Chapter 42  Boss Beedrill

What does it feel like to be chased by five or six hundred Beedrills? Now Ashborn tells you, it is absolutely thrilling and fearful.

His Metang was fast, and although they had thrown some distance, they didn't stop chasing.

The leader-level Beedrill at the front emitted a white light, followed by a burst of white light.

"Protect Metang"

Pin Missile's speed is very fast, if the fast-moving Metang makes a turn, Ashborn above will definitely be thrown off.

So Metang can't hide.

The green protective cover was like a circle protecting Metang and Ashborn in it, Pin Missile slapped on the guard with a puff and ripples.

Fortunately, the protection was not broken and survived this round of Pin Missile.

Ashborn took out the Max Repel potion from the system space. This thing can emit an odor that Pokémon hates, and can effectively avoid Pokémon's attack.

He threw the Max Repel potion directly to the back, because Ashborn didn't want Metang to throw him off because he let go of one hand.

Leader Beedrill saw an unknown object coming towards him, he didn't think about it at all, he stabbed a needle in it, followed by a bang.

Max Repel's potion was punctured, and a burst of gas instantly spread around.

After Beedrill smelled the smell, he stopped immediately, his blood red eyes began to return to normal, and he turned away in disgust.

But the leader of Beedrill was not affected by Max Repel's potion, and he still chased Metang, his eyes turned even redder.

The most important thing is whether the Bug fruit can break the shackles in its body. It has a feeling that as long as it eats these two fruits, it can definitely break the shackles in its body.

But all this was destroyed by the human being on Metang's back.

As a leader of this forest, Beedrill, has been stained with the blood of many humans and Pokémon.

If it weren't for humans, the number of its offspring would be even larger, so it doesn't like humans at all.

Beedrill, who was chasing Ashborn, did not realize that the Beedrill group behind him did not follow because of Max Repel.

After continuing the speed for a few minutes, Ashborn saw an open space not far away, and immediately stopped Metang.


As the Metang stopped, Ashborn fell directly from its back to the ground, turned his back to the sky, panting quickly, and wanted to take a rest, but the humming of his ears gradually approaching made him unable to stand up,


Release Riolu, staring closely at the approaching leader Beedrill.


Seeing that the human stopped, the reason in his eyes have long been occupied by anger, Beedrill rushed towards Ashborn, the energy gathered in his mouth, it was going to bite the human to death.

"Bullet Punch" Ashborn said.

The Metang in front of him suddenly moved, and the white fistagainst the Beedrill's Bug Bite . After a stalemate for a while, the energy of the two sides exploded with a bang because of the violent collision.

The blast blew Beedrill out, and because of his weight, Metang only retreated a little, and suffered more injuries.

"Come up, use Take Down" Ashborn shouted.

Take Down is a skill that Metang acquired during Beldum, and it is the only move, withthe proficiency that has already been engraved in it's bones.

Beedrill, who had just been blown out by the air wave, didn't react when he saw Metang breaking through the smoke generated by the explosion and slammed into its body, and the silver horn on its body even slammed into its soft abdomen.

White silk Threadball of String Shots came from the Beedrill mouth, wrapping the Metang together.

Metang's movements were instantly restricted, but Beedrill did not pursue the victory, but instead used Agility to charge towards Ashborn.

You don't have any honor.

Seeing this, Ashborn scolded secretly, but fortunately, he let Riolu out just in case.

"Riolu Metal Claw"

Riolu had already stood in front of Ashborn, his body jumped up, and he slapped Beedrill with his claws.

Beedrill spat out purple liquid from his mouth, blocking Riolu's attack, and the liquid hit Riolu.

It's Venoshock, Riolu doesn't have a Steel type now, so it's poisoned when it hits the ground, and Beedrill does a lot of damage to it.

Riolu is currently only level 23, and there is a gap of nearly 20 levels with Beedrill. This gap can no longer be compensated by resources, and things like Potential .

It's good to not get a one-shot kill by Beedrill.

Without Riolu's obstruction, Ashborn was exposed to Beedrill.

A cold light flashed in Beedrill's eyes, he raised his left arm and stabbed at Ashborn's head, but the next moment his body was suddenly knocked dozens of meters away, and he also knocked down a few big trees in the middle.

Metang docked in front of Ashborn, there were still some threads on his body, but it was not enough to hinder its movement.

The corner of Ashborn's mouth twitched, he just noticed that Metang came to support him, and Riolu had just bought some precious time.

"Steel Beam" Ashborn said coldly.

The silver-white beam of light hit the Beedrill who had just climbed up and blasted it into the ground.

However, Beedrill hadn't lost his ability to fight, and even stood up tremblingly.

"Bullet Punch"

Beedrill, who had just stood up with difficulty, didn't react, and was hit in the face by Metang's punchs, and in order to prevent it from continuing to stand up, Metang also punched it twice.

"Good job Metang" Ashborn praised.

Then took out the antidote to detoxify Riolu. If he is slightly injured, Pokémon's physique does not require medication at all, but if it is poisoned, it is best to detoxify Pokémon immediately. Resisting it for too long, it may be too late to detoxify later.

"Eat this"

Ashborn took out the energy cube for two Pokémon to eat.

Whether it was just Metang galloping all the say,or at the end to defeat Beedrill, or Riolu's heroic save, both consumed a lot of stamina.

After eating the energy block, the two Pokémon are recovering quickly.

He looked at Beedrill, who had fainted not far away, and had no intention of subduing or killing him.

Although Beedrill just didn't talk about anything And directly wanted to kill him, Ashborn really didn't want to kill it, maybe because of the his hesitancy, or maybe because he was not used to it.

Anyway, for now, Ashborn didn't want to kill Beedrill.

The reason it "Actually wanted to kill him, was bcoz he stole the most important from Beedrill.

"Come on, let's keep looking for something else"

Saying that, I took out the Dowsing Machine.


Ara ara~~ Sayo nara ~~