Chapter Twenty-Eight.

By the time they reached his car, Kayla's breath came in ragged gasps. She cursed under her breath, refusing to show weakness, even as Oliver raised a brow in silent question. Was she that frail?

"You know that if you kidnap me, you'll go to jail," she told him and he looked at her ghastly face through the rear-view as he drove out of the parking lot and out of the school.

"If I wanted to kidnap you, Hastings, you'd already be miles away." His voice was calm, but the way his gaze lingered on her face sent a chill down her spine. He wasn't joking. She could feel the weight of his unspoken promises

They parked in front of what looked like a gym.

"What is this?"

"A gymnasium also known as a gym."

"I know what it is, but what are we doing here?"

"Get out of the car, Hastings."

"No. Not until you tell me what we are here for." She stated firmly.