
Contract Fulfilled

In all actuality, the job wasn't done yet. In the contract, it was stated that the training would last for four weeks, and it had only been three days. To abide by the contract they had signed, Vincent and Alpha 4 committed to teaching the elves for the remainder of the duration.

As the fourth day dawned, Vincent and Alpha 4 returned to the training grounds, knowing they had to maintain the same level of intensity and dedication that they had shown from the beginning. The elves, still eager and determined, were already assembled, waiting for the next phase of their training.

For the next 25 days, Vincent and Alpha 4 meticulously guided the elves through a comprehensive and intense training regimen.

In the first week, Vincent and Alpha 4 focused on refining the basic skills the elves had begun to master. They drilled the elves on the fundamentals of weapon handling, ensuring that each soldier could confidently and safely operate the M4 Carbine and Sig Sauer M17. Accuracy drills became a daily routine, with the elves practicing not only stationary shooting but also firing on the move, learning to maintain precision under various conditions.

As the second week began, the training shifted towards teamwork and communication. Vincent introduced the elves to more advanced tactics, such as coordinated assaults,

ambushes, and defensive formations. They practiced moving as a unit, learning how to cover each other effectively while advancing or retreating under fire. The concept of suppressive fire was drilled into them, with Vincent and Alpha 4 emphasizing the importance of keeping the enemy pinned down while their teammates maneuvered.

Urban combat scenarios took center stage in the third week. Vincent and Alpha 4 created mock urban environments, using obstacles and makeshift structures to simulate buildings and streets. The elves were taught how to clear rooms, breach doors, and navigate tight spaces while maintaining awareness of potential threats. They learned to use the environment to their advantage, turning corners, doorways, and windows into opportunities for tactical engagement.

By the fourth week, the training reached its peak with the introduction of simulated combat exercises. Vincent and Alpha 4 orchestrated full-scale mock battles, pitting the elves against each other in carefully controlled scenarios. These exercises tested everything the elves had learned-weapon handling, teamwork, communication, and decision-making under pressure. The elves were encouraged to think like commanders, making quick decisions that could turn the tide of battle.

Throughout the 25 days, Vincent and Alpha 4 continually reinforced the importance of discipline, precision, and trust. They pushed the elves to their limits, ensuring that every soldier not only understood the tactics and techniques but could execute them flawlessly under the stress of combat.

By the end of the training period, the elves had transformed from skilled warriors into a cohesive and formidable fighting force. They had mastered the use of modern weapons, learned to think strategically, and developed the ability to operate effectively as a unit in various combat scenarios.

And no one among the elves was more shocked than Captain Aaron himself, who would leave the newly modernized forces of the elven army consisting of 100 troops. Captain Aaron had always prided himself on the prowess of his soldiers, but witnessing their transformation over the past 25 days left him both astonished and deeply impressed. He didn't know that there the elven army could develop into something new.

Inside their tent, Vincent and Alpha 4 sat across from each other, discussing the final preparations for their departure. The training had been grueling, but successful. Vincent was going over some final notes, while Alpha 4 reviewed the inventory of equipment they had used during the past weeks.

As they spoke, there was a brief rustling outside the tent, followed by a polite knock on the wooden frame of the entrance.

"Enter," Vincent called out, his tone neutral but curious.

The flap of the tent opened, and Captain Aaron stepped inside.

"Captain Aaron," Vincent greeted, nodding in respect. "What brings you here?"

Captain Aaron returned the nod, his gaze shifting between the two men. "I wanted to speak with you both before you leave for tomorrow" he began. "I've seen the changes in my soldiers over these past weeks. They're not the same warriors they were before you arrived. They're sharper, more disciplined... more dangerous."

Vincent exchanged a brief glance with Alpha 4 before responding. "Your soldiers had the foundation, Captain. We merely built upon what was already there. Their dedication and willingness to adapt made all the difference."

Captain Aaron shook his head slightly. "No, it's more than that. You've introduced them to a way of fighting that we never imagined. These modern tactics, the weapons... it's opened our eyes to a new way of defending our land. I have to admit, I wasn't sure what to expect when you first arrived, but now... now I see the value in what you've brought to us."

Alpha 4 smiled slightly, leaning back in his chair. "They're good soldiers, Captain. It was an honor to work with them."

Captain Aaron hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "I also wanted to apologize... for any doubts I may have had about your intentions. After what happened to our scouts, there was... concern. But you've proven yourselves through your actions. The way you've worked with our soldiers, the care you've taken in training them... it's clear that you're here to help." Vincent's expression softened, and he nodded understandingly. "We understand, Captain. Given the circumstances, your caution was warranted."

Captain Aaron seemed to relax slightly, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "I appreciate that. And I want you to know that you've earned our trust. The soldiers you've trained-they'll be ready for whatever comes next, thanks to you."

Vincent inclined his head in acknowledgment. "That's good to hear, Captain. Your soldiers have the potential to be a formidable force. It's important that they continue to build on what they've learned."

Captain Aaron glanced around the tent, his gaze lingering on the maps and notes scattered across the table. "You'll be leaving soon, then?"

"Yes," Vincent confirmed. "Our part of the contract is fulfilled, and it's time for us to move on. But know this, Captain-if you ever need us again, don't hesitate to reach out."

Captain Aaron smiled, a genuine warmth in his expression. "I will. And I hope that our paths cross again under better circumstances."

With that, Captain Aaron extended his hand, and Vincent grasped it firmly. T