Chapter-13 Cirilia

"We got Potter! We got Potter!"

When the sorting hat announced Harry's house, the cheers from the Gryffindor house, filled the entire great hall.

The lions rushed to shake Harry's hand, and were looking quite proud of it too. Ron was sorted in the Gryffindor house second last. His brothers were particularly happy for this and applauded wildy, which softened his face.

Kaizo looked towards the long table next door, and saw both harry and ron looking at him with regretful expressions. Regarding this matter, kaizo thinks that this is fine.

The only thing to consider is what Dumbledore thinks. In Kaizo's view, this greatest white wizard is good at everything, but he is too concerned about opposition between good and evil, because of that he will do many things that are not consistent with his status as a principal.

For example, his attitude towards black or dark arts, the setting of restricted book areas in libraries, for example, obviously favouring Harry. Such as arranging big adventures for harry year after year.

In Kaizo's eyes, Dumbledore was worthy of being the greatest white wizard, but he was not a qualified headmaster. It's a pity that people are under his roof.

As long as kaizo is at Hogwarts, he is obviously subject to Dumbledore's interference. But there is no way to avoid this.

Kaizo knew very well that, what Dumbledore cared about most was the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort. He will not tolerate anyone interfering with tha advancement of the prophecy.

Although, he accidentally came in contact with Harry in Elementary school, but as long he maintains normal communication with harry in school and doesn't have much contact with him, Dumbledore probably wouldn't think, that he could have influence on the prophecy.

Then Dumbledore will naturally not interfere with himself anymore. Afterall, when he arrived at Hogwarts and the magical world, kaizo planned to live hos own life, instead of being arranged to be the protagonist's follower.

Kaizo has no intention of keeping a low profile at school;

Hogwarts is a school afterall, and teachers always like to gove the green light to top students, don't they?

"Do you know Harry Potter, from over there?" A boy's voice suddenly sounded next to him.


Kaizo didn't explain to much. He slowly lowered his gaze and turned around to look over. The owner of the voice was a brown haired boy. His eyes had been attracted to the food on the table, and he was staring at a plate of fish soup in a daze.

"Are you hungry?"

The little wizards at this age always likes to save face and don't want to be known as a greedy cat. This kind of naked greedy expression was indeed a bit strange.

"Yes, I forgot to bring my pocket money, so I couldn't eat anything on the train." The boy said and swallowed again.

"My name is Kaizo Grindel, nice to meet you." Kaizo reached out his hand.

"My name is Stephen Cornfoot." Kaizo recalled that this name did, infact exist in the original books. But aprt from the name, the other party had no role in the original novel.

But just such a passerby NPC, now actually appeared in fron of him.

For a time, Kaizo's understanding of the world deepened a lot.

[You will feel more and more integrated into this world, but the impact of your arrival on this world will gradually appear, and the abnormalities caused by you will gradually be revealed.]

My arrival has an impact on this world? What impact? Why didn't I notice this?

Just when kaizo was puzzled by this, Albus Dumbledore stood up.

It's time for the principal to speak. In his previous world, the students would always eat first, and only then would there be any speeches. But that doesn't seem to be the case at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore looked at the students with a smile on his face, stretched out his arms to them, and said loudly:

"Welcome everyone to the start of new year at Hogwarts!"

"Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words. That is Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, and Tweak! Thank you everyone!"

This strange congratulations left everyone confused, but kaizo had some speculation on these words.

By 'Nitwit', he means Ravenclaw, the wizards of this house, think that they are the most smartest and think that students in other houses are fools.

Blubber, this word is also used to refer to fat. Unfriendly children use this word to insult and look down on their peers who are fatter and less physically fit. Most of the Gryffindor students think that they are more brave than students of other houses.

Tweak, refers to the Hufflepuff students who have nothing to do with the other three houses. They are not smart, brave ot cunning, and there are a lot of half blood and muggleborn wizards who don't have much talent and can still be together with everyone.

Oddment, are the Slytherin students who are pureblood advocates and value cunning and unity. In the eyes of Slytherin students, people who are not pureblood wizards and from Slytherin are useless.

