
Keeping up the Facade is Difficult

Sometime earlier.

Princess Elara stood beside her father, King Thandor, as they observed the training session from a distance. Below, Vincent was leading the elven soldiers through a series of drills, his voice clear and firm as he instructed them on the use of the M4 Carbine.

"He's very thorough," Elara remarked, her eyes following Vincent as he moved among the soldiers, correcting stances and offering advice. "He seems to care deeply about ensuring our troops understand these new weapons."

King Thandor nodded, his gaze fixed on Vincent. "Indeed. He's putting a lot of effort into this. It's clear he's committed to the task. I must admit, I had my doubts about him after what happened to our scouts, but..." He trailed off, his thoughts lingering on the loss of his people. Elara looked at her father, sensing the conflict in his heart. "Father, I know you're still uncertain about him. But watching him now, it's hard to believe he could be responsible for such a thing. He's not just going through the motions-he's genuinely invested in training our soldiers."

King Thandor sighed, his expression softening. "Yes, he is. But that's what makes it so difficult to be sure. A man like Vincent, with his skills and resources, could easily hide his true intentions if he wished. And yet..." He watched as Vincent patiently demonstrated the proper way to handle the Sig Sauer M17 pistol to a group of elves who had struggled with the earlier drill. "And yet, his actions here seem so sincere."

Elara nodded. "I can sense it too, Father. There's a certain...honesty in the way he works with our soldiers. He's not just doing this for show. He wants them to succeed, to be stronger, better prepared."

King Thandor turned to his daughter, his eyes searching hers. "You believe he's telling the truth, then? That he had no part in the deaths of our scouts?"

Elara hesitated, considering her words carefully. "I believe he's doing his best to help us now. But I can't say for certain what happened to our scouts. There's still a part of me that wonders, that questions whether we've seen the whole truth."

The King sighed deeply. "I share that doubt, Elara. It's our duty to protect our people, and that means questioning everything-even the actions of our allies. But for now, Vincent has earned some trust. We'll watch him closely, but we'll also let him continue his work. Our soldiers need this training, and if Vincent can give them an edge in the battles to come, we must allow it."

Elara nodded in agreement. "Yes, Father. We'll remain vigilant, but we won't let doubt cloud our judgment. Vincent has proven himself through his actions today. We'll give him the chance to continue."

They both fell silent, their eyes returning to the training ground where Vincent was now guiding the soldiers through another drill.

As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, Vincent called an end to the day's session. The elves, tired but more confident with their new weapons, gathered in small groups, discussing the drills and practicing the techniques they had learned. Vincent stood off to the side, speaking quietly with Alpha 4, reviewing the day's progress and planning the next steps.

It wasn't long before Princess Elara approached, Vincent noticed her coming and straightened up. Alpha 4 gave a quick nod to Vincent before stepping back, allowing him some privacy with the princess.

"Vincent," Elara began. "I wanted to speak with you before you left for the evening."

"Of course, Your Highness," Vincent replied, inclining his head slightly in acknowledgment. "Is there something on your mind?"

Elara paused for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "I've been watching the training today, and I've seen how much effort you've put into working with our soldiers. It's clear that you're committed to helping us, and for that, I'm grateful."

Vincent nodded, appreciating her words. "Your soldiers are skilled warriors, Princess. My goal is to help them become even more formidable with these new tools. They're adapting quickly."

Elara offered a small smile, though there was still a hint of seriousness in her eyes. "I'm glad to hear that. But there's something else I wanted to address."

Vincent waited patiently, sensing that she was leading up to something important.

"I want to apologize for the actions of one of our soldiers earlier," Elara continued, her expression sincere. "The one who fired prematurely. It was an inexcusable mistake, and I understand it could have ended very differently. Please know that we don't take such incidents lightly, and I appreciate the way you handled it."

Vincent's expression softened slightly. "There's no need to apologize, Your Highness. Mistakes happen, especially when handling new and unfamiliar weapons. What's important is that he learned from it and that the others did as well. Discipline is crucial in battle, and it's something that needs to be drilled into every soldier."

Elara nodded, relief evident in her eyes. "Thank you for your understanding. I know my father had his doubts about you, especially after what happened to our scouts, but your actions today have shown a different side. You've proven that you're here to help, not harm."

Vincent met her gaze, his tone firm but genuine. "I'm here to uphold our alliance, Princess. The last thing I want is conflict between us. My focus is on ensuring that your people are prepared for what's to come. I give you my word on that."

Elara studied him for a moment, then smiled warmly. "I believe you, Vincent. I can see the sincerity in your actions. But I want you to know that while I trust you, there will always be a part of me that remains vigilant. It's our duty to protect our people, after all."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," Vincent replied, returning her smile with one of his own. "Caution is a wise approach in these uncertain times. I'll continue to do everything I can to earn your trust, and that of your father."

Elara seemed satisfied with his response. She inclined her head gracefully. "Thank you, Vincent. I look forward to seeing the progress of our soldiers under your guidance."

With that, she turned to leave but paused for a moment to glance back at him. "And, Vincent... if there's ever anything you need to discuss, any concerns or thoughts you have, please don't hesitate to come to me."

"Really? Wouldn't someone like you be difficult to approach? Given your standing?"

Elara paused at Vincent's question, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I suppose my title can make me seem unapproachable, but I assure you, Vincent, I value open communication. Especially with those who are working so closely with our people."

Vincent nodded thoughtfully. "I appreciate that, Princess. It's good to know that we can speak frankly with one another. In these times, transparency and trust are crucial."

Elara's expression softened as she regarded him. "Indeed, they are. We're all fighting for the same goal, after all-to protect our people and ensure their survival in the face of the threats we all face."

There was a brief moment of silence between them, one that was not uncomfortable but rather filled with a shared understanding.

Vincent maintained his calm exterior, but internally, he was counting down the days until they could leave the Great Forest of Arendel behind. The pressure of maintaining his facade, of convincing the elves of his sincerity while hiding the truth of what had happened to their scouts, was starting to weigh heavily on him. Every interaction, every word exchanged, had to be carefully measured. He couldn't afford to slip up, not now.

Elara seemed to sense something in his silence, her gaze softening further. "You've taken on a great responsibility, Vincent. I can see that it's not easy, especially in these circumstances." Vincent nodded, forcing a small smile. "It's part of the job, Princess. Ensuring that our alliance holds strong is just as important as training your soldiers. We both have our roles to


Elara's eyes lingered on him for a moment longer before she nodded, seemingly satisfied with his response. "Indeed. Well, I won't keep you any longer. I'm sure you have much to prepare

for tomorrow's session."

"Thank you, Princess," Vincent replied. "And I appreciate your understanding regarding today's incident. We'll work hard to ensure nothing like that happens again."

Elara offered a final smile before turning and heading back towards the palace, her elegant form soon disappearing into the trees. Vincent watched her go. He had managed to deflect her

concerns, for now.

Alpha 4 approached as soon as Elara was out of sight, his expression serious. "Everything

okay, sir?"

Vincent sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yes...everything is okay. We should get rest now and prepare for tomorrow. Anyways, what's the news with the rest of the team?" "They said that they'll wait for us there in the city of Ferm after we have finished the session."

"Is that so?" Vincent sighed. "Looks like they can't wait to leave this place huh? Well, who wouldn't get homesick from this?"