
Preparation for the Wave Part 1

At the headquarters in the Akarios Village, Vincent paced the room, his mind churning with the possibilities and preparations needed for the impending wave.

"You said the wave, sir?" Alpha 1 repeated, his voice steady but tinged with concern.

"Yes...possibly a wave of monsters," Vincent guessed. "Whatever that is, we have to prepare as we don't know any information about it. It can be now, later, or tomorrow."

"Then what do we need?" Alpha 1 asked.

Vincent pondered for a moment. It would be easy to prepare for the wave by buying a lot of weapons, but that alone wouldn't cut it. The reason was simple: the organization of his paramilitary wasn't strong enough. He needed a structured command, a hierarchy like in the army.

"We need a more robust organizational structure," Vincent said decisively. "An efficient chain of command, clear roles, and responsibilities. We need officers."

The room fell silent as the implications of Vincent's words sank in. Alpha 2 was the first to break the silence. "How do you propose we start, sir?"

Vincent opened his system interface and navigated to the shop tab. There, he tapped the personnel section, and immediately a variety of personnel options appeared, each with a rank such as captain, general, lieutenant, and sergeant.

"We'll need a balanced mix," Vincent said, more to himself than to the others. "Okay...how are we going to organize it?"

Vincent pondered again, his fingers tapping thoughtfully on the table. "We need to deploy our forces strategically. Here's what we'll do: we'll position one battalion in each of the critical areas. Each battalion will be able to support one another if needed."

He began to outline his plan on the large map spread across the table. "We'll have one battalion in the Akarios Plains, securing the port and ensuring that we have control over any maritime access. Another battalion will be stationed here in Akarios Village, acting as the primary defense and command center."

He moved his finger to another spot on the map. "A third battalion will be at Cliona Lake. The power plant there is crucial, and it needs to be protected at all costs. Finally, the last battalion will cover the Campsite and the Strip Mine. Both areas are strategic for resources and potential threats."

Alpha 1 nodded, following Vincent's logic. "That way, we can cover all the critical points and ensure that each battalion is within support distance of the others."

"Exactly," Vincent confirmed. "Each battalion will have a clear mission and sector to defend, but they'll also be ready to move and support their neighboring battalions if needed. This way, we create a network of defense rather than isolated pockets."

Alpha 2 stepped forward, glancing at the map. "I suggest we establish communication protocols between the battalion. We have to invest in communication infrastructure to ensure that they can communicate swiftly and effectively in case of an emergency."

Vincent nodded in agreement. "Good point, Alpha 2. But before we move on to that infrastructure, we must form our battalion first. We can buy one general to manage the four battalions, and for each battalion, we are going to buy four lieutenant colonels. They will be responsible for the overall strategy and coordination."

He continued, "Each battalion will also need captains to lead the companies, lieutenants to assist the captains, and sergeants to manage the squads. This hierarchy will ensure that orders are efficiently communicated and executed."

Vincent tapped the personnel section of the system interface and began selecting the necessary officers. General cost 4,000 gold coins, captain at 2,500, lieutenants at 2,000 gold coins, and sergeant at 1,500 gold coins.

[Gold coins remaining: 320,510 gold coins]

In an ideal battalion, it would look like this.

1 General: 4,000 gold coins

4 Lieutenant Colonels (one for each battalion): 16,000 gold coins

16 Captains (four for each battalion): 40,000 gold coins

32 Lieutenants (eight for each battalion): 64,000 gold coins

64 Sergeants (sixteen for each battalion): 96,000 gold coins

Vincent clicked his tongue as he realized that the officers from the battalion alone are already expensive. Not to mention, the infantry that would serve under those battalions is not included yet.

If he were to go forward with the purchase, he would only be left with 100,510 gold coins. More than 200,000 gold coins alone are needed for the officers.

Alpha 1 noticed Vincent's hesitation and asked, "Sir, what's going on? Is there an issue with the plan?"

Vincent sighed, his fingers still hovering over the system interface. "It's just... expensive. The officers alone are going to cost us more than 200,000 gold coins. That doesn't even include the infantry needed to serve under them."

Alpha 1 considered this for a moment before suggesting, "Sir, perhaps we don't need all those officers. This operation is primarily about defense. We could simplify our command structure. Just get four lieutenant colonels to lead each battalion and one general to oversee them all. We already have 100 soldiers; we just need to increase our forces by another 100, which will cost us 1,000 gold coins. That way, we save a significant amount of money."

Vincent looked up, considering Alpha 1's suggestion. "That... could work. We wouldn't be as top-heavy with officers, and we could use the saved money for military hardware like armored vehicles and helicopters."

Alpha 1 nodded. "Exactly. We need to be flexible and focus our resources on what will give us the most advantage. And since we are fighting possibly monsters here, we only need a copious amount of weapons."

Vincent nodded thoughtfully, appreciating Alpha 1's pragmatic approach. "Alright, let's proceed with your suggestion. We'll buy one general, four lieutenant colonels, and increase

our forces by another 100 soldiers."

He quickly adjusted his purchases on the system interface:

1 General: 4,000 gold coins

4 Lieutenant Colonels: 16,000 gold coins

100 Soldiers: 100,000 gold coins

[Gold coins remaining: 199,510 gold coins]

The newly acquired personnel was summoned in the open space of the Akarios Village and there they stood proudly with a salute. The General was a bit older than the rest. Does that mean their age is dependent on their rank?

With 199,510 gold coins. Vincent went to the next step, which is arming up his army.