Looking For Her

No matter how much Monica, Alice and Samantha tried to convince Vincent that Odelia was with another man, he still didn't believe them. He knew Odelia much better than they did, and he knew that she couldn't possibly betray him.

"I'm sure she couldn't have signed this of her own free will. You three must have forced her to do it!" Vincent said in exasperation while staring at the three women in front of him.

"What do you mean by that? Are you accusing us of doing it? Why would we do something like that?" asked Samantha as she scolded her son.

"Because I know mom and Alice kept putting pressure on her! You never appreciated what she did for you! You keep comparing her and calling her a barren woman!"

Samantha and her daughter exchanged glances as Vincent suddenly looked very angry at them. He had never scolded them like that before.

"Vincent, forget about her! You have me now, and I can give you offspring unlike her," Monica said as she wiped his hands.

But he immediately dismissed her hand and looked at her. "Don't you interfere in my family matters. I've cut off everything about you, but you still dare to come to my house!"

"Why would you choose a woman like her? I'm so much better than her!"

Vincent laughed when he heard that, then he looked at Monica.

"Because she's not a woman like you, just because you're pretty you think you can do everything? Did you forget, you were even pregnant with another man's child at the time? And that's what made me break up with you."

She fell silent as she heard Vincent remind her of what happened to them a few years ago. At that time Monica was indeed pregnant with another man's child after Vincent listened to their conversation. Moreover, the relationship between him and Monica had been very long, but she had cheated on him.

"But the child is gone, she didn't survive. She--"

"SHUT UP!" snapped Vincent.

He again scolded Samantha and Alice for Odelia's departure and the divorce papers. It made Samantha furious, seeing how her son scolded her for a woman she considered useless.

Suddenly she picked up a fruit knife and pointed it at her own neck.

"You still want to go against my words? Just find that woman, and you'll find my corpse afterward!" Threatened the middle-aged woman as she pressed the knife against her neck.

"Mom, don't be so reckless! Please don't do that! Vin, do something, do you really want mom to die just for a woman like her?" asked Alice who looked panicked.

"Auntie, please drop the knife, don't go that far! Vincent will definitely listen to what you have to say!"

Things got so messy and tense. In the end Vincent said he would not look for Odelia as long as his mother did not do anything like that again.

"All right, I give up! Give me the knife, don't do something silly like this," he said with resignation while holding out his hand.

Seeing how Vincent finally surrendered, his mother gave him the knife in her hand and then sat on the floor crying. Alice and Monica also sat down and hugged the woman.

Meanwhile, Vincent looked so frustrated, his mind was torn between wanting to find Odelia but he also didn't want to lose his mother.

"I'm sorry Odelia."

Meanwhile, Sean's men continued to monitor the house and the surroundings of Vincent's company. But for two to three days there was no sign of Odelia entering or leaving the house. Even after two weeks had passed she was nowhere to be seen.

"She's not there? Didn't you say that she was part of the Percy family? She should be in the house," Sean said to his secretary after the man had given his