
New Assets and Names

At the airfield, the sun was about to rise, casting a soft, golden light across the landscape. Vincent stood there, taking in the scene for a moment. The City of Ferm was once a thriving city dwelled by its populace until it was deserted after an impending threat from the flame dragon.

Those dwellers don't seem to have an intention of returning back to Ferm, possibly thinking that it was destroyed by the Flame Dragon. However, even if they return, they won't recognize what Ferm has become.

As he stood there, Vincent opened his system, the familiar holographic interface flickering to life before him. The early morning light reflected off the screen, casting a faint glow on his face as he navigated through the menus with practiced ease. He quickly found his way to the inventory, where the icon for the C-5 Galaxy was glowing softly, indicating that it was ready to be deployed.

With a decisive tap, he selected the icon, bringing up a detailed schematic of the massive airlifter.

The holographic projection of the C-5 Galaxy floated above the interface, rotating slowly to showcase its impressive design. Vincent's eyes narrowed as he studied the airfield before him, mentally calculating the best position for the summoning.

He reached out, using his fingers to drag the holographic model of the C-5 across the airfield. The model responded smoothly, gliding over the map of the airfield until it was perfectly aligned with the runway. Vincent adjusted its position with precision, ensuring that the aircraft would have enough space to safely materialize.

As he moved the model, thin green lines began to appear on the holographic display, indicating areas where the summoning was possible. Vincent's focus intensified, his fingers carefully guiding the C-5 into position. The green lines blinked steadily, then held firm, signaling that the location was optimal for deployment.

He exhaled slowly, feeling a sense of satisfaction as the lines stabilized. With the C-5 Galaxy positioned perfectly on the airfield, Vincent released the model, watching as it locked into place. The holographic display shifted, showing the final confirmation screen for the summoning process.

Vincent tapped the confirmation button without hesitation. The air around the designated area began to shimmer, and a huge magic circle appeared on the ground, its intricate patterns glowing with an ethereal blue light. The circle expanded rapidly, encompassing the entire space where the C-5 Galaxy was set to materialize.

The hum of energy filled the air, growing louder as the summoning process intensified. The magic circle pulsed with power, its light brightening as the air above it seemed to ripple and distort. Vincent watched intently, his heart pounding in his chest as the anticipation built.

Slowly, the outline of the C-5 Galaxy began to emerge from the magic circle, its massive form appearing as if it were being pulled from another dimension. The aircraft's nose was the first to materialize, followed by the rest of its enormous frame.

As the last of the aircraft solidified, the magic circle beneath it began to fade, its energy dispersing into the ground.

"What the hell," Vincent exclaimed softly, unable to contain his astonishment. The sheer scale of the C-5 Galaxy, now fully materialized before him, was breathtaking. Even though he had seen it in his previous life before, seeing them in a fantasy world was a completely different experience.

Vincent wanted to explore the aircraft, so he made his way to the back of the aircraft where the cargo ramp was already lowered. The sound of his boots echoed off the metal as he stepped onto the ramp. The sheer scale of the aircraft became even more apparent as he entered the cargo hold. The space was vast, designed to carry tanks, armored vehicles, and supplies for entire battalions.

Vincent walked further into the cargo hold, his footsteps reverberating in the empty space. The walls were lined with securing mechanisms and tie-downs, ready to hold the heaviest of equipment in place during transit. He could almost picture the hold filled with the machinery of war or a hundred troops sitting in neat rows, ready to be deployed into battle.

He then curiously made his way toward the front of the aircraft, heading up the ladder that led to the cockpit. As he reached the top, he stepped into the cockpit where control panels and monitors lined the walls, all powered up and ready for use. The cockpit was empty, as expected.

Vincent moved to the pilot's seat, taking a moment to familiarize himself with the controls. The layout was intuitive, with every system within reach and clearly labeled. He had flown aircraft before, but the C-5 Galaxy was a different beast altogether-massive, powerful, and capable of carrying an enormous payload.

He powered up the main systems, watching as the displays came to life, showing various readouts for the engines, fuel levels, and navigation systems. Everything was in the green, just as it should be.

