
New Mission Alert

Three days later, at the Akarios Village now turned Shadow Headquarters.

Vincent looked around and saw that the construction had finally ended. In just three days, a military headquarters replaced the dilapidated village with a fortified stronghold. But that's only the headquarters. He took this time to explore the island, starting from the Akarios Plains where the Akarios Port is located.

It was still under construction. Though the facility wasn't needed immediately, it was prudent to have everything prepared. He hoped that there'd be no visitors anytime soon.

Ten minutes later, he went to another location, this time the Cliona Lake, and there he watched the construction of the coal-powered power plant being erected. One of the notable features of the power plant, the cooling tower loomed over, indicating that it would be finished anytime soon.

To the Ager's Forest, not much of a change happened as Vincent wanted to preserve its beauty by not building any large structures there. Instead, he ordered the construction of small, camouflaged observation posts and pathways to ensure that the forest's natural state remained undisturbed.

As he walked through the forest, he marveled at the serenity and untouched beauty of the place. The birds chirped melodiously, and the gentle rustle of leaves created a calming symphony. The forest was just too beautiful for any drastic changes.

The next location on Vincent's list was the Akarios Training Grounds. Here, the Shadow operatives were engaging in rigorous exercises. The sound of gunfire filled the air, along with the huff and grunt from the soldiers.

Then into the strip mine where he saw Alpha 2 escorting Eamon and his associates as they investigated the mine.

"Sir!" Alpha 2 noticed his presence and immediately saluted.

Vincent saluted back and faced Eamon. "So, what have you found?"

"Well, Sir Vincent, this mine has an abundance of Idium. No wonder there are kobolds and kralls mining here," Eamon said, examining a chunk of the glowing ore.

"What are the other applications for Idium aside from it powering a portal from the Demon King realm?"

"There are many applications for Medium. It can be infused into conventional weapons to increase their durability and lethality. It can also be used as medicine."

Vincent nodded thoughtfully. "Then there is a possibility of infusing our weapons with magic huh?"

"You sure aren't familiar with magic sir," Eamon noticed.

"Yeah because where we came from, we don't use magic. We only use our scientific

knowledge," Vincent replied.

"Is that so...so you are like the Dwarves, they are good at inventing revolutionary technology with little to no magic," Eamon said, chuckling.

"Yeah...you can say that we are somehow related to Dwarves, but we don't look like dwarves, right? What do they look like to begin with?"

"Well, Sir Vincent, Dwarves are shorter than humans, stout and muscular, with long beards. They are known for their incredible craftsmanship and technological advancements. Their forges are legendary, and their weapons and armor are sought after by many," Eamon explained, still chuckling.

Vincent smiled, appreciating the comparison. "I suppose we share their ingenuity, even if we look quite different. Now, I remembered something crucial Eamon, I want to know the date in this world...more like I want to know how calendars work here."

Eamon began, "Our calendar system is based on the seasons. The year is divided into four parts, each representing a different season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each season consists of three months, and each month is made up of thirty days."

Vincent nodded, absorbing the information. "Interesting. So, what's today's date?"

"Today is the 15th day of the 2nd month of Autumn," Eamon replied. "This system helps us keep track of agricultural activities, festivals, and other seasonal events."

"Sounds similar to a calendar system we have back in my world, though we don't call it the same names," Vincent said thoughtfully. "But it's a practical system. Thank you for explaining."

Eamon smiled. "Of course, Sir Vincent. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"Not at the moment," Vincent said. "I'll leave you to your work here. If you discover anything else significant, report to me immediately."

"Yes, Sir Vincent," Eamon replied, giving a respectful nod before returning to his examination of the Idium.

As he was returning back to his headquarters as he had pretty much explored the island, Vincent now knew one of the crucial information that he had to have in this world, and that was the date. If he remembered correctly, their calendar system was similar to the French Revolutionary Calendar, with each season neatly divided and organized. He found comfort in having this structure to plan his strategies and operations. As he approached the headquarters, Alpha 1 was waiting for him at the entrance.

"How was your trip, sir?" Alpha 1 asked.

"It was productive I might say," Vincent answered as he entered the headquarters. "So everything is in order, we have our military base and I don't think any denizens of this planet would be a match against us, except from the demon forces that can regenerate so quickly."

"That is right, with us here on the island, there is not much threat at all. They are going to come to us."

"Which I am going to find boring," Vincent said. "I have a system here and it needs to grow. In order for it to grow, I have to kill monsters, and to do that, we have to return to the continent and hope that the system will give us a mission."

"Is there a mission already given by the system?" Alpha 1 asked.

Vincent shook his head. "Nothing so far, but I really want to have one right now, because there is so much to add to the island, I want to increase our air fleet, particularly our attack helicopters. They are effective in exterminating every threat-"

He paused as the system prompted an alert.

[Emergency Mission: There is a great force looming over the island. Prepare for immediate defense]

[Rewards: Redacted]

"Wait what the heck?" Vincent raised his eyebrows.

"What is it, sir?" Alpha 1 asked.

"The system is asking us to prepare for something," Vincent revealed. "It's an emergency

mission by the way."

"So we asked for it, and now we have it."