Chapter-2 From now on I am a System Man


The hoot of an owl interrupted the traverser's excited fantasy. Seeing the impatient look on the bird's head in front of him, Kaizo quicky opened the drawer, took out a piece of biscuit, broke it into small pieces and placed it in front of the owl.

This is the postman who can decide his fate, so he needs to be bribed well.

While the owl lowered its head to peck at the food, Kaizo took out pen and paper, and began to reply.

As an adult, ke knows very well that as an orphan in a Muggle orphanage, he cannot act like an old driver "no one knows Hogwarts better than me" just because he has watched the"Harry Potter" series in his previous life.

He had to pretend to be hesistant and doubtful.

He had to choose hos words according to his age, fitting the image of a precocious but fantasy loving child.

Soon, a reply letter was written.

"Well, that's now your problem, Mr.Owl."

Putting the reply letter in the owl's paw, Kaizo watched the postman fly away. Then he told the director of the orphanage about this in a joking tone:

"A magic school called Hogwarts sent me an admission notice, and I responded positively. "

The director naturally didn't believe in what he said and replied with a smile,"Oh, little kaizo, maybe this is a joke played by some naughty little guy on you, don't worry about it."

The next day, the slap in the face came a little to fast.

Early in the next morning, there was a lnock on the door of the orphanage. Kaizo opened the door, and outside was a tall looking woman about 50-60 years old, wearing an emerald green robe, glasses, with a strong aura and a serious expression.

She looked at the boy in front of her with a searching look.

White hair,dark eyes, pale whitish skin, handsome appearance, but obviously not very well nourished.

"Mr. Kaizo Grindel, right?"

"Yes, it's me." Kaizo nodded.

"I am the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, you may call me Prof. Minerva McGonagall..." It turns out that she was responsible for picking me up, kaizo thought.

Compared with Prof.McGonagall in the movie, the witch in front of him only has similar clothing and temperament, but her appearance is completely different, this is not surprising at all, after all this is the real world.

The "savior" in elementary school also looked different from harry potter in the movie, which is why kaizo didn't recognize him.

Behind kaizo, the director said in surprise:"You mean, you come from the school that teaches magic as mentioned in the letter? This is really not..."

But the word "prank" was not uttered.

After all, one can tell from Prof. McGonagall's expression and aura- that this woman is definitely not the type to play pranks on others. Looking at her, kaizo seemed to be reminded of his high-school head teacher in his previous life. Before the director could ask further questions, Prof. McGonagall had her wand in her hand and pointed it at the director's gently, and then the other party's attitude changed: "Oh, welcome, Prof. McGonagall.

Thank you for taking in little kaizo. This is the best choice. You know , little kaizo is a well known genius in our orphanage, but it's a pity... Oh, I won't say anymore, you guys chat, I'll get you some tea."

With that said, the nagging woman walked away. At the same time, kaizo heard a voice in his head.

[This is the first time you feel magic, because you have the wisdom of your previous life, you have awakened your heaven defying understanding. You have a chance of having an epiphany when learning new things]

[In your previous life, you mastered information from all heavens and all realms. Your arrival had an impact on this world. Your understanding can comprehend the wisdom from all heavens and all realms.]

[You have watched the use of mind suggestion magic, you have understood the power of the soul, and you have awakened psychic powers.]

[You have understood the passive abilities (Charm Humans), ( Hidden Thoughts)]

Comprehending heaven ?

Psychic magic?

Awesome, it turns out that the so- called Hogwarts notice is just an appetizer, and the real feast is the Gold Finger.

The so called psychic spells come from the profession in the dragons and dungeon world. Psychic abilities originate from the training of one's own mental abilities through long term strict self examination and mental training.

This is an inner energy, derived from one's own life and spirit, and an idealistic power.

This ability can directly act on the heart, and can also produce effects similar to spells, but compared with spells, it is invisible and formless, and does not require any cumbersome chanting and spell casting rituals. It can take effect as long as the mind moves.

But in contrast wizard spells, as long as you are not Dumbledore, still takes some time to cast spells.

But in any case, the profession of psychics is a professional work that is no less than that of wizard.

