The Six Emotions vs Hell

The Six Emotions vs Hell

Luna missed Earth so much that she used six versions of herself to attack a part of Hell. Using her Eye Lock Supreme ability, she located Transter, a demon girl, and Lico, and sent Pride to destroy Hell. Before leaving, Pride asked Luna, "What's my name?"

Luna thought for a moment and said, "Hmm… Hybris. Your full name is Hybris."

With that, the five other Lunas and Hybris departed to wreak havoc in Hell. They fought their way through, going from one demon army to the next, until they reached Lico's division. There, Lico stood with his top four demons: the twin sisters Ella and Emma, Jaiveer, and his younger brother Favian.

Ella and Emma were both skilled martial artists, though each mastered a different form. Ella was an expert in kung fu, while Emma excelled in karate. Jaiveer was a seasoned warrior who had saved many soldiers in the war against the Demon Queen. His arsenal was vast, featuring swords, guns, daggers, spiked gloves, a longbow, and war hammers. Favian, a genius inventor, commanded an army of bots and wore a suit that could stop time for a full minute.

When Lico saw Hybris, he was both shocked and excited. With confidence, he addressed his soldiers. "Today is the day we fight against a powerful enemy!"

Emma smirked and teased, "Why are you acting like a good commander all of a sudden?"

Lico, slightly flustered, replied, "What do you mean? I've always been a good commander!"

Luna interjected, "They're just joking."

But Ella, Emma, Jaiveer, and Favian chimed in, "We're not joking!"

Hybris vs. Lico's Division

Hybris charged at Lico, but Jaiveer blocked her attack with a war hammer. He quickly drew a gun from his arsenal and fired several shots at her. All hit their mark, but Hybris was too powerful. She grabbed Jaiveer and threw him into Hell's fiery pits, though Favian managed to catch him just in time.

In response, Hybris unleashed demon fire at Favian. Surprised, he asked, "How do you know demon fire?"

Hybris smirked. "I copied it."

Lico, seeing the opportunity, used his Sun Copy technique to enhance his own demon fire and fired it at Hybris while she was distracted. It connected, but it didn't even hurt her.

Sensing the danger, Emma stepped in, using her karate to land a hit and push Hybris back. She then activated her special technique, Demonic Soul, which allowed her to attack someone's soul directly. She formed a soul gun and shot it at Hybris, managing to injure her.

Hybris laughed maniacally, delighted by the challenge. "Now, I'm going to hurt you even more!" she shouted, charging at Emma.

Terrified, Emma ran as fast as she could. Lico yelled after her, "Why didn't you run that fast when I was in trouble?"

But it was no use. Hybris caught up to Emma and brutally beat her, sneering, "You're weak. So, so weak."

Ella, unwilling to let her sister suffer any longer, used her Command technique. This ability allowed her to force anyone to do whatever she commanded, a skill she had learned from her father