Some Terms of the Shadow Fight World are Explained

Please, let me clear some terms to those who haven't played the game yet.

Factions: Legion, Dynasty, Herald

 Legion: It is a militarist faction, aimed at eliminating shadow energy throughout the world and preventing its re-emergence.

The Legion fighting styles rely on brute strength and performing unbreakable hits.

They prefer exhausting training and heavy armor and weapons, which slow down their pace.

The Legion ideals and weaponry are reminiscence of the knighthood and warfare of the Late Middle Ages period. They look like English people.

 Dynasty: It is a faction known for its graceful, fluid fighting style. They generally rely upon dexterity and speed, focusing on dealing as many hits as possible.

Dynasty gears are light in weight, allowing them to emphasize fast and powerful kicks and high jumps.

Dynasty fighting styles, attires, and philosophy are themed on several hundred fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China.

 Herald: The Heralds is a mysterious faction with unclear motives. They are extremely knowledgeable in Shadow Energy and Shadow-based technologies more than any other faction.

Herald's weapons usually have sharp blades and are used in a smooth, yet fast and precise manner of attacks with critical damage.

Their gears are mostly dark attires, giving them an enigmatic vibe. Some of their gears also have advanced technology.

Heralds (excluding their technology) are themed on ninjas and samurai of Feudal Japan. Their fighting styles are based on the combat techniques of ninjutsu.

The Dynasty and Legion lie side by side as two different countries. But the Heralds are actually the citizens of the Dome. That city lies in a Dynastian forest hidden by an invisible dome.

Shadow Energy: It is a mysterious energy, unleashed when the 'Gates of Shadows' was opened by legendary hero Shadow and spread across the world. The Dynasty learned to use it; the Heralds researched it, and the Legion wanted to destroy it. 

Shadow energy can be contained in canteens and used to upgrade equipment. In the Shadow Fight 3 world it is like uranium—found in ore and can be radioactive. It is the key to performing shadow abilities.

Shadow Ability is a gameplay feature in the Shadow Fight 3. It is a special ability that can be used while in Shadow Form.

Shadow Form: In Shadow Fight 2, Shadow, the hero permanently lost his physical body and became a dark silhouette due to opening the Gates of Shadows. But in Shadow Fight 3 people can enter in temporary shadow form. Their physique becomes dark and their eyes glow with jade blue color.

Scourge is a shadow disease. The infected person loses his mind and becomes an aggressive shadow beast, which some sort of looks like predators from the Predators movie. Exposure to raw shadow energy radiation can cause it.


Let's talk about Shadow, the Gates of Shadows, and a briefing on the story of Shadow Fight 2 later. Or you can google it right now.