"Let's see what this thing can do," Vincent muttered to himself as he adjusted the controls. He ran through the pre-flight checklist, making sure everything was set for takeoff. The engines responded immediately, their deep rumble vibrating through the cockpit.

As he was doing that, his radio crackled.

"Sir...are you going to start that thing?" Alpha 1 asked.

"I'll test drive this," Vincent replied, his tone matter-of-fact as he continued with the pre- flight checks. He could sense the curiosity and slight concern in Alpha 1's voice, but he knew this was a necessary step. The C-5 Galaxy was a key asset, and he needed to ensure it was fully operational.

"Understood, sir. We'll monitor from the ground," Alpha 1 responded, the radio crackling slightly before falling silent.

Vincent focused back on the controls. Everything was set. He engaged the throttle, and the engines roared to life, the aircraft beginning to move slowly down the runway. The massive airframe of the C-5 responded smoothly to his commands, picking up speed as it rolled forward.

The aircraft reached the end of the runway, and Vincent pulled back on the yoke, feeling the heavy bird lift off the ground. The C-5 Galaxy climbed steadily into the sky, the view from the cockpit expanding as the airfield and surrounding landscape shrank below.

Once at cruising altitude, Vincent leveled off the aircraft and set it on autopilot, allowing himself a moment to assess the flight so far. The controls were responsive, and the systems were performing as expected. It was a smooth ride, especially considering the size and weight of the aircraft.

He glanced at the fuel and engine readouts-everything remained in the green. He tried different maneuvers such as gentle turns, adjusting the altitude, and varying the speed. After running through a series of basic flight tests, Vincent decided it was time to bring the aircraft back down. He disengaged the autopilot and began his descent back toward the airfield. The massive plane descended gradually, and Vincent carefully adjusted the controls to ensure a smooth landing.

As the airfield came into view, Vincent lined up the C-5 with the runway, keeping his movements steady and controlled. The aircraft's landing gear deployed without a hitch, and the plane touched down with a soft thud.

Vincent guided the C-5 to a stop, the engines gradually winding down as he brought the aircraft to its designated parking area. He powered down the systems, watching the cockpit displays flicker off one by one until the aircraft was completely shut down.

Satisfied with the test flight, Vincent unbuckled himself and made his way out of the cockpit, descending the ladder and stepping back onto the airfield. Alpha 1 was already waiting for him

at the base of the aircraft.

"How did it go, sir?" Alpha 1 asked as Vincent approached.

"Smooth as expected," Vincent replied with a nod. "The C-5 is fully operational and handles well. We'll be able to use it for our logistics and rapid deployment needs without any issues."

Alpha 1 nodded in approval. "That's good to hear, sir."

"I want all the Alpha's here in this airfield," Vincent ordered.

"I'll call them," Alpha 1 responded, quickly moving to relay the order. Within minutes, Alphas 2 through 5 arrived at the airfield, each one nodding respectfully as they approached Vincent. Vincent stood in front of them, hands behind his back as he surveyed the group. They had been through a lot together since arriving in this world, and now it was time for a change. They had earned something more than just their designations.

"You've all done exceptional work since we arrived here," Vincent began, his tone serious yet filled with a hint of pride. "We've faced challenges that none of us could have predicted, and you've met each one head-on. But it's time for something more. You're not just numbers to me-you're more than that. It's time to give you names."

"From this point forward, you'll each have a name." Vincent continued. He looked at Alpha 1 first. "You will be known as Marcus."

Alpha 1-now Marcus-stood a little taller, clearly honored by the gesture.

Vincent turned to Alpha 2. "You will be called Victor."

Alpha 2 nodded, accepting the name with a firm expression.

Next was Alpha 3. "You will be called as Leon,"

Alpha 3-now Leon-gave a subtle smile, grateful for the recognition.

Vincent moved to Alpha 4. "You will be called Dante."

Alpha 4-Dante-clenched his fist and nodded, clearly moved by the gesture.

Finally, Vincent faced Alpha 5. "And you, you will be named Felix."

Alpha 5-Felix-grinned, clearly pleased with his new name.