Chapter 4: The Meeting

In the heart of Tanzania, somewhere in the jungle, somewhere in the lion's den, where animals gathered for a brief meeting.

Animals and insects came from different parts of the world to attend this meeting. They come in pairs or in a group of three people.

The lion's den had a luminous chamber that was decorated with antlers of deer, nuts and skins of animals that were shed. Fungi were also on part of the walls.

Animals of all shapes and sizes, from large elephants to tiny insects, had come for a meeting that had very significant importance. 

"Hi, old friend! You look so fat! I can see the jungle has been doing you good!" One Walrus greeted his old-time friend who was an elephant.

Fishes came too, but they covered their heads in a glass helmet filled with water.

Every animal that did not have a land habitat also came, and they somehow managed to make themselves adapted by carrying part of their habitat with them.

Women dressed elegantly with the latest animal makeup and fashion and men dressed in corporate suits.

Cecelia the chipmunk, who was known as the best fashionista all around the animal kingdom, stood out as the best dressed.

Friends hugged each other and the halls were filled with chattering, clicking of heels and exchange of pleasantries. 

"All animals and insects! Convene in the hall right now! This is a meeting of the utmost urgency, and we must act fast, as a life and a hive are at stake!" Sid the snake announced through the loudspeakers that were in the hallway. 

The animals walked to the hallways and the slower ones were given electric scooters by the snake ushers.

The lions, the owners of the den, sat comfortably in the executive chair and the lionesses served snacks according to everyone's animal diet.

Domesticated animals also sent their representatives and no animal or insect you could ever think of in this world was left out, even to the minuscule ants and fungi.

"Thank you everyone for coming here. I must applaud your urgency and your respect. Thank you for honoring me with your presence," the chief of the animal headquarters, Sid the Snake, addressed everyone.

"Today's subject is about a boy. His name is Manny, and he is eight years old. He is a creature whose actions have brought controversy throughout the animal kingdom," the snake continued.

"Mrs Jane the bee, please come forward."

Mrs Jane came forward and stood on the podium.

"The boy in question has hurt the queen bee as a result of his attack, she is presently in the hospital, and she is in the middle of life and death," the snake said.

There was a huge gasp in the auditorium and the animals exchanged glances.

"Mrs Jane here had to notify us to unleash the animal system on the boy, but I wanted to alert the animals first so that we could collectively judge this little boy and come to a conclusion on his fate."

"Mrs Jane here, loves her hive and everyone knows, a hive is nothing without its QUEEN!"

Animals began to whisper among each other and Mrs Jane raised her hand up and asked for permission to say something.

"Can you give your report please? And while Mrs Jane wants to tell us about the boy and the attack that caused this dilemma, can the computer operator project the boy's status?" Sid the snake asked.

The computer panel typed:

Name: Manny Diego 

Race: Human

Age: Eight years old

Kindness to Animals: zero

Kindness to insects: minus two

Empathy: one

Strength: one

Book smartness: one

Mental intelligence: two

Agility: nine

Health power: zero out of ten

The computer panel displayed Manny's status for all the animals to see. 

Manny's picture was there too, and he stood close to the hive, ready to activate his menace.

"So he is not just a menace to animals, but he is also a dumb child! What a combination!" An old lizard yelled from the crowd.

He was filled with wrinkles, and he wore a white shirt and wore glasses. He sat with an angry face and folded his hands.

The crowd burst out in laughter. 

"I pray he tries that with snakes. I know his eyeballs will not live to tell the tale!" a worm added.

Another laughter erupted.

"Silence! This is not a playground or a comedy hall. Hold it everyone!"

The hall became quiet again. 

"Mrs Jane, give your report on the boy. Let the animals make their judgment."

Mrs Jane adjusted her tie and her hat and took the microphone and prepared to address the animals.

"So on Friday, I was instructing the drones to get pollen from a nearby flower garden close to the boy's house when he charged at our hive for no reason. He used a metal rod and started to hit the hive brutally."

There were gasps of shock from the audience. Everyone's mouth was either wide open or wide open and covered with one or both hands. 

"He used the rod to brutally poke inside our hive and the rod passed through the hallways, the kitchen, the nursery and our beloved queen bee's throne room. It damaged so many things in the process and killed so many bees. Although he did not succeed in killing our queen bee, he badly damaged her," Mrs Jane finally said with a hint of tears and sadness in her voice.

"Our beloved queen is still struggling to be on her feet and our hive is slowly on its way to extinction."

There was a loud murmur in the crowd and Perrie and Dickson, the bees looked at each other with confusion in their faces and Sid the Snake

took the stage once again.

"Thank you, Mrs Jane, you may take a seat, but we are not done yet. So my dear friends, esteemed animals, beautiful reptiles and prestigious insects, do you think we should unleash the animal system on him?"