You can’t win from me.

Ava sat in silence, her mind reeling from the revelation. Dylan had acted quickly to punish those women who attacked her, something she never would have expected from him. It was hard to reconcile this protective side of him with the man she had known before—distant, neglectful, and indifferent to her suffering.

'Is he really changing?' she thought.

Her mind flashed back to what Justin had said earlier. Her chest tightened with regret. Instead of thanking Dylan, she had lashed out at him.

Her gaze drifted to the untouched soup bowl on the table beside her bed. Justin's words, 'He hasn't eaten anything all day, but he made sure you didn't starve,' echoed in her mind. Slowly, the anger she had felt toward him began to dissolve, and her heart softened.

"Ava! Are you still there?" Ethan asked when he didn't hear anything from her.