
The Something Big

[Host: Vincent Stryder

Level: 20

Experience points: 675,583/817,822

Gold coins: 612,525 gold coins.]

Vincent just reached level 20 and the moment he has been waiting for has finally arrived. He opened his system shop and navigated to the aircraft section. There, a newly unlocked aircrafts could be seen but for him, there is only one thing that caught his interest.

[Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Cost - 40,000 gold coins.]

[Description: The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, also known as the "Warthog," is a highly durable and versatile close air support aircraft. Designed primarily for the United States Air Force, the A-10 excels in attacking ground targets such as tanks, armored vehicles, and other enemy positions. Its robust design and powerful armament make it a formidable asset in the battlefield.


Crew: 1 (Pilot)

Length: 53 ft 4 in (16.16 m)

Wingspan: 57 ft 6 in (17.53 m)

Height: 14 ft 8 in (4.47 m)

Empty Weight: 24,959 lb (11,321 kg)

Max Takeoff Weight: 51,000 lb (23,000 kg)


Powerplant: 2 × General Electric TF34-GE-100 turbofan engines

Thrust: 9,065 lbf (40.35 kN) each

Maximum Speed: 439 mph (706 km/h, 381 kn)

Combat Radius: 290 mi (460 km) with 1.88 hours loiter time

Ferry Range: 2,580 mi (4,150 km)

Service Ceiling: 45,000 ft (13,700 m)

Rate of Climb: 6,000 ft/min (30 m/s)


Primary Weapon:

1 × 30 mm GAU-8/A Avenger rotary cannon (firing depleted uranium armor-piercing shells) Hardpoints:

11 total (8 under-wing and 3 under-fuselage pylon stations)

Capacity for up to 16,000 lb (7,260 kg) of mixed ordnance, including:

AGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface missiles

AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles

Various unguided and guided bombs (including Mk 82, Mk 84, and JDAM)

Hydra 70 rocket pods

Electronic countermeasure (ECM) pods

Fuel tanks for extended range


Navigation and Targeting:

AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny laser tracker pod

GPS and INS systems for precise navigation

Advanced targeting systems and HUD (Heads-Up Display)


AN/ALQ-131 electronic countermeasure (ECM) pod

Chaff and flare dispensers



Titanium armor "bathtub" surrounding the pilot for enhanced protection

Redundant hydraulic systems and manual backup for control surfaces

High survivability against ground fire and battle damage

Operational Flexibility:

Capable of short takeoffs and landings from austere airfields

Effective in a wide range of combat scenarios, including close air support, forward air control, and combat search and rescue (CSAR)]

The A-10, what was once revered by the ground troops due to the sound it made when it spat out its powerful 30 mm rounds, was now at Vincent's disposal.

He immediately purchased the aircraft for 40,000 gold coins, leaving him with a balance of 572,525 gold coins. A notification flashed, confirming the A-10 Warthog is in his inventory. Then he turned his eyes on General Harper.

"General...the airfield that we constructed, how long was it?" Vincent asked.

"About 5,000 feet, sir," General Harper replied, looking at Vincent with curiosity. "Why do you ask?"

Vincent grinned. "We're going to need it. I've just purchased an A-10 Thunderbolt II. It's time to bring out the big guns."

General Harper's eyes widened with excitement. "The Warthog? That's excellent news! It should be able to take off from our airfield without any issues."

"Good. I'll get it prepped immediately."

With that, Vincent went outside and boarded a M-ATV Oshkosh and made his way towards the deforested area where the airfield is located. Once he arrived there, he hopped out from the vehicle and made his way to the control tower.

He opened his system and navigated to the inventory tab and found the A-10 Warthog Icon. He tapped on it and summoned it directly onto the airfield. A swirling magic circle appeared on the runway, glowing with intense light. The circle expanded, and the familiar shape of the A-10 Thunderbolt II began to materialize within it. The aircraft emerged fully formed, its engines already idling and ready for action.

Next to it was the pilot of the A-10, Captain Hayes, who was already geared up and ready to take on the mission. Vincent approached him.

"Captain Hayes, get the Warthog in the air immediately. We need that firepower on the battlefield now," Vincent ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Hayes responded, wasting no time as he climbed into the cockpit of the A-10. He quickly ran through his pre-flight checks, ensuring everything was operational. Vincent stepped back, watching as the ground crew finished their preparations. "Airfield control, this is Shadow Actual. Clear the runway for immediate takeoff."

"Roger that, runway is clear," came the reply from the control tower.

Captain Hayes taxied the A-10 to the end of the runway. The powerful engines roared as he pushed the throttle forward. The Warthog accelerated down the runway, lifting off smoothly into the sky. Vincent watched with a mix of anticipation and relief as the aircraft climbed higher, heading towards the battlefield.

"Shadow Actual, this is Warthog One. I am airborne and en route to the target area," Hayes reported over the radio.

"Copy that, Warthog One. Engage all hostile forces and provide close air support to our

ground units," Vincent instructed.

"Understood, engaging now," Hayes confirmed.

"Warthog One, visual on the target," Hayes announced. "Beginning attack run."

The A-10 swooped down, its GAU-8/A Avenger rotary cannon spitting out a stream of deadly

30 mm rounds. The distinctive "brrrrrt" sound echoed across the battlefield as the rounds tore through the ranks of the demon forces.

Ursa, distracted by the sudden and devastating firepower from above, roared in frustration.

"Another pesky fly!" Ursa swung his massive arm and grabbed a nearby boulder. With an immense effort, he hurled the boulder at the A-10, but the aircraft was too quick. Captain Hayes easily maneuvered the Warthog out of the boulder's path, the heavy rock crashing

harmlessly to the ground below.

"Warthog One, evaded the projectile. Target is still active," Hayes reported.

"Roger that, Warthog One. Continue your attack," Vincent replied over the radio.

Hayes banked the A-10 sharply, lining up for another run. This time, he aimed directly at Ursa. The GAU-8/A Avenger rotary cannon fired again, the powerful 30 mm rounds streaking towards the massive demon. The bullets struck Ursa with incredible force, several rounds piercing through his obsidian armor and flesh. Ursa's roar of triumph turned into one of pain

and surprise as he staggered, dropping to one knee.

"Direct hit! Ursa is down, but not out!" Hayes called out.

"Keep the pressure on him, Warthog One. Don't let up!" Vincent ordered, his eyes fixed on the


Ursa, now bleeding and visibly weakened, tried to push himself back up. The A-10 circled around for another attack, its cannons ready to fire once more.

"This is bad..." Ursa muttered.