
Dark Turn

The elf suddenly made his move. With a burst of speed that took even Vincent by surprise, the elf broke free from Alpha 3's grip, spinning around with a fluid motion and delivering a sharp kick to Alpha 4's side. The blow landed with precision, sending Alpha 4 stumbling back.

Vincent reacted instantly, his instincts kicking in. He stepped forward, throwing a quick jab aimed at the elf's head. The elf ducked under the punch with remarkable agility, countering with a low kick aimed at Vincent's legs. Vincent jumped back just in time, but the elf was relentless, following up with a rapid series of punches and kicks that had Vincent on the defensive.

Alpha 3 moved to flank the elf, trying to catch him off guard, but the elf was faster. He spun on his heel, lashing out with a powerful roundhouse kick that caught Alpha 3 on the shoulder. The force of the kick sent Alpha 3 staggering, but he quickly recovered, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the elf's movements.

The elf's fighting style was unlike anything they had encountered before-quick, fluid, and highly unpredictable. It was clear that he was well-trained. But Vincent was a master martial artist himself, and he quickly adjusted to the elf's speed.

Vincent closed the distance, throwing a feint to the elf's left before delivering a solid punch to his right. The elf managed to block the punch, but Vincent followed up with a knee strike aimed at the elf's midsection. The elf twisted to the side, avoiding the knee, but the movement left him off-balance for a split second-a split second that Vincent exploited.

Alpha 4, having recovered from the initial blow, joined the fray. He moved in from the elf's blind spot, delivering a powerful punch to the elf's back. The elf grunted in pain but didn't go down. Instead, he spun around, aiming a sharp elbow strike at Alpha 4's head. Alpha 4 ducked just in time, countering with an uppercut that caught the elf under the chin.

The blow dazed the elf, but he wasn't done yet. With a determined shout, the elf launched himself at Vincent, his fists flying in a desperate flurry. Vincent blocked the strikes calmly, his focus narrowing as he watched for an opening. When it came, he struck with the speed and force of a viper-two quick punches to the elf's ribs, followed by a roundhouse kick that sent the elf sprawling to the ground.

The elf tried to get back up, but Alpha 3 was already on him, pinning him down with a knee to the chest. The elf struggled, his breathing ragged, but he was clearly beaten. Vincent and his team had proven too much for him, even with his impressive skills.

Vincent looked down at the defeated elf, his expression hard. "I admit, you surprised us there. I don't know what prompted you to attack us, but that just means we forced you into a corner, and the only way for you to get out was to get through us."

The elf glared up at Vincent, his chest heaving with labored breaths. Despite his defeat, there was still a flicker of defiance in his eyes, a refusal to submit even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Vincent, however, had no patience left for games. He reached down to his side and smoothly drew his Sig Sauer pistol from its holster. The metallic click as he racked the slide echoed in the stillness that had settled over the area. The elf's eyes widened slightly, the realization of what was about to happen dawning on him.

"You should have talked when you had the chance," Vincent said coldly, raising the pistol and aiming it directly at the elf's forehead. There was no hesitation in his movements, no wavering in his resolve. The elf's defiance had reached its end.

The elf's mouth opened as if he was about to say something, but the words never came. Vincent pulled the trigger, and the sharp crack of the gunshot rang out, reverberating off the walls of the ruined warehouse. The bullet struck the elf squarely in the forehead, and his body went limp instantly, the defiant spark in his eyes snuffed out in an instant.

Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 released their grip on the now lifeless body, letting it slump to the ground. A small pool of blood began to form beneath the elf's head, staining the dusty floor. [You have killed a scout elf!]

[You gained: 7,000 gold coins & 3,500 experience points]

The text hung in the air before fading from his vision. Vincent frowned, his thoughts racing. This was the first time the system had awarded him gold and experience points for killing a sentient being-one that wasn't a monster or beast, but an elf. The implications were unsettling.

"Wait, so killing elves gives me gold and experience points?" Vincent muttered under his breath, the realization sinking in. He had always known the system was designed to reward him for completing missions and defeating enemies, but this...was something new. Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 exchanged glances, noting Vincent's momentary distraction.

"Sir, is everything alright?" Alpha 3 asked cautiously, noticing the shift in Vincent's demeanor.

Vincent shook his head, dismissing the notifications for now. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... unexpected, that's all."

Alpha 4 glanced down at the dead elf. "Seems like the system recognizes them as threats too. Maybe it's trying to incentivize us to take these elves seriously."

Vincent nodded slowly, still processing. "Maybe. But it doesn't change what we have to do. The elves have chosen their side, and if they're acting against us, it's only natural for us to react accordingly."

"So you plan on killing the elves that are here?" Alpha 4 asked.

Vincent nodded. "Of course, we can't let them know that information. Which is why we can't afford to let any of them escape. They've made their choice, and now they'll face the consequences."

Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 nodded in agreement, their faces set in grim determination. The reality of their mission had taken a darker turn, and they were prepared to do what needed to be done.

Vincent grabbed his radio, switching to the secure channel connected to the Reaper drone pilot. "Shadow Actual to Reaper, do you copy?"

"Reaper here, Shadow Actual. Go ahead," the pilot responded promptly.

"Call for fire, engage all the elves that are in the tree line. I repeat, exterminate them all."
