Chapter 19: Encircle (rewrite)

Lott was at a loss. He had hoped that his usual strategy of coaxing would work, but Morgan's reaction was unexpected. She had approached him, placed a hand on his shoulder, and began to massage him—something he had done for her the night before when she had complained of back pain.

"Now, husband, you must have a better idea. Can you share it with me?" Morgan asked, her cheeks flushed.

This unexpected display of affection left Lott bewildered. What is going on with Morgan?

As Morgan continued to massage his shoulder, she couldn't help but reflect on her actions. So this stubborn man is trying to take credit for something that's not even his? She sighed and thought, I will make him pay for this. But first, let's hear his plan.

Lott's Insight

Lott, still feeling the tension of the situation, began to explain. "To deal with our enemies effectively, we need to leverage our strengths against their weaknesses. In a confrontation, Orkney's army isn't a match for Vortigern, and frankly, neither am I. So, we must find our advantages and exploit Vortigern's vulnerabilities."

Morgan's eyes brightened at his words. This is a good strategy. It's worth noting down and sharing later. This could be a key quote for Queen Morgan in the future.

Lott continued, "Now, do you know what Orkney has in abundance?"

Morgan thought for a moment before answering, "Fish?"

"Exactly, we have plenty of fish, and I enjoy fishing," Lott agreed, but added, "However, the real advantage is that we are a naval power. Our people are accustomed to fighting at sea."

Morgan looked puzzled. "But how does that help us against Vortigern? We can't just bring the water to his side."

Lott chuckled softly. "What I mean is that our navy is superior. If we use this to our advantage and launch a maritime attack, we could disrupt Vortigern's plans significantly."

Morgan's face lit up as she realized the brilliance of the strategy. Attacking by sea rather than land is a clever move. This could turn the tide in our favour.

Lott then pointed to a section on the map. "Our plan should be to strike at Vortigern's most critical location. This is a classic 'encircle Wei and save Zhao' tactic. By focusing our efforts on his rear, we can create a distraction that will weaken his defences on the front lines."

Morgan's admiration for Lott's strategic thinking grew. This plan is not only innovative but also highly effective. It's much better than my initial idea.

The Plan Takes Shape

Morgan's excitement was palpable. "As expected of my husband. Your plan is brilliant!"

Lott, pleased with her reaction, felt a sense of triumph. I knew this would work. Morgan's impressed.

Morgan's mind wandered to the earlier discussion. It's amusing how he sees himself as the ruler of our household. But I suppose a little flattery won't hurt.

Feeling satisfied with the discussion, Morgan started to relax and even began to sit on Lott's lap, snuggling close. Lott's hand gently explored her back, and the atmosphere between them grew intimate.

Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted their moment.

"Who is it?" Morgan asked, slightly annoyed by the intrusion.

A voice answered from the other side, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Morgan, Knight Kay and Knight Altria have arrived to see you."

Morgan quickly composed herself, her irritation subsiding. She adjusted her clothing and allowed them to enter.

Kay and Altria walked in, noticing the slightly dishevelled appearance of Morgan and Lott. They knelt on one knee.

"Kay and Altria are here to serve King Lott. Please grant us your permission."

Lot's Special Status

"Alright, you may rise," Lott said, acknowledging their presence.

As the formalities concluded, Lott and Morgan returned to their discussion, now with Kay and Altria in attendance. The strategic conversation continued, with new plans and ideas taking shape as they prepared for the challenges ahead.