
Destroying the Source

Outside the mine, Vincent was with Alpha 1, and they were heading to the place where they were holding Eamon.

Eamon looked up to them apprehensively the moment they approached him.

"Is something the matter?" he asked, trying to read Vincent's expression.

"There is," Vincent replied with a serious tone. "We found the source of the monster spawns. It was an active portal, and monsters are coming out from it."

"So I was right, the monsters were just being teleported from the Demon King's Realm," Eamon said, more to himself.

Vincent nodded. "Yes, but we need to understand more about how it works and how to shut it down permanently. We need your expertise."

Eamon stood up, determination in his eyes. "I'll do whatever it takes to help. But let's make a deal."

"A deal?"

"We want to be treated fairly as prisoners," Eamon demanded. "It's fine, right?"

Vincent considered this for a moment. "Fair treatment in exchange for your cooperation? Well first of all you are not our prisoner, you are a refugee. Since when did we make you feel that you are our prisoner?"

"I was confused," Eamon admitted, looking slightly relieved. "But still, we need assurances that we'll be treated humanely."

Vincent nodded. "Understood. Let's make this clear: if you tell us everything about the portal -how it works, and if there is a way to neutralize it-I'll accommodate you and your team in our base until we can arrange for your safe return to your country. Agreed?"

Eamon's eyes widened with a mixture of relief and hope. "Agreed. I'll tell you everything I know. But to give you an insightful explanation, I need to come with you inside the mine. I need to see the portal and the setup firsthand."

Vincent considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, you can come with us. But you'll be under close watch the entire time."

"Understood," Eamon said. "Thank you."

Vincent signaled to Alpha 1. "We are going inside the mine with Eamon. Make sure we have a full security detail and keep an eye on him at all times."

Alpha 1 nodded and quickly organized the team. They made their way towards the mine entrance, Vincent leading with Eamon by his side, flanked by guards.

As they descended deeper, the foul odor of the monsters' corpses became overpowering. Vincent covered his nose with a cloth, glancing at Eamon, who did the same.

They turned a corner and arrived at the chamber where Alpha 2 and his team were stationed. The scene was grim. The bodies of kobolds, goblins, and the massive orc lay strewn across the ground, their blood pooling and congealing in the dirt. The stench was almost unbearable.

Alpha 2 and his men were panting heavily, their faces smeared with dirt and sweat. They stood in a defensive formation around the portal, their weapons at the ready. The portal itself continued to hum ominously, its runes pulsing with an unnatural light.

Vincent approached Alpha 2. "Report."

Alpha 2 straightened up, wiping his brow. "Sir, we've neutralized multiple waves of monsters coming through the portal. We're holding the line, but it's getting more intense. The portal seems to be getting more active."

Eamon stepped forward, his eyes scanning the portal and the runes. "This is definitely a conduit for the Demon King's magic. We need to disrupt the flow of energy to shut it down...."

Eamon paused as he noticed the barrel filled with liquid. "Wait that is Idium liquid,"

"What is an Idium?" Vincent asked.

"Idium is a type of ore that contains magic, and the kobolds have found a way to refine it. Eamon continued, "They've liquefied it and are using it to fuel the portal. If we can stop the flow of Idium into the portal, we can shut it down."

Vincent turned to his team. "Alpha 2, secure the area around the portal. Alpha 1, get ready to assist Eamon."

Eamon moved closer to the barrel, examining the setup. "We need to disconnect the hose feeding the liquid to the portal. But be careful; any sudden disruption might cause a reaction."

Alpha 1 and his men moved cautiously toward the barrel, ready to act. Vincent stayed close, watching every move.

"On my mark," Eamon said, reaching for the hose. "Three, two, one-now!"

Alpha 1 quickly disconnected the hose, and Eamon inserted a stopper into the barrel to prevent any more liquid from spilling. The portal's glow began to flicker, the runes losing their intensity.

"It's working," Eamon said tensely. "But we need to make sure it stays that way."

Seconds later, the portal shut down completely, the humming ceasing as the light dimmed. Vincent and his team let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Good job," Vincent said, clapping a hand on Eamon's shoulder. "Now let's make sure this doesn't happen again."

Alpha 2 looked around, still alert. "Sir, what do we do with the remaining Idium?"

"I don't know," Vincent said as he looked at Eamon. "What do you think we should do?"

"I think it's best that we destroy most of it but keep a small amount for my research purposes," Eamon suggested. "Understanding how Idium works could help us prevent future incidents like this."

Vincent nodded. "Alright. Alpha 1, set charges to destroy the bulk of the Idium, but make sure to save a small sample for Eamon's research. We need to be thorough."

Alpha 1 and his team set about carefully extracting a sample of the Idium liquid and securing it in a sealed container. They then placed charges around the remaining barrels. Once everything was in place, they retreated to a safe distance.

"Fire in the hole!" Alpha 1 called out, and the charges detonated, obliterating the barrels and their contents.

Eamon looked relieved. "Thank you. This will help us understand how to combat these portals better. I think you should destroy the portal also."

Vincent nodded in agreement. "Alpha 1, prepare to destroy the portal as well. We can't take

any chances."

Alpha 1 and his team set up charges around the portal, being careful to place them in positions that would ensure its complete destruction.

As they worked, Vincent turned to Eamon. "Is there anything else we need to know about these portals or the Idium?"

Eamon shook his head. "The Idium is the key component. Without it, the portals can't sustain themselves. Destroying the portal structure will prevent any attempts to reactivate it."

Vincent nodded, satisfied. "Good. Let's finish this."

Once the charges were set, Alpha 1 signaled that they were ready. The team retreated to a safe distance, and Alpha 1 gave the command. "Fire in the hole!"

The charges detonated with a deafening roar, and the portal disintegrated in a blaze of light and energy. The runes crumbled, and the structure collapsed into rubble.

The team waited for the dust to settle before cautiously approaching the site. Where the portal once stood, there was now only debris and the faint smell of scorched earth.

"That should do it," Vincent noted.