Chapter 1 : Manny's Attack


The sun beat down on Manny as he sat on the porch, his eyes fixed on a swarm of bees that were nearby buzzing around a flower.

A cruel smile spread across his face as he picked up a stick and started to poke at the hive, enjoying the way the bees buzzed angrily around him.

Manny was a very stubborn boy. He was a menace when it came to destroying things, being nice to nature and being nice to people in general. 

He would spoil and tear the leather on the couches in the living room, write on the wall, chip at the wood on the floors and pinch the family dog for no reason from time to time.

The bees became angry because he nuked their queen and they began to angrily follow him.

"HELP!" Manny screamed and ran all over the place when the bees began to chase him.

"Manny, stop that! You'll get stung!" His mother Maggie yelled from the kitchen. "You never learn do you?"

Manny successfully ran into the living room and locked the door before the bees could follow him inside the house. 

He laughed and continued to taunt the bees by making ridiculous hand signs and sticking his tongue out, oblivious of the pain he was causing them.

"He's terrible," Maggie muttered to her younger sister Rose, who was washing the dishes. "He's always hurting animals."

Rose sighed, "I do not understand why he is so cruel, he is always hurting animals. "

"Maybe he is just bored," Maggie suggested. "We should try to find him something to do, don't you think?"

Rose shook her head in dismay, she knew Maggie would always want to defend her son. 

"I don't think he's bored. He's just naturally evil to animals and insects," Rose said to her sister, condemning Manny.

"Manny, are you not supposed to do your homework? You have school tomorrow!" Maggie, Manny's mother, called out from the kitchen.

Just then, after Manny saw that the coast was clear, and the bees had gone, he began to tiptoe out of the house with glee. 

In the process of stepping out of the house, he stepped on the cat's tail.

The cat screamed out in pain.. "MEOW!"

The cat ran behind the sofa and kept patting its tail in fear.

"Manny!" His mom called out as she rushed to the living room.

"You did see that cat, didn't you?"

"No mom, I did not!" Manny lied.

Aunty Rose came out of the kitchen too, with a very disappointed look on her face.

"You're such a liar!" Manny's mother accused him.

"Last week, you and your friends purposely put the kitten on a high porch, so that they'd struggle to come down. It was all fun and games, and you were laughing, but did you care if a kitten was hurt or not?"

"One kitten became limp from the accident, and you did not feel remorse about it," Aunty Rose said.

"The other week he used candle wax to burn the dog's ears, and he felt no single remorse about it," Manny's mother said.

"I had to be the one to rush into the room and save the dog from his wickedness. The dog is fifteen years old, so he is old and weak and can not really protest."

"You honestly need an awakening to change your life because you are tuning into something else, and we don't understand," Aunty Rose added.

"You are grounded Manny! You'll go to your room and think about what you have done. You will write down thirty reasons why you have to be nice to animals on your jotter and make a promise that you will turn a new leaf," his mother instructed.

Manny acted like he was remorseful and bent his head down in a fake facade of sadness and headed back to his room.

He shared a room with his younger brother, Otis. 

When Manny left, his mother and aunty kept discussing him with disappointment and worry, strewn across their faces. 

"There are laws that Manny simply does not understand. Do you think it is because he is young?" Manny's mother asked her sister. 

"Him being young is not enough of an excuse to know that he is not a nice person," Aunty Rose continued.

"If a human being is not a nice person to animals, then he shows that he cannot be nice to humans. What kind of person am I raising and if he continues like this, how does he influence his younger brother, Otis.?"

His mother sat like a defeated person and her face was filled with worry.

"Let us go back to the kitchen, we have dinner to make, and we will discuss this over dinner," Aunty Rose said as she led her sister up and they both went to the kitchen. 

Manny went up to the room and planned to go scatter a colony of ants that were building a house by the garden. 

"Those ants look really spicy. I can't wait to scatter their colony and see them running in dismay," he planned, and his younger brother Otis heard him.

"Can I play too?" Otis asked, his eyes filled with excitement.

Manny hesitated for a minute then nodded, "sure, just be careful."

Otis picked up a stick and stood behind Manny. They waited till the coast was clear. Otis smiled when Manny instructed him to do exactly as he saw him doing. 

They went out the window to torment the ants.

In the bee colony after Manny's attacks, the bees were not too happy with the aftermath of what Manny had done. 

This queen lay on the floor looking defeated, and she was on the verge of death.

The bees ran around the hive, calling their paramedics to see if they could bring the queen back to life.

After all, what was a hive without a queen? They ran helter-skelter too, trying to save the babies and the soldier bees that Manny had wounded.

Manny normally always caused the bees so much pain, but today the damage he had done to the bees was too much. 

To humans, the bees' colony looked like a little hive where bees lived with honey and a colony of bees, but to the bees, it was a whole kingdom, with cafeterias, spas, hospitals, schools, supermarkets and everything humans also had in their towns.

The animal system was created to deal with stubborn kids that refused to be nice to animals. Most kids thought it was an old tale told by adults to force kids into being nice to animals.

The system had to train and deal with kids until they learned how to be nice to animals, and it was only unleashed

on the worst of kids.

"This little boy has tormented us for a long time and today is the straw that has broken the camel's back. With heaviness in our hearts, I fear we will have to… Unleash the animal system!" The queen bee said, stammering in her voice.