Chapter Seventy-Seven.


A gift. A beautiful gift she gave him. Oliver never thought someone would ever look at him the way Kayla did. With love. With adoration. Pure obsession. He was broken but he was her broken love. She picked up the shards and cut herself to fix him.

She did.

She fixed him and saved him in all the ways a person can be saved. For his entire life, someone had carved out of his heart but she put it back, replacing it with herself.

She told him that he needed to touch other people. Women. Not all women were the same, she said.

"But I don't need other women if I have you. You are more than enough." His hand circled her waist, pulling her closer to his chest.

"I know, but you have to learn how to interact with other people. You can't keep punishing yourself. You have to move on and not touching others is not moving on." The playfulness evaporated in an instant and he let her go, turning his back to him.