
The Surprise Gift

As the evening descended upon the Great Forest of Arendel, the elves began to prepare a grand banquet in honor of Vincent and his team. The training had come to an end, and the elves wanted to express their deep gratitude for the knowledge and skills they had gained under Vincent's guidance. The training grounds, which had been filled with the sounds of drills and commands for the past several weeks, were now transformed into a place of celebration.

Soft lanterns hung from the ancient trees, casting a warm and inviting glow across the clearing. Tables were set up, adorned with rich cloths and laden with an array of elven delicacies-fruits, roasted meats, freshly baked bread, and dishes seasoned with herbs unique to the forest.

Vincent stood at the edge of the gathering, watching as the elves moved about with excitement and reverence. They were not just celebrating the end of their training but also the strengthening of the bond between their people and Vincent's team. The warriors he had trained were mingling with their families and fellow elves.

Alpha 4 joined Vincent. "They've really gone all out for this," he remarked, glancing at the elaborate preparations.

Vincent nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "They have. It's a sign of their appreciation. And we should let them do their thing."

As the banquet began, Princess Elara and King Thandor made their way to the head of the main table, where Vincent and Alpha 4 were seated as guests of honor. The King raised his hand, and the elves fell silent, their attention focused on their ruler.

"Tonight, we gather not just to celebrate the end of a successful training program," King Thandor began, his voice carrying across the clearing, "but to honor the men who have given us the tools to defend our land with renewed strength. Vincent Stryder, Alpha 4, and their team have shared with us their knowledge, their expertise, and their commitment to ensuring that our warriors are prepared for whatever challenges may come."

The elves responded with a round of applause, their faces glowing with appreciation.

King Thandor continued, "Vincent, you have done more for us than we could have ever asked. Your patience, your dedication, and your respect for our people have left a lasting impact. Tonight, we offer this banquet as a token of our gratitude, and we hope that you will always consider the Great Forest of Arendel as a home away from home."

Vincent stood as the applause subsided, acknowledging the King's words with a respectful bow. "Your Majesty, Your Highness, and to all of you here I am deeply honored by your words and your hospitality. It has been a privilege to work with such dedicated warriors, and I am proud of what we've accomplished together. The bond between our people is stronger now, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for us all."

The elves cheered again, the sound echoing through the trees. As the King and Princess Elara raised their glasses in a toast, the celebration truly began. Music filled the air, and the elves danced and sang, their joy evident in every movement.

While the celebration was in full swing, Princess Elara approached Vincent, her steps graceful as she moved through the crowd. The warmth of the lanterns' glow reflected in her eyes, and a soft smile played on her lips as she neared him.

"Vincent," she began, her voice gentle yet clear amid the surrounding festivities. "I wanted to speak with you privately, to express my gratitude on behalf of not only myself but also our entire kingdom."

Vincent turned to face her, his expression respectful. "Your Highness, your words earlier during the banquet were more than enough. It's been an honor to assist your people."

Elara shook her head slightly, her smile deepening. "I meant every word, Vincent, but there's more I wish to say. You've not only trained our soldiers, but you've also shown us a new way of thinking about warfare and strategy. My father and I have both noticed how our warriors have grown-not just in skill, but in confidence and unity. That's something we can never repay."

"Your people have great potential, Princess. I merely guided them toward it. They're the ones who did the hard work."

Princess Elara's gaze softened as she looked at him, the sincerity in her eyes unmistakable. "You're too modest, Vincent. The changes we've seen-these are things we wouldn't have achieved without your guidance. You've helped to prepare us for the future, and that's a gift we will carry forward. And as for my gift...please come with me."

Vincent raised an eyebrow in curiosity at Elara's request but nodded, following her through the gathering. They walked quietly, weaving through the elves who were enjoying the celebration, until they reached a more secluded area of the forest, away from the main festivities. The sound of laughter and music grew faint as the two ventured deeper into the woods, where the trees seemed to close in around them, creating an intimate, tranquil atmosphere.

Princess Elara led Vincent to a small clearing bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. And there was nothing there but themselves. Princess Elara turned to face him.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The silence between them was not uncomfortable but rather charged with the weight of everything that had happened over the past few weeks-the training, the battles, the newfound respect and understanding between their people.

Vincent was about to speak when Elara suddenly stepped closer, her eyes locking onto his. There was a flicker of something in her gaze-an emotion that was both tender and intense. Before Vincent could process what was happening, Elara leaned in and, with a softness that caught him off guard, pressed her lips against his.

Vincent's eyes widened in surprise as Princess Elara's lips met his. The kiss was gentle, almost hesitant, as if testing the waters of a new and uncertain connection. For a brief moment, Vincent was too stunned to react, his mind racing to process what was happening. But then, as the warmth of the kiss sank in, he felt himself soften, responding to the unexpected gesture. Elara pulled back slightly, her cheeks flushed, her breath coming a little quicker. She looked into Vincent's eyes, searching for a reaction, for understanding.


Before Elara could explain, Vincent kissed her back, pulling her closer with a sudden, almost instinctive movement.