Demon girl real name

It all started when Lico asked, "What's your name?" The demon girl got upset and tried to change the subject, but Transter insisted on knowing. To everyone's shock, the demon girl cried and ran away. Transter turned to Lico and asked, "Why did you ask?"

Lico replied, "It's hard to keep calling her 'demon girl.' It feels wrong. I tried calling her 'DG,' but she used Blue Fire on me."

Transter decided they needed to find out her real name and why she was so upset. They went to the oldest demon, Rey, who confirmed that "demon girl" was not her real name. Transter said, "We named her that."

Rey responded, "I don't know her real name. If you find out, we never spoke, we don't know each other, and you never saw me. Understand?"

Transter asked why, and Rey explained, "She killed the last 100 demons who knew her name, along with their friends, enemies, families, teachers, and everything they looked at over the past nine years. It took her one week, and she killed over a million demons and animals. Even her father was scared of her."

Lico said, "Okay, that was very helpful."

Transter asked, "How is that helpful?"

Lico replied, "Because we are not finding her name."

Transter insisted, "Yes, we are."

Lico refused, "No, I'm not. First, I like living. Second, you and me."

Transter ordered, "We are going to find her name, and that's an order. If you leave this mission, you will be a full-out enemy of the Demon King."

Lico said, "Okay, now I'm your enemy. Bye."

Transter was shocked, "What? Are you that scared of the demon girl?"

Lico explained, "Let me tell you what will happen to you. You are weaker than the demon girl. Did you not see me cry in the Blue Fire? When she shoots it at you, it feels like a day, but it's only a second. It traps time, and you wish for death. That's how you will feel."

Transter asked, "Is it that bad?"

The demon girl appeared and said, "Yes. Why are you talking about Blue Fire?"

Lico said, "To learn."

The demon girl charged her Blue Fire and asked, "Did you find out my name?"

Transter replied, "No. Can you tell us?"

The demon girl warned, "No, and this is a warning." She fired at Transter, and he felt the pain Lico described. The demon girl left, and Transter said, "I'm out. Bye. We must never talk about this."

Lico agreed. The demon girl's real name remained unknown, and she was no longer just "Baby Girl."