A Week in the City: Chapter 2 - The Beginning of a Tale

All of these dreams... are they all false... I should do something about it now... Now is the time to change things. I will hand my torch to someone else now.


What do I remember? What happened? I can hear... horses? On cobbled road? This must be a city... I can hear much better now... people are talking all around me... am I in the streets?

I unfortunately am in an ally on a pile of garbage...

Main Character?: Gah! HUH? Where am I? Why don't I remember anything about my past? How'd I end up here?

A witch stands before me, she had black skin and pale white eyes. She wore a black hat that had a gemstone tied with strings that attached themselves to the hat. A cloak, which was a brown and rugged color, billowed from her shoulders despite there being no wind, it was connected by a shackle on her neck. She wore black plate armor and long brown pants with boots at the end.

A Witch: Hahahahaha! You're awake! It gets much easier each time...

Definitely the Main Character: Huh? Who are you? Why am I on top of a garbage pile? You could at least summon me somewhere better!

I assume she summoned me.

A Witch: That doesn't matter! You're the chosen one! One of all! All for one! Aren't you excited? You are the special one!

Man... this witch is feeding my ego.

Definitely the main character AND the chosen hero- one of many: hehe... really exciting

A Witch: Anyway, with the fun stuff out of the way, what is your name?

A memory spikes in my head, it was as if a glass shard hit my brain, it almost causes a nosebleed, it repeats the word "Cori" over and over again. I think it is trying to tell me something...

Definitely the main character AND the chosen hero- the one out of the many: eh? Urk... uhh... my name is Cori... right?

I studder, embarrassingly 

A Witch: WOWW!!! Correct! You remembered your name this time! Your mind definitely has gotten a lot stronger! Congrats! Let's throw a party!

Cori: What are you talking about... I have a world to save, right? Lets cut out all the crap.

A Witch: I bet you also remember your gender! You remembered it last time!

Cori: What are you talking about "last time"???

A Witch: Dosen't matter. I don't need to question you much further, just look downstairs and you will see!

I look down. I was barely dressed. I only wore a blue robe that resembled one of a mage. There was a belt strapped around my stomach. The condition of the robe was fine except for a few garbage stains, which I wiped off. I didn't want to know if I had underwear on.

Cori: GAH! You could at least give me more than this! My legs are exposed!

A Witch: figured it out? Congrats!

Cori: I would be more concerned if someone needed to question you about your identity and you can barely remember it...

A Witch: Alright chosen one! Here's the plan:

I interrupt the witch.

Cori: Yeah, Yeah, I need to save the world from an evil demon king, right?

I remember some stories were a heroic protagonist saves the world from an evil king or a calamity, this certianly is the case with me, the hero is always considered the "chosen one" and the one who guides the hero being a wise wizard. I don't know how I remember specific fairytales and books but not my past.

A Witch: Apparently not! You will follow my directions!

Cori: Huh? I am not an errand boy!

A Witch: Yes, you are, and go find me an elf, it will be a great companion to you.

Cori: *sigh* Could you at least help me out?

A Witch: You already have the tools necessary.

The witch points at the belt strapped to my stomach, there was a knife in it's holster, it seemed pretty old but good enough for self-defense. The second piece of the equipment was a wooden mask. It had 2 holes for the eyes, the left one was slightly shut from the top of the hole, and it had a sad face carved into it as if it had just lost something.

Cori: Thats it?

A Witch: That is enough. Now I suggest putting on the mask before you go around asking for the elf.

Cori: Wait! Hold on! Please be more specific on the elf! There has to be a bunch roaming around the wide city!

A Witch: By the way, servant, you have absolutly no time limits, take as long as you'd like!

Cori: That doesn't answer my question!

The witch disappears in a flash, leaving me to myself. I decide to put on the mask as the first thing I do.

Cori: Here goes nothing.

I put on the mask, roots sprout around the side and violently attach to my head. I thought I was a goner at first, but the mask easily comes off with a tug.

Cori: Phew... I was scared of the mask for nothing, it should keep my identity a secret, I guess... I should get to whatever elf that bothersome hag requested, I can't procrastinate.

I put the mask back on, and I headed toward the streets from the alleyway, I walk out into the city, it seemed to be a late medieval fantasy city, it was far more clean out in the open. It was bustling with activity, everyone I saw had something to do, even though everyone looked slightly different (skin color and features on their body). I saw no elves, that was strange.

Cori: How am I supposed to find a specific elf, or any elf in this crowd? They have long ears, from what I can remember. Should I ask around?

I try to ask people around, but they all stared at me weird, it was as if I was saying nothing at all.

Cori: Man, why is everyone ignoring me? Is it because of this mask?

I definitely looked suspicious with a hood and mask on, I looked like a broke assassin.

Cori: I should remove the mask for now, shouldn't I?

I was about to remove the mask when suddenly, an out-of-control carraige was seen down the road, it was headed straight toward a small child who stumbled into the middle of the road, it was going to hit that child if no one intervened.

Cori: Now's my chance to prove to the crowd how heroic I am! As this world's chosen hero, I will save that child!

I was about to go and snatch the child from the road when a cloaked knight ran in and saved the child, he was so fast, I only saw a flash before he was on the other side of the road with the child in his arms. Such a heroic display!

Cori: Dang, I missed my chance... I will have a chance in the future to save someone.

The man was humbly taking praise from the crowd.

Cori: Mabye, that man knows something about the elf, he seems decently popular around the city.

I decided to follow him in the city for now. I would wait for my chance to talk to him. He takes his leave walking along the stone sidewalk. I follow him. Around the city, there were many shops, food stalls, and buildings lining each side of the streets. It was almost like a winding maze that sprawled across the entire world.

Vendor: Hey kid! Want some sandwiches? They are cheaper than usual at my stall!

I decide to ignore the vendor and pass on.

Cori: I look like a stalker trying to catch up to that dude... I feel like he's walking faster on purpose. My legs can't really keep up, and the crowds aren't helping.

I was careful not to bump into anyone as I followed the knight, of course, due to my appearance, the people shot weird glances at me. It seemed to get more and more difficult to follow the knight as I walked.

Cori: Damn... It is as if fate itself doesn't want me to get information about the elf. Why do I feel so compelled to follow this man? I am like a moth to a flame

The knight suddenly turns and goes into an alleyway in between 2 buildings. I decide to catch up to him there.

Cori: A lucky break! There will be fewer people there!

I ran up to the alleyway, but no one was there... I walk deeper into the alley, but still no one... the silence was eerie.

Cori: Hello? Anyone?

My legs were tired, I couldn't bother following that knight any further. I decided to leave and go back to the streets.

Cori: Man, I seem to have terrible luck...

Suddenly, a person jumps from behind and grabs my arms together. I couldn't move, I couldn't see who it was due to the mask limiting my vision.

Cori: GAHHH!! What do you want??

I try to channel my strength into my arms, but they wouldn't budge. Am I this weak? So much for being the hero...

Person: It is no use struggling, who are you?

I don't even know who I am, how am I supposed to respond to this?

Cori: I'm a traveler! Can I ask you a few questions?

Person: No response? Also, you should stop struggling, you'll break your arms, they seem to be extremely fragile.

He didn't hear me? But I said it loud and clear! Is he deaf?

Cori: Hey! Did you not hear me?

Person: Not much of a talker are you! So much for following me for 10 straight minutes!

This is the knight from before!

Cori: Please! I just wanted to ask you some questions!

Knight: Are you mute? Do you not talk? You must be an assassin if I am to assume the worst... but that puny little knife you have there can barely go through armor... I will have to see what is under that mask of yours!

He pins me to the wall and removes my mask. He seems to have a look of shock when he removes the mask.

Cori: Hey! Give me that mask back!

Knight: Huh? You talk now? Is this mask something special to you?

Cori: Wait, you can hear me now?

Knight: Of course! I have good ears.

Cori: But earlier I was shouting at you!

Knight: This mask seems to block out the wearer's voice, why were you wearing it before?

That damned hag tricked me! I shouldn't have worn the mask!

Cori: Uhhh... It was a cool mask I found, so I decided to wear it.

The knight suddenly took a look at me, his gaze seemed to be piercing into my soul, I could feel it for some reason.

Cori: I- I was going to ask you a question.

Knight: Oh... what was it?

Cori: Do you by any chance know elves?

Knight: Hm? Elves are extinct... what are you talking about?


I shouted out... someone must have heard that.

Knight: Why yes... but there is said to be elf sightings.

Cori: Tell me all about it! I need this info.

Knight: Here's the deal: you help me, and I help you.

Cori: I would do anything, but why ask me for help?

Knight: Listen here, I am a bit short on time. I have documents that were stolen by some thieves belonging to the Black Cats guild located somewhere in this city.

Cori: Who are the black cats?

Knight: Run of the mill bandits and robbers

This is my chance to be heroic again! I must accept... This must be some type of quest!

Cori: Alright! I'll help!

Knight: Alright... first of all, you need to get in good shape, you seem to be suffering from malnutrition, and you seem to not have any money considering the clothes you are wearing.

Cori: Uhh... that shouldn't be a problem.

Knight: Having a healthy body will help you help me better. Have this piece of bread.

Cori: Thanks a million!

I bit down on the bread and swallowed it. 5 seconds later, I puked. For some reason, the bread was fine, but my body seemed to reject the food I was given. My rows of sharp teeth that I just now discovered seem to suggest that I am a carnivore.

Cori: BLECH! Why can't I eat this...

Knight: Oh dear... I will find food for you later, we should start our search now, we can ask the locals for info on the bandits... The only information we have right now is that they wear brown cloaks and do their business in broad daylight, they are also a decently sized organization.

Cori: You're going to take on a whole organization? By yourself?

Knight: Don't underestimate me!

Cori: Well... I will still help, it's not like I have anywhere else to go.

I could use my hidden superpowers that every single hero has to take on these bandits!

Knight: Alright! I have until nightfall to find these guys, it will take a long time, so come with me!

He pulls me by my ears, they are slightly longer than his ears from what I could tell.

Cori: Ow! Hey!

We stroll through the city... I decide to make some small talk.

Cori: We haven't introduced ourselves, my name is Cori.

Knight: Right, it would be better if we got to know each other better, im... Regel

Regel seemed to pause for some reason before saying his name.

Cori: We should ask some of the local vendors around here, they are basically watchtowers in their stalls, they might know the activities of the black cats.

Regel: fair point

We go to a plaza, the place was full of vendors. We decide here to ask around, this area of vendors only seems to know about the appearances of the black cats.

Vendor: I have seen some people in brown cloaks walking around here, I can't recall where they went.

Cori: Man... no new info

Regel: We have to keep trying, new info will pop out soon enough.

We decided to leave the area, we might find new information further into the city.

Cori: We should split up, it would make asking around much faster, and it will save us our dignity. It looks like you're on a date with a homeless person right now.

Regel: Heh, splitting up? Thats always what they say, and then the next moment, someone is dead.

Cori: How is someone going to try to murder me in broad daylight? I don't think I would be worth murdering.

Regel: Hm... pretty naive of you to say, I recommend putting on that mask if you do want to split up with me.

Cori: How will I talk then?

Regel: You can lift the mask slightly off your face to talk.

Regel puts the mask back on my face.

Regel: Alright, there should be some vendors over there you can ask, I will search the city for any hints.

Regel sends me off. I walk through the winding streets, asking the occasional vendor about the bandits... I start to feel the hunger settling in. My body had malnutrition, which was observed by Regel. I will probably die if I don't eat. Before I knew it, I was standing before a vegetable shop. I was drooling. The owner was standing outside, and he seemed to notice me.

Shop owner: Hey kid! You going to buy something or what? I don't appreciate window shoppers! You're blocking traffic to my store!

Cori: Oh! Uhhh, I'm actually broke...

Shop owner: Kid! I don't appreciate beggers either! Now scram!

Why was that shop owner in such a bad mood? Anyways, I found no new information, everyone either told me old information or told me to leave.

Cori: I can't blame them... I look extremely suspicious. 

Regel suddenly appears behind me.

Regel: Hey Cori! I found this lost girl! You think we can find her mother?

Cori: Why don't we leave that task to someone else? It's almost the evening.

I point to the sun to emphasize my point.

Regel: Don't be so heartless, it will only be a whim. I am sure we can find this child's mother in no time!

Child: Miss, can you please help me find my mom?

Cori: Fine. What does she look like?

Regel: Child says that she has blonde hair and wears normal clothes... whatever that means.

Cori: alright! Let's get to finding your mom... I'm sure you'll recognize her when you see her.

Child: Thank you, miss!

We walk through the streets of the city again, we get lost among the twisting paths of the city, this made us spend a lot of time backtracking, we eventually end up at the same place we left off.

Cori: Man, we went in a huge circle and still no mom. My legs are tired.

The face of the child suddenly lights up, she runs toward a blonde-haired woman.

Child: Mama! I finally found you.

Regel: Wow, we could have just stayed in one place to find the mother...

Cori: What a waste of time... at least it's over.

Woman: Thank you, heroes! You found my daughter! I cannot thank you enough!

Regel: That is no problem! I'm just doing a good deed

Cori: You can rep-

Before I could finish, Regel grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

Regel: Don't you dare ask for money... that poor mother has been through enough today...

Cori: Relax! I was going to ask for food... I'm extremely hungry...

Regel: Oh... right

The sun was setting at this point, and the evening sky showed a bright orange as the sun was setting.

Cori: Crap! Worry about me later, we are almost out of time!

Regel: Let's ask the shop owners around here!

We end up spending little time before I was back before the vegetable shop, the owner was still standing outside the shop.

Shop owner: You going to buy up or what?

Regel: We just want some info out of you!

Shop owner: I don't have time for info! Especially with that sewer rat you have with you returning here!

Cori: Hey! Take that back!

Regel: It's something about bandits.

Shop owner: Hm? You're a knight, you should be able to deal with them on your own, if you don't have business with me, then scram!

Regel: Jeez, calm down.

Woman: Sweetie! Don't be so mean to these people!

Shop owner: Huh?

His face instantly lights up as he sees the woman and the child, he goes over and hugs the child.

Shop owner: You finally found our daughter! I knew she wouldn't run off too far!

Woman: You should thank those 2 over there.

She points at us.

Woman: Those 2 found our daughter and returned her, they left without even requesting anything, they are like real-life heroes!

Regel shoots a smug glance at me... I wear an annoyed smile on my face... whatever that means.

Shop owner: I am so sorry! I've been in a bad mood ever since my daughter ran from the shop! How can I repay you?

Regel: Can you hear me out?

Shop owner: I will give you all I can.

Regel explains the situation and the hooded figures.

Shop owner: Hooded figure, huh? Well, you're in luck! I saw them pass down that street over there a couple of moments before you arrived.

Regel: Thanks!

Cori: By the way, I have been hungry all day... Can I have some food?

The shop owner and his family lead me into the shop and give me some vegetables for my troubles. Me and Regel soon leave. I promised the shop owner that I would come back one day and buy some vegetables. We headed down the trail of the bandit, I had the feeling we were close.

Cori: Man! I can't wait to eat these! These look great!

Regel: Wait a minute! Don-

Before Regel could answer, I took a bite out of the food, but unexpectedly, I puked on the floor. Luckily, around this time, the streets were less crowded, at least there were still a few shopowners nearby we could ask.

Regel: Dammit Cori... From what I can tell, you're a carnivore, your stomach can't handle vegetables to the point you puke...

Cori: This is unfair...

Regel: I will take the veggies, I will try to find something for you later...

We continue down the trail, we eventually reach the end. A shopowner managed to see cloaked figures in the alleyway next to his shop while he was dumping trash, this was a guarantee that we were at the end of the trail.

Regel: Wait outside this allyway, I will handle whatever is inside.

Cori: Alright...

Regel goes into the hallway. I heard the door opening and fighting going on, no more than half a minute later, Regel reappears, documents in his right hand and sausages in his left.

Regel: Here, have these sausages, you deserve them.

Cori: Thanks...

Regel: No need, just eat up.

It partly satisfied my hunger, I had accomplished 2 things at once: find edible food and complete the quest.

Cori: Now... about the elves

Regel: Oh right! Let's sit and talk over there.

He points toward a bench. We head over to the bench and start discussing.

Cori: So, do you happen to know anything about elves?

Regel: Go down that street into the slums and keep right, thank me later, take this information as you will.

Cori: Well... Thats oddly specific, I hope to see you again one day.

I decide to follow his direction. I wave goodbye to Regel, he seemed to have a melancholy look in his face as I leave.

Cori: Alright! It's time, I should get this done by the end of the day.

I eventually reach an outer part of the city, these were the slums, abandoned buildings line the edges of the road, some were boarded up or straight up ruined, trash and mice filled the edges of the streets, this place was clearly poorly maintained.

Cori: Yeah... These are the slums, I should keep going, as Regel says, and eventually I will reach my goal.

I notice homeless and shady individuals on the side of the streets, they seemed to look at me with killer intent, or it was just me being paranoid. Eventually, I notice a lone stall, a woman with blond hair and a rugged cloak, was seated in the booth, it wasn't selling anything, but the woman in it looked dejected.

Cori: Slums are definitely a strange place... Why would a woman be selling nothing?

She suddenly notices me and beckons me to come closer, I follow.

Stall Woman: Hey... I hear you're looking for elves... Follow me

Cori: Hey, what? How do you know?

Stall Woman: I am not forcing you, just follow me for elves, the choice is yours.

She goes into an allyway and disappears.

Cori: Welp. This must be what Regel was talking about, right?

I go into the hallway, and the woman has her back leaned on the wall.

Stall Woman: Hey... Cori... Right?

Cori: Yes, my name is Cori.

She takes off her hood, revealing elf ears.

Cori: Woah! You're the real deal! Are you the elf that I've been looking for?

Elf: Probably...

Cori: I was apparently sent by someone to find you, but I don't really know what to do now...

Elf: What to do? There's nothing else you need to do.

Cori: Huh? I'll be taking my leave then.

Elf: Not so fast... I won't let this chance slide...

Cori: What?

Before I knew it, there was a flash, a dagger seemingly appeared in my throat, blood spewed from my neck as I dropped to my knees.

Cori: Grk... Grl...

Elf: You should have been more perceptive of who I am, right? I really did expect you to act more fearful toward me... I kind of feel bad, it is like killing a naive child who committed multiple murders.

Cori: W-Why...

Elf: I am surprised you're still alive. honestly, you seem to be already dead, but yet you're alive.

A sudden burst of adrenaline courses through my body. I try to run toward the exit of the allyway, but why wasn't I dying?

Elf: Not so fast.

Strings, formerly invisible, suddenly shoot out from the walls of the allyway, the reel like fishing lines back into the elf's body as if they were placed there from the statr, they cut both my legs, incapacitating me... I fall to the floor.

Elf: I'm surprised you're still alive, honestly, that initial stab should have killed you in 10 seconds, but you're still here, suffering... That brings me joy.

I am the chosen one, right? That is what the witch said... Where are my special powers? Where are my companions? Why do I die now? I can't die like this! I'm the chosen one.

Elf: Oh, look who has arrived!

Regel stands at the entrance of the alley, he seemed to have a cold stare. 

Cori: Regel... Help...

Regel stands there... unmoving, he at least gives me a reply.

Regel: I do not help sinners.

Cori: Regel... I'm scared... Why...


Everything fades to black...