Sebastian opened the system interface and checked his status.


Name: Sebastian Nightshade

Bloodline: Human ???

Level: 1

Exp: 50/100

HP: 100/100

MP: 20/20

Strength: 9

Agility: 10

Endurance: 8

Intelligence: 12

Free Stat Points: 0

Free Skill Points: 0

Sebastian glanced at his status screen, feeling a little overwhelmed by the numbers and stats displayed in front of him. Confused, he asked the system, "What does all of this mean?"

The system responded in its usual robotic voice, explaining each attribute clearly. "HP represents your health or how much damage you can take. MP is your mana capacity, which determines how much magic or special abilities you can use. Strength measures the raw power you can exert. Agility refers to your maximum speed and your control over your movements. Endurance reflects your stamina and how much physical punishment you can handle. Intelligence indicates your mental capacity, and it is directly related to how well you can use mana."

Sebastian nodded, starting to grasp the basics. But when he looked at the section labeled Bloodline, he noticed something odd: Human ???. His brow furrowed in confusion, and he asked the system, "What does 'Human ???' mean?"

The system's response was brief. "I don't have that information."

Sebastian felt a flicker of frustration at the vague answer but chose to let it go for now. He moved on and opened the Quests tab, hoping for something more straightforward. A daily quest popped up on the screen.

[Daily Quest]

Run 5 km

Do 50 Push-ups

Do 50 Squats

[Reward: 50 EXP + 5 free stat points]

Seeing the quest, a wave of excitement surged through him. This was his chance to confirm that the system was real. If he completed the quest and received the rewards, it would prove that the mysterious system wasn't just a figment of his imagination. Motivated, Sebastian smiled, eager to get started.

After that Sebastian slipped on a hoodie, determined to make good use of his time. He decided to run to the bank, which was 2 km away from his house. Not only did he need to transfer the money for safekeeping, but the run would help him start the day's quest.

He stepped outside, the warm breeze brushing against his face as he began jogging down the familiar streets. As he ran, his mind wandered to the system. He still wasn't fully sure whether it was a blessing or something more ominous. The robotic voice had answered his questions without revealing much, leaving him with more mysteries than answers.

He picked up the pace, feeling his body strain as he neared the bank. After arriving, Sebastian walked into the cool, air-conditioned building and approached the counter. Without wasting time, he transferred all 1,85,000 bronze coins from his account, and the teller handed him a silver card. "This will make future transactions much easier," she explained with a smile.

He nodded, pocketing the card. Relieved that his money was now safely stored, Sebastian turned around and headed back home, running the 2 km distance once again. His muscles burned, and by the time he reached his house, he collapsed on the floor, gasping for air. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and his legs trembled.

Suddenly, the familiar ding echoed in his ears.

[Run 5 km (5/5) completed.]

Without wasting time, he started doing push-ups on the floor. At first, they felt challenging, but as his body adapted, each push-up became easier. By the time he reached the 50th, he was breathing heavily but felt surprisingly strong.

After a short rest, he moved on to squats. The familiar burn in his legs returned, but Sebastian powered through, determined to finish the daily quest. By the time he completed the 50 squats, he was drenched in sweat, but he felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

Just as he finished, the system chimed in again, the robotic voice delivering the much-awaited notification.

[Daily quest completed.]

[Run 5 km (5/5)

Do 50 Push-ups (50/50)

Do 50 Squats (50/50)]

[Reward: 50 Exp granted and +5 Free stats points]

Despite the exhaustion, a small smile crept onto his face. He had completed part of the daily quest. Eager to improve, Sebastian opened the system interface and checked his status, ready to distribute his earned stat points.

Without hesitation, Sebastian allocated 3 points into Endurance, raising it to 11, and split the remaining points between Strength and Agility, bumping both to 10 and 11 respectively.

HP: 115/115

MP: 20/20

Strength: 10(+1)

Agility: 11(+1)

Endurance: 11(+3)

Intelligence: 12

Free Stat Points: 0

Free Skill Points: 1

[Exp = 50/100]

As soon as he confirmed the changes, a rush of energy flowed through his body. His stamina, which had been nearly drained from the run, instantly recovered, leaving him feeling refreshed.

Sebastian rolled his shoulders and flexed his arms. The subtle increase in power was barely noticeable, there was still a long way to go.

Feeling more confident, Sebastian took a moment to rest and consider his next move. The Aetheria Academy entrance exam was only a week away. There was no time to waste. His training needed to become more intense, and he had to use every tool at his disposal to prepare.

He knew that this was only the beginning, but with the system's help, he could see a path forward. He wasn't going to let his lack of talent hold him back anymore.

Meanwhile, far away in a distant solar system known as Titanor, a young man was standing alone in a dark training ground. His muscular body and grey hair shone dimly in the low light as he absorbed a beast core, mana flowing into him. A sword lay by his side, gleaming faintly.

The young man, 17 years old and standing tall at 6'3", exuded confidence. His eyes reflected a cold determination as the energy of the beast core merged with his body. Titanor's unstable planets, wild mana, and chaotic atmosphere was the place where he was born —a place which made him strong.

The gate to the training ground creaked open, and an elderly man in a butler's uniform entered, bowing respectfully.

"Young Master, have you decided which academy you will attend?" the butler asked, his voice soft but formal.

The young man nodded, his voice calm and unwavering. "Yes. I will attend Aetheria Academy."

The butler raised an eyebrow, though his face remained expressionless. "The same academy where the granddaughter of the King of Sylvanis is rumored to attend?"

The young man shrugged indifferently. "I don't know, nor do I care."

The butler hesitated for a moment before continuing. "You are aware, young master, that Aetheria Academy has the highest fatality rate due to the frequent occurrence of space cracks?"

"That's the reason I chose it," the young man replied with a smirk. "Whenever a space crack appears, it brings opportunities. I'm not afraid of danger."

The butler bowed again. "I wish you good fortune, young master. This servant will take his leave."

The butler quietly exited, leaving the young man alone in the dark training ground, a beast core still glowing faintly in his hand and his ambitions burning brightly in his heart.

Back at home, Sebastian lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His muscles ached slightly from the training, but the system's rewards had left him feeling more energized than ever. Tomorrow would be a new day, a new challenge. And with the system by his side, he knew he could face whatever came next.

He set his alarm for 5 am, planning to get up early and continue his training. This time, he wouldn't fall behind, he will become stronger.