As for having your own specialised spell... I'm still afraid of this if I have [Heaven Defying Comprehension]?

One of the two current spells,[Charm Humans], can make others have favourable impression of you through mental suggestion, and the effect is similar to hypnosis.

Of course, psychological suggestion is not complete hypnosis, and it does not have 100% control power, but the advantage is that it leaves no trace on others and will not be discovered.

As for [Hidden Thoughts], it is completely equivalent to [Occlumency].

This means that kaizo does not need to worry at all, that the secrets hidden in his heart that can subvert the world will be easily discovered by old, shady men like Snape, Dumbledore, and Voldemort.

Sure enough, Gold finger is indeed Gold finger, and it comes with such a powerful gift Package.

Prof. McGonagall was completely unaware that the little wizard in front of him had become psion in the blink of an eye.

Tha cautious kaizo naturally would not reveal it. He still pretended to be ignorant, looked at wand in the other party's hand, and said worriedly: "Is this magic? It won't have any bad impacts on the director right?"

Prof. McGonagall tense face relaxed a little, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly:"Don't worry Mr. Kaizo, this is just an ordinary suggestion magic. It won't have a bad effect on her. She will only think that you have entered a good school. It's a magical school after all, it's best not to let muggles know about magic."

After that she added:

"The term Muggles refers to ordinary people who don't have magic."

Then, she tapped the table in front of her with her wand, and the four wooden legs of the table suddenly became flexible and ran around the room.

"Wow!, so awesome!"

Kaizo looked surprised. This time he was not pretending. He was on ordinary person in his previous life, and this was the first time he had seen transfiguration magic with his own eyes.

[You have watched the transformation spell, you have some understanding of the transformation spell, your transformation expertise +1]

Prof. McGonagall was not surprised by his expression:"Mr. Kaizo, have you ever discovered that you have any special abilities that other children don't have since you were a child?"

"You mean this?"

Kaizo focused on a spoon on the table.

The spoon suddenly beggan to shake, and then bent sharply. "The control of magic is very precise, well done." Prof. McGonagall's eyes lit up and he looked at Kaizo again.

Judging from the intuitive performance, this trick does not reflect any powerful magic power. But she knew very well that being able to focus on bending the spoon without affecting the other dishes on the table meant that the little wizard in front of her had control over his magic.

That is something that many wizards similar his age cannot do. It seems that is a very talented child.

"Well, while it's still early, Mr. Kaizo, come with me, I'll take you to buy somethings necessary for admission."

"You can call me Kaizo, Prof. McGonagall. Before I leave, I want to say something to the director."

Prof. McGonagall waved her hand:"No need, this kind of thingcannot be explained clearly to muggles."

If that aunt is not the director of the orphanage, but the parent of a muggleborn wizard, it is really necessary that they know where their children have gone. They have this kind of power, even under the Wizarding Statue Of Secrecy.

But if it's someone from an orphanage, that's a different thing. In the eyes of Prof. McGonagall, since she cannot be regarded as Kaizo's guardian, then there is no need for her to know to much, so she used a mind suggestion spell on her.

However, Kaizo's question did not end. He said a little shyly:"Well... Prof. McGonagall, I would like to go shopping with you, but ... I have no money. I have only saved 9 pounds and 15 pence in these years...."

9 pounds and 15 pence is just enough money to buy a shirt. How could it be enough for things in the the wizarding world?

Prof. McGonagall smiled gently:"Mr. Kaizo, I don't think you need to worry about this. This is not the first time Hogwarts has accepted students like you. We have already planned for students like you to take an interest free student loan. You'll only have to pay for it back once you graduate and get a job."

There are actually interest free student loans?

What a conscience!

What Prof.McGonagall said that this was not the first time orphaned wizards were accepted..... Could it be the last person like him was Tom Riddle?


(AN) I hope you'll enjoy this story. I have also writing another based on the pokemon theme setting, so if you all could go have a look at it. It'd be great, it's name is" Pokemon:Dominate the League from opening the Treasure Box ."

Chapter-3 A wizarding career that starts with Loan