
Possible Mishaps?

After the contract signing, the atmosphere in the council chamber lightened considerably. The seriousness of the negotiations gave way to a more relaxed and celebratory mood. King Thandor, clearly pleased with the outcome, extended an invitation to Vincent and his team to join him for a lavish lunch prepared by the elves.

"Now that our business is concluded," King Thandor said with a warm smile, "let us celebrate our new alliance with a meal."

Vincent nodded appreciatively. "We would be honored, Your Majesty."

The group was led to an ornate dining hall. The long table in the center was laden with an array of dishes which were just the dishes they prepared for them during the celebratory banquet.

Vincent and his team ate what their stomach could handle and after that, they retreated to their room.

"I must admit, the elves do really know how to cook," Vincent commented.

Alpha 3 nodded in agreement, a satisfied grin on his face. "You couldn't say it any better, sir." Alpha 1, who had been quiet throughout the meal, chimed in, "It's not just the food. The way they've treated us, the hospitality...top notch. I'd rate them five stars."

"Settle down now," Vincent said as he waved his hand to calm them down. "Let's discuss our next steps here. We will stay here in the Elven kingdom for a couple of weeks where we will train the Elven soldiers with our weapons, after that, we will leave and head towards the Dwarven Kingdom. Now the problem is we are going to need to bring the 100 M4 Carbine and pistols. How am I going to bring it here when we are being watched from all corners."

"We are getting watched from all corners?" Eamon repeated, dumbfounded at Vincent's words.

Vincent simply nodded. "Yes, ever since we set foot in the Great Forest of Arendel, we've been under constant surveillance. The elves are watching our every move, and I mean every move."

Eamon frowned, still trying to grasp the full extent of what Vincent was saying. "But how? I didn't notice anything unusual."

Vincent glanced around the room, ensuring they were alone before continuing. "That's precisely the point, Eamon. The elves are masters of stealth and subtlety. Their methods are almost undetectable to the untrained eye. But I've been in enough situations like this to know when we're being watched."

He paused, choosing his words carefully to lay out the situation clearly for his team. "First, let's talk about their surveillance tactics. The elves use a combination of magical and natural methods to monitor us. Their scouts are likely hidden within the very trees that surround us. We might not see them, but they're there-listening, observing."

"I concur," Alpha 1 said. "I can even notice them moving and hopping over branches." Alpha 4 chimed in, "And it's not just the scouts, right? Their magic plays a big role too. They could be using spells to enhance their surveillance, maybe even listening in on our conversations or tracking our movements with magical sensors."

Vincent nodded. "Exactly. Their magical capabilities extend far beyond what we can see. There could be enchantments woven into the very ground we're walking on. Wards that detect intruders, spells that monitor the flow of energy-I don't know what I am talking about but one thing is certain is that they are doing anything that could give them an edge in keeping tabs on us."

"Can't you just ask for another delivery from one of your aircraft, sir?" Eamon asked.

Vincent shook his head. "They don't have the supplies. I'm so worried that the elves might be listening to every word we are saying right now."

As Vincent continued to explain the complexities of their situation, an elven scout hidden high in the branches of a nearby tree listened intently. His keen ears caught every word of the conversation, his heart racing as he realized something crucial... The humans were not only aware of the surveillance but were also planning something that could potentially destroy the trust that had been established.

The scout, known as Lorian among his people, knew he needed to act quickly. The humans' suspicions about being watched, and their plans to not fulfill the contract, were matters that King Thandor needed to know immediately.

With the agility and grace typical of his kind, Lorian moved swiftly through the trees, his presence barely disturbing the leaves. The elven kingdom had always prided itself on its ability to remain unseen, and Lorian was among the best in his craft. He reached the edge of the forest and descended to the ground.

He made his way towards the King's residence and once inside the grand halls of the palace, Lorian was ushered into the throne room where King Thandor and Princess Elara were still discussing the recent negotiations. Their conversation halted as Lorian entered, and they both turned to face him.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness," Lorian began, bowing deeply. "I have urgent news."

King Thandor's expression shifted from curiosity to concern. "Speak, Lorian. What have you learned?"

Lorian straightened, his tone serious. "The humans are aware of our surveillance. They know we have been watching them, and they are discussing ways to bring in weapons to fulfill the contract. But something was off and I couldn't puzzle it out. It's something about them possibly not being able to meet the end of their bargain."

King Thandor leaned forward, his brow furrowed in thought. "So you're saying Vincent Stryder is having logistical issues? That he might not be able to deliver on his promise?"

Lorian nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty. It seems they are concerned about how to bring the weapons here without us noticing. They mentioned being under constant surveillance and seemed worried about how we might react if they fail to deliver."

Princess Elara exchanged a glance with her father. "This could complicate things. If they can't bring the weapons as promised, it could undermine the entire agreement."

"And put themselves in a very precarious situation, especially Vincent Strider," King Thandor finished. "I want Vincent summoned here. I wish to discuss this matter directly with him."

Lorian bowed. "At once, Your Majesty." He turned and swiftly exited the throne room to carry out the king's command."

Princess Elara watched him leave before turning back to her father. "Do you think they intended to deceive us, or are they genuinely struggling with their logistics?"

King Thandor sighed, leaning back in his chair. "It's hard to say. Vincent Stryder seems honorable, but we cannot afford to take chances. If they fail to deliver, it means that they are just like other humans. And I wish they weren't."