He Needs To Boost Her Confidence

Seeing her face suddenly stiffen and slightly pale, Sawyer no longer wanted to tease her. He could tell she was nervous now.

"My mother heard about you from my father, but since I didn't tell them any details, they don't know anything about you," He chuckled lightly before continuing, "They've asked me several times, but I always ignored their questions." He paused as he noticed she was less tense.

"Abby, I promise I won't pressure you until you are ready," Sawyer spoke again after seeing her reluctant to say anything. "And I hope that doesn't take too long because my mother asks about you every day." He grinned.

Abigail breathed a sigh of relief to hear him. She wasn't ready to meet Sawyer's family. She felt she needed to improve herself first; being a barista at a small café wasn't something she wanted them to know.