

The team leader led his team deeper into the cavern, the beam of his headlamp cutting through the darkness as they moved cautiously over the uneven terrain. The cave walls, jagged and wet, seemed to close in around them, amplifying every sound-every drip of water, every scuffle of boots against the damp earth. The distant echoes of their movements made it difficult to pinpoint their own location, but team leader's night-vision goggles gave him a clear view of the cave's contours.

"Stay sharp, everyone," the team leader ordered, his voice barely more than a whisper. "They could be anywhere in this labyrinth."

The soldiers nodded, their M4 Carbines held at the ready, fingers resting lightly on the triggers. They had followed the tracks to this point, the footprints in the mud growing fresher as they ventured further into the cave.

As they rounded a bend in the cavern, the team leader raised his hand, signaling for his team to stop. He motioned for them to spread out and search the area. The cave ahead narrowed into a small, cramped space-barely large enough to accommodate a person. team leader moved forward, his eyes scanning the shadows with the intensity of a predator on the hunt.

"Sir," whispered one of the soldiers, pointing toward the recess in the cave's wall, "I think they're in there."

The team leader's gaze followed the soldier's finger, settling on the small nook obscured by natural rock formations. His heart raced with anticipation.

"Alright, team, we're going in. Watch your step."

The soldiers moved in unison, their footsteps muffled but their presence unmistakable. As they approached the nook, the team leader gestured for the squad to assume a defensive posture. The narrow space was barely visible, but the dim light from their headlamps revealed two figures huddled inside-Rourke and Sykes, their faces illuminated by the cold, flickering light.

Rourke and Sykes were tense, their breathing rapid. Rourke gripped a knife in his right hand, his knuckles white with the effort. Sykes held a knife as well, his eyes narrowed in defiance. They stood their ground as the soldiers entered the space.

"Drop your weapons and get on your knees!" the team leader's voice cut through the stillness like a commandment from on high. His M4 Carbine was aimed directly at the mercenaries, the muzzle barely inches from their faces.

Rourke's eyes flashed with defiance. He exchanged a quick glance with Sykes before turning his gaze back to the soldiers.

"Go to hell," Rourke growled, his voice echoing off the cave walls.

"Yeah, we're not giving up without a fight!" Sykes added, his tone laced with anger.

The soldiers tightened their grips on their weapons, the tension in the small space almost tangible.

The team leader's patience wore thin. "I said, drop the knives and get on the ground. You're outnumbered and outgunned."

Rourke and Sykes exchanged another determined look. "Not a chance," Rourke spat, stepping forward.

"We're not surrendering-"


The team leader fired a single round into the cave wall, sending a shower of rock fragments tumbling down. The shot echoed through the cavern, its deafening crack causing Rourke and Sykes to flinch.

The mercenaries' eyes widened as they registered the true extent of their predicament. The soldiers' weapons were not just standard weapons; the team leader was holding a weapon unlike any they had seen before.

"What the hell is that?" Sykes's voice trembled slightly as he stared at the weapon, his bravado slipping.

Rourke, still trying to maintain his composure, shifted uneasily. "Looks like we're dealing with more than just a regular military squad," he muttered, his gaze darting from the weapon to the soldiers.

The team leader's expression remained stoic, though a glint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. "It's called a prototype," he said calmly. "State-of-the-art technology. You might want to reconsider your stance now."

The mercenaries exchanged a nervous glance, the weight of their situation sinking in. "Last chance," team leader said again, his voice unwavering. "Drop the knives and get on your knees, or we will not hesitate to use this weapon."

"Wait a minute...why are you even looking for us? What did we do to you?" Rourke asked, attempting to deflect the situation.

The team leader's eyes narrowed, his grip on the prototype weapon unwavering. "We found you stumbling about near the City of Ferm. You were acting suspiciously, and your presence here raises too many red flags. We have orders to take you in, and you're not giving us much of a choice."

Rourke's face tightened with frustration. "You don't even know who you're dealing with. We're not some common criminals!"

"Maybe not," the team leader shot back, his voice cold and unyielding, "but you're still a threat. And right now, you're the ones who have to deal with us."

Sykes glanced nervously at Rourke, his bravado giving way to uncertainty. "We're not just going to roll over and let you take us. If you think this is going to be easy, you're mistaken." "Easy?" the team leader's voice was laced with sarcasm. "This isn't about ease; it's about following orders and ensuring our mission is a success. You're in no position to negotiate."

The tension in the cramped space was palpable. The cave walls seemed to close in tighter as the standoff continued, each side unwilling to back down. The soldiers, their rifles steady, exchanged glances, ready for any sudden movements.

"Alright, enough talking," the team leader said with finality. "You've had your chance. We're moving in."

Without another word, the team leader signaled for them to disarm the mercenaries using non-lethal means.

One soldier advanced toward Rourke, expertly using his gloved hands to force the knife from Rourke's grip, while another soldier did the same with Sykes. The mercenaries struggled briefly, but their resistance was no match for the soldiers' discipline and control. With the knives secured and tucked away, the soldiers turned their attention to restraining Rourke and Sykes. They retrieved plastic zip ties from their gear and, moving swiftly, secured the mercenaries' hands behind their backs. The zip ties were cinched tight, their plastic material digging into Rourke and Sykes' wrists but ensuring they couldn't break free.

Rourke glared defiantly at the soldiers as they worked, his frustration evident. "You think this is going to end well for you? You have no idea who you're messing with!"

Sykes, equally defiant, muttered, "You are not going away with this!" Ignoring the threats, the soldiers maintained their focus on the task at hand. Once Rourke and Sykes were restrained, the team leader signaled for the extraction to begin. He glanced at the small, cramped space, ensuring no other potential threats were present before nodding to his


"Alright, let's get them out of here," the team leader commanded.