Chapter Twelve.

Being a sadist was never a good thing, but as long as Oliver was defeated, Kayla was more than happy to become one. The thought of him squirming over his lost argument in class filled her with a satisfying sense of triumph. There was a noticeable skip in her steps as she walked through campus, exuding an effortlessly chic look, her self-assuredness practically radiating. The soft breeze played with the ends of her trousers as she moved, her Prada patent leather pumps clicking on the ground, although only the heels peeked through beneath the wide-leg pants she wore.

Her outfit was carefully chosen yet felt completely natural. The white cable-knit sweater vest she wore added texture to the simple black turtleneck layered underneath, the black trim of the vest perfectly accentuating the neckline. Her trousers were tailored, high-waisted, and pleated at the front, giving her silhouette a sleek, elegant flow as she walked. With every step, her gold hoop earrings caught the light, glimmering softly, and a delicate locket necklace rested against her vest, the chain tucked just beneath the fabric.

Today was Friday, she had to meet up with Wyatt for boba tea at the bench where they first met. She checked her phone. It was just 8 a.m., and she had a comfortable two hours before she met with Professor Oliver Hastings. The anticipation of seeing him squirm again brought a satisfied smirk to her lips.

As she neared the bench, she was surprised to see Wyatt already waiting for her. He stood up when he spotted her, his face breaking into a warm smile. His casual athletic wear, complete with a university soccer team hoodie and track pants, contrasted her polished outfit, but it was the ease with which he stood made her feel at home.

"Good morning! You look divine today!" Wyatt said, his voice brimming with genuine admiration.

Kayla didn't want to smile, but her lips betrayed her, curving upward despite herself. Wyatt had that effect on her—a disarming charm that could break through her guarded exterior.

"Thank you," she replied, with a hint of playfulness in her tone. "But why are you here so early? Don't you have soccer practice?" She raised an eyebrow. Normally, she would be the one waiting for him.

"I do," he nodded, his smile turning sheepish. "But I wanted to give you your tea first… Wait, how do you know I have soccer practice?" He crossed his arms, a glint of curiosity lighting his eyes.

Kayla blinked, caught off guard by the question. She hadn't meant to reveal that she stalked him. There were times when she swore her mind worked faster than her mouth, and this was one of those moments.

She shrugged, hoping to play it off casually. "Um…. You are wearing an athlete uniform so…." She took the boba tea he offered her, hoping the conversation would shift as the cool cup hit her palm.

Wyatt grinned, but there was a knowing look in his eyes. "Don't worry, I also stalked you, so no need to be shy."

Kayla rolled her eyes, taking a sip of the sweet, milky tea, letting the pearls roll in her mouth before she spoke. "Don't let it get to your head. You're not that important."

Wyatt chuckled, throwing his hands up in mock surrender. "Wouldn't dream of it. Just trying to keep my ego in check."

They sat down on the bench. She leaned back, feeling the slight breeze as it brushed past, rustling the leaves overhead.

But even in the moment's calm, her mind circled back to the looming appointment with Oliver. Something was unsettling about him, something that made her heart race in ways she didn't want to admit, though not for the reasons that would have made her life simpler.

She could handle his snide remarks and the way he challenged her knowledge in class, but it was his darker, lingering presence that unnerved her like he saw through her confidence and could twist it for his amusement.

Still, the thought of beating him in their next academic battle brought back that same surge of satisfaction. For now, at least, she could relish in that small victory.

Wyatt nudged her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "You okay? You look like you're plotting something."

Kayla smirked, taking another sip of tea. "Just thinking about how much I love proving people wrong."

Wyatt raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

She redirected her gaze, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "My professor." She sipped her tea.

"Interesting. Oh, you're one of those students" He nodded in realization.

Kayla's mouth rounded in shock, holding back her smile, "What's that supposed to mean!?"

"It just means you are an over-achiever!"

He tilted his head to the side when he saw Kayla's pouting face, "Come on, don't be mad at me. I meant it as a compliment, cause I think it's cute."

Did he come to this world to make her blush alone? "Am I divine or cute? Make up your mind, Wyatt!"

"Isn't it possible for someone to be both?"

She sipped her tea, noisily hoping to distract him away from her face becoming redder by the minute. "So what position do you play?"

"I'm the striker."

"Hmm. Wow! You must have scored a lot of goals. How many times have you found the back of a net?"

His azure eyes widened in shock. "Didn't know you were into soccer?"

"There are so many things you don't know about me, Wyatt."

"I won't know if you don't let me." Their gazes locked and there was something. Something turning in her stomach with the butterflies.

Wyatt studied her face up close and he saw tiny freckles scattered on her Nubian nose. He wanted to count them. They looked like stars to him.

She was the first to avert her gaze, clearing her throat. He made her feel happy and less burdened. It caught her off guard and she liked it.

"So what team do you support?" He asked.

"If it's college teams then the Sylvester Silver Lions but generally I don't really know. My ex supported Chelsea. Learned the National Anthem and everything." She laughed at the memory. Andrew. Her heart fluttered. Her Andrew. But he wasn't hers anymore. The smile on her face faltered.

Seeing her grip tighten on the boba cup, he wanted to ask but couldn't. "Then you have no team?"

"That's me. Teamless Kayla! What about you?"


"We will never walk alone!" They both said at the same time.

"Liar!" He pointed his finger at her nose. "You said you supported no teams!"

"I do not! I just really like the quote!" She defended.

He narrowed his eyes at her, not quite believing her.

"Fine! If you really wanna know… I support The Bulgarian team."

"The what now?" Wyatt blinked.

"You don't know it? And you calm yourself a soccer player?" She gasped.

"Is it a team in Bulgaria or?" His brows wrinkled.

"No! The Bulgaria team!" She shook her head, disappointed. "I really expected more from you, Wyatt. How could you not know them? Is it because they are a small team? Or they don't have any worldwide players?" Her questions stumped him and guilt was written all over his face.

"I…." He didn't know what to say. Why hadn't he heard it before? Was he so ignorant?

All of a sudden, Kayla busted out laughing.

"Oh my god! Wyatt! You should have seen your face!" She held her belly while people glanced at her strangely as they walked past.

Her laughter was soothing, melodious like little bells tinkling during Christmas. Like the sound of waterfalls.

He snapped out of it and realized she was playing with him. "Kayla! How could you!? You made me doubt my entire existence!"

"Oh my god! I am so sorry but I just couldn't help it! Did you see your face? You looked like me when I almost ran over someone's dog!"

He found himself laughing with her. She was funny. A refreshing sight to be around.

"You are a really good actress. You caught me by surprise."

"How can I not be a good actress when I'm a theatre arts major?"

"Everyone knows how good you are. We've all heard of the Kayla Hastings. You played the role of Desdemona last year and a few of my guys teared up."

"Really? That's so sweet! You've watched my plays?"

"Not all of them but I think it's safe to say I'm a fan of your work, Kayla." His genuine smile made her heart flip.

"But what is the Bulgarian team?" The laughter had died down.

"It's a quidditch team with their star seeker to be Victor Krum."

"A quidditch team?"

"For real, I'm not even joking with you this time. You haven't watched Harry Potter!?"

"Harry Potter! Oh you mean the magic book."

"The magic book?" Kayla pursed her lips. "That's so offensive! That's the book. One of the greatest books that inspired other amazing books! Better add respect to that name!"

"Yes ma'am! But I haven't read it before."

"Now that's just wrong. I will buy you the first book and give it to you next Friday and you must read it before the next time we read, so you understand? You cannot be around me and not get my HP references!"

"Your wish is my command." His practices made him unable to do anything else other than school work and even that was arduous because of his major but seeing her expectant and serious gaze, saying 'no' felt like a crime.

"How come you've never read Harry Potter? What other books haven't you read?"

A fleeting emotion flashes in his eyes and Kayla sees it. "Not everyone is as gifted as you to love reading!"

"But I don't love reading just that book in particular." She clarified and Wyatt smiled and said nothing.

Kayla checked her watch and saw it was already 9:30. "Shoot! I'm going to be late if I don't leave now." She stood up and so did her. "Bye, Wyatt!"

"Bye!" He walked backward and said, "Take care of yourself, Kayla, and don't trip on anything while I'm gone!"

"Get out of here, you psycho!" She chuckled.

As Wyatt jogged away, Kayla started her walk toward class, her confidence swelling once more. Oliver Hastings wouldn't know what hit him.

"Jack! Rosa!" She saw her friends at the entrance of their class building.

"Okay, look at you! You look like a businesswoman ready to take on the world!" Rosa complimented beaming at her.

"Your fashion taste is out of this world, girl," Jack added, taking her hand to spin her around.

"Thank you guys! But let's go before we get punished." she rolled her eyes at the idea but they kept walking.

"Yeah, yeah!"

"How was the punishment? What did he ask you to do?" Jack asked.

"To write the AlexanderFortran! Can you believe that!?"

"What!? That's insane!"

"I know right? And in three days on top of that! He really…." she trailed off as they stepped into the class. Oliver stood on the podium, students coming in but Kayla couldn't believe her eyes.

"Oh no! Oh hell no!" Her eyes widened in shock when his eyes landed on her to see the same look of surprise.