
Failure is not an Option

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location, after the events of the invasion of the Kingdom of Eldoria.

Demon General King Telus was in the Demon King Castle, walking with purpose towards the Demon King Hall. The grand, ominous halls of the castle were lined with torches emitting an eerie blue flame, casting ghostly shadows on the walls.

elus's footsteps echoed loudly as he approached the massive double doors of the Demon King Hall. His fists were clenched, and his jaw tightened in barely controlled rage. Being driven off by a human had been a blow to his pride, an affront that he could not easily forget.

He paused for a moment before the doors, gathering his thoughts and steadying his anger. With a deep breath, he pushed the doors open and stepped into the hall.

The Demon King Hall was vast, its high ceilings supported by colossal pillars adorned with ancient runes. At the far end of the hall sat the Demon King on a throne of blackened bones, his crimson eyes glowing with a fearsome intensity. Flanking him were the other Demon Generals, some scornfully, while others with derision.

"Demon General Telus, you have some nerve showing yourself here after you failed to invade a human kingdom," said one of the Demon King Generals. He had the towering form of a minotaur, his muscular frame covered in scars from countless battles.

Telus shot him a cold glare but said nothing, focusing his attention on the Demon King. He approached the throne and knelt, bowing his head.

"Your Majesty," Telus began, his voice steady despite the tension in the room. "I come to report the events of the invasion of the Kingdom of Eldoria."

The Demon King's eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward slightly. "Speak, Telus. What happened?"

Telus took a deep breath. "The invasion was progressing as planned until we encountered unexpected resistance. A human, possessing weapons unlike any we have seen before, managed to drive us back. Our forces suffered significant losses, and we were forced to retreat."

The room fell silent, the weight of Telus's words hanging heavily in the air. The Demon King's expression darkened, his gaze piercing.

"A human?" the Demon King's voice was dangerously calm. "I was expecting that human have some sort of immense magical capabilities but to be driven off by an unknown weapon... is it magical?"

Telus couldn't even shake his head as he was too embarrassed to admit that the weapons used by that human were not even magically powered. Yes, for sure it didn't damage or kill him, but the way that that weapon worked and how it was effective in rendering him useless for mere moments was enough.

"No, Your Majesty," Telus admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "The weapon was not magical. It was some form of advanced technology. It emitted projectiles at high speed, capable of penetrating our defenses and causing significant damage. Our forces were unprepared for such an attack."

The Demon King's eyes blazed with anger. "Technology? This is an insult to our power. How could mere technology stand against us?"

Telus remained silent, his head bowed in shame. The other Demon Generals exchanged glances, some smirking at Telus's humiliation, while others looked more concerned about the implications.

"It's only natural for us demons to easily defeat a human, even with their measly magic. It's a shame that my Demon King General has failed to capture a kingdom that would have given us an advantage in our future plans," the Demon King sighed, his voice dripping with disappointment and menace.

Telus felt a cold sweat form on his brow. "Your Majesty...I know I-"

"There is one thing that I hate, and that is you apologizing to me. Because I demand perfection, if you can't be perfect then I have no reason why you all exist because you are all based on me. Telus, you have failed, and therefore I shall vent all my frustrations due to the delay it will cause to invade the continent."

After saying that, the Demon King extended his hand forward, and a black rotating drill materialized in front of his palm. The other Demon Generals stepped back, recognizing the deadly attack.

Telus's eyes widened in shock and fear as the drill shot forward, hitting him squarely in the chest. The force of the blow sent him flying backward, crashing through several walls of the castle. His body slammed into the ground outside, leaving a trail of destruction behind him. The Demon Generals watched in silence as the dust settled. Telus lay on the ground, severely injured and unconscious, his body barely recognizable through the debris and blood.

The Demon King stood up, his eyes still blazing with anger. "Let this be a reminder to all of you. Failure is not an option. We are demons. We do not falter to mere humans or their technology."

The Demon Generals nodded. The minotaur General, who had previously taunted Telus, now looked at his fallen comrade in contempt.

"Your Majesty, if I may, I want to be the one to hunt down those humans who drove Telus away," the minotaur General spoke up.

The Demon King turned his gaze to the minotaur, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And why should I entrust this task to you, General? What makes you think you can succeed where Telus has failed?"

The minotaur General stepped forward, his massive frame imposing. "Your Majesty, I have never failed you in battle. My strength and resilience are unmatched. I will take a contingent of our best warriors and ensure that these humans are dealt with. Their technology, whatever it may be, will not stand against our might."

The Demon King considered this for a moment, his eyes flickering with thought. Finally, he nodded. "Very well, General. You have my permission. But be warned: failure will not be tolerated. Bring me the heads of those who dared to defy us and their weapons for study. Do not return until you have succeeded."

The minotaur General bowed deeply. "I will not disappoint you, Your Majesty."

"See that you don't," the Demon King replied, his tone final. "Gather your forces and leave immediately. We cannot afford any further delays in our plans."

The minotaur General nodded and left the hall.