If you think about it in this way, then the intention of the principal is to remind students from different houses to avoid stereotypes and unite.

But Dumbledore himself doesn't do this at all. From this perspective, it is fortunate that kaizo was not assigned to Slytherin. Then, kaizo noticed that Stephen next to him suddenly widened his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the originally empty table was filled with delicous food. There were roasted beef, roasted chicken, honey glazed chicken legs, honey glazed pork ribs, pork chops, steaks, sausages, baked potatoes chips, mashed potatoes, pea shoots, carrots, broth, pumpkin juice, orange juice, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and peppermint candies?

A large number od delicacies immediately livened up the atmosphere. Everyone ate and drank together, which was very enjoyable.

Stephen immediately started eating like crazy. Kaizo himself wasn't much better. Sadly, this was the most sumptuous meal he had eaten since his transmigration.

Halfway through his eating, Stephen wanting to make small talk, stretched out his head:"Kaizo, why does that senior eat with two wands?"

The other eaglets around him also looked at the direction of that senior. "That is not a magic wand, it's chopsticks, probably because that senior is from the Asian country. Instead of speculating ourselves, it's better to ask the senior."

Kaizo pointed in the direction of a beautiful asian senior, Cho Cheng.

The girl nodded" You're right, I am from China, it seems you really are a ravenclaw, even though you are a british, you still know more about other cultures."

The meal lasted for half an hour. Then came the desert. Various flavours of pudding cake, ice cream, syrup pie, chocolate sponge cake, strawberry jelly,...

Kaizo and Stephen wailed at the same time.

These two foodies had stuffed their belly full with food, since they did not know that the deserts will arrive later.

The result is that they see that every desert is so tempting, but they can't eat anything anymore. During desert time, there was a little comotion on the Gryffindor table.

The Gryffindor ghost "Nearly Headless Nick" suddenly emerged from the table, the bloody scene scared the little lions so much that they almost vomited on the spot.

Finally, desert time is over, Dumbledore began to make his final speech.

"Now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to you. At the beginning of the semester, I want everyone to pay attention to a few things...

Attention, every student is prohibited from entering the Forbidden Forest. Some of our old students should also remember this."

As he said this, Dumbledore glanced towards the twin weasley brothers.

"Furthermore, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, also asked me to remind everyone not to cast magic in the corridors. The review of the Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in participating in the house team, please contact Madam Hooch."

"Finally, I must tell everyone that anyone who does not want to suffer an unfortunate accident and die in pain should not enter the corridor room on the right side of the third floor."

Kaizo had a dark look on his face after hearing this. If there's any way to make everyone want to do something, the best way is to ban it.

This old bee did it entirely on purpose. If you don't want anyone to go to the room, just seal the corridor and that's it.

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song."

After Dumbledore said loudly, the expressions of all the teachers and the older students seemed to become stiffer. Dumbledore flicked his wand, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting and coiling like a snake above the dining table, forming lines of text.

"Each person, choose a tune that they like." Dumbledore said,"Get ready to sing."


The Weasley twins are worthy of being the best troublemakers since the mauderers. Originally everyone was in a mess. They used the tune of funeral march to successfully lead everyone further.

Everyone finally finished singing the school song and lined up to leave the great hall under the leadership of the prefects.

Just then, kaizo saw a face that shouldn't be here.

Gray hair, like his iwn white, a high forehead, neat eyebrows, and a beautiful face.

The only thing to worry about is that there is a scar missing from her eye.

In shock, kaizo couldn't help but shout the other party's name


________________________________________AN) I hope you'll enjoy this story. I have also writing another based on the pokemon theme setting, so if you all could go have a look at it. It'd be great, it's name is"Pokemon:Dominate the League from opening the Treasure Box "

IF YOU CAN THEN PLEASE SUPPORT ME ON MY UPI[karnshivesh20@oksbi] OR MY UPI NUMBER[7988452702].

Next Chapter-14 Ravenclaw Lounge