Chapter-18 Library Shopping

The next class was Herbology, which they had to attend with Hufflepuffs. The Herbology classroom is in the south east of the castle and is a large independent greenhouse. It is managed by Prof.Sprout, the head of the Hufflepuff house, and the professor of Herbology.

Many magical plants and herbs are planted in these greenhouses. In addition to being used for teaching, these magical plants and herbs are also considered products of Hogwarts.

It is said that many materials in Snape's medical cabinet are provided by Prof.Sprout. Prof.Sprout is a short witch with flowing gray hair. She usually wears a thick hat full of patches and is covered in dirt, because she always stays in the greenhouse playing with flowers and plants, and doesn't care about her appeared.

Overall, she is an optimistic and compassionate person, a standard Hufflepuff.

Not only is she easy going and friendly, her lectures are also very lively. In her class, kaizo performed good as usual. After all, with his perfect memory and [Scholar's Touch], his brain is equivalent to a super database, and all the knowledge which is stored can be taken out anytime.

Of course, just having so much knowledge doesn't mean that he can use it in practical directly. But when it comes to answering class questions from the textbooks, his ability is completely overpowered for ordinary wizards and witches.

Ravenclaw students quickly adapted to this and were quite proud of having such classmate. Indeed, answering questions proactively is not a praiseworthy quality for Ravenclaw. But if you do this to the extreme, meaning that you can answer any class question 100% correctly. Even Ravenclaw students have to admire such people.

After class ended, kaizo quickened his pace and came to the great hall quickly, which made steve feel that he had found a kindred spirit.

But kaizo was different from him. He walked so fast not to be the first to start the meal, but to finish the meal early so that he could go the library to read quickly. After a hasty dinner, kaizo went to the library.

Then he discovered that he was the first person to arrive here, even before Miss Know It All Hermione Granger.

However, the first thing he did when he came was not to start reading a book, but to complete his homework. Unlike the Muggle world, Hogwarts doesn't have any exercise books or workbooks that provide professional exercises.

Their homework is basically to write short compositions. For example, summarize the main points of the course, describe the subject insights, etc.

And the limit on their assignment is not word count, but length. The so called length is probably about the same as the number of lines.

It's just that the professor doesn't count the number of lunes written in the homework, but the length of patchment consumed from the beginning to end. He had three classes today, and in total he had to write nearly two feet of homework.

In order to complete their homework more easily, many students will go to the library to do their homework and search for information while writing. Afterall, copying a book is easier than editing it yourself.

But for kaizo, simple homework is not a problem at all.

He has all kinds of information in his mind for hom to call upon, and he himself is proficient in various hydrology techniques to make up the number of words. After all, he had been a student for so long in his previous life.

But compared to his magical writing skills, the other students still envy his automatic writing quill.

He just needs to dictate and the pen will automatically complete the assignment. This is the wonderful use of [Scribe].

In fact, kaizo is happy to teach them his little magic trick, he invented. Unfortunately, no one came forward to ask. Everyone seems to think of it as an expensive magical quill.


After completing his homework, Kaizo's real mission in the library begun. This is the place with the largest and most comprehensive collection of books in the entire wizarding world of Great Britain.

The collection of books here is not only accumulated by the school over the past hundreds of years, but also donated by the outstanding almuni from all walks of life.

It can be said that no matter whether it is a pure blood family, an organization like the "Death Eaters", or even the Ministry of Magic, the collection of books cannot be compared to this place.

For kaizo, almost half of the value of Hogwarts is in this library! When Harry and the others arrived at the library, they immediately saw kaizo fighting with a large pile of books in the corner.

Thick books were stacked on top of each other, almost three or four feet high, almost burying kaizo completely. When Harry saw this, he took a deep breath and said with admiration." He has read so many books, no wonder he is so good!"

Hermione snorted, bit her lip, and said to herself"The semester has just begun, I will catch up with him soon."

In their eyes, Kaizo's reading mode is quite strange. He doesn't carefully flip through the pages of books like most people do. Not even a quick page turn, Instead, just like flipping playing cards, he goes through the pages of the book from the beginning to end in front of their eyes.

Each book, no matter how thick, consumes no more than a minute of his time. It's like the legendary quantim wave reading. Of course, the students here don't know what quantum reading is.

But they knew very well that there was no way, someone could read anything like this. It's just that Kaizo's expression is too focused and serious. Except for the speed of turning the book, his expression and posture is no different from someone who reads very seriously.

This strange appearance not only stunned Harry and the others, but even the librarian, Mrs.Pince, frowned.

Lady Irma Pince, Hogwarts Librarian,

According to young students, this woman is extremely difficult to get aling with and treats the younger students in the library very hardhly.

Under her management, the Hogwarts library looked less like a place of learning and more like a place of dictatorship. Of course, essentially she just wants to keep the library quiet and the books tidy.

But these descriptions are enough to reflect her harshness.

Right now, she is eyeing kaizo, who is quantum wave speed reading. Although Kaizo's actions have not violated any library's rules, nor did he make too much noise, or damage any collection of books, but Mrs.Pince, who loves books, still couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to teach kaizo a little experience.

"Child, this is not how you read books. You won't gain any knowledge this way."

She didn't know the ability of [Scholar's Touch], so dhe couldn't understand that kaizo could actually read so fast.

So, kaizo showed her on the spot what it meant to memorize things backward and forward.

Soo, Mrs.Pince left with a strange look on her face. Even after returning to her seat, she still peeked at kaizo from time to time. Others were even more dumbfounded, Is this the true level of a genius?!

We are all students who came on the same train, then why are there such big differences?

With the exception of Hermione, everyone else has completely given upon comparing themselves with kaizo in this regard. Especially Ron, his attention turned to the parchment covered with writing on Kaizo's desk.

"Um…kaizo." He said with his whole face turning red. Kaizo glanced at him and immediately understood what he meant, he just wanted to copy his homework.

No one is so shameless that they want to copy someone else's homework on the first day, other than ron it seems.

Kaizo sighed and pushed his homework over, just don't disturb him again. Kaizo's goal this semester is to upload the entire information of library into his head.

When all the books on his desk had been scanned using [Scholar's Touch], kaizo stood up and headed to the bookshelf with a large stack of books.

He has to say that this library is really large, with two floors in total. Not counting the hidden areas, the entire library covers an area of several thousand square meters.

Countless tall bookshelves extend from the ground to the 7-8 meter high ceiling, and many books can only be accessed by stepping on ladders.

Of course, you can also use levitation spells, but spellcasting is prohibited here.

As he walked, kaizo slowly reached the depths of library. He saw more than a dozen rows of bookshelves, locked up by a screen, with a warning sign

Forbidden Book Zone

From a distance, kaizo could feel the chaotic and huge fluctuations of magic power. According to the rules of this magic world, the texts of these powerful and ancient magic knowledge, themselves contain hige magic power in them. Powerful wizards too when write down magical texts, those texts also carry the lingering will and magic of the writer.

According to Kaizo's estimation, at least thousands of books here contain magical power. If half of Hogwarts value lies in its library, then more than half of library's value lies in this forbidden zone. For him, this is a trove of treasures.

But after kaizo looked at Mrs.Pince from afar, he turned around and left. Now is not the tume to enter this forbidden zone. Kaizo had already figured this out. Dumbledore's attitude towards magic is very obvious, he advocates white magic, useless spells which don't permanently harm someone and opposes Black Magic.

This naturally goes against the philosophy of Hogwarts throughout all it age. Hogwarts founders wanted to popularize knowledge, they didn't distinct between magic, and taught it equally to all their students. So that their students could have the strength to protect themselves and share their own knowledge to the future generations.

If course Kaizo disapproves with Dumbledore's. But Dumbledore is the principal afterall, and the highest authority of Hogwarts lies in his hands.

What can he do? He is not the Boy Who Lived, the savior of the Great Wizarding World.

If he rashly comes in contact with dark magic, then he will only be met with suspicion and hostility. For a wizard like him with no background, it is best to be honest in the first year and kearn the knowledge which is allowed by the school.

Instead of causing trouble everywhere, like traveling at night, secretly reading forbidden books, breaking into forbidden forest... is this what an honest student can do?

The savior was able to do this because he was protected by Dumbledore, and people pointed him to fight the dark lord to save the world, so naturally he was tolerated, no matter what kind of trouble he did.

As for ordinary wizards,… do you really think that Hogwarts doesn't expel students.

"So, if I get into trouble like Harry Potter, I'll be a dog!"

But for a time and space traveller like him, who regards everyone as an NPC and remains arrogant in his heart, how long can such a stubborn idea last?

________________________________________AN) I hope you'll enjoy this story. I have also writing another based on the pokemon theme setting, so if you all could go have a look at it. It'd be great, it's name is"Pokemon:Dominate the League from opening the Treasure Box "

IF YOU CAN THEN PLEASE SUPPORT ME ON MY UPI[karnshivesh20@oksbi] OR MY UPI NUMBER[7988452702].

Next Chapter-19 Drowner in Harry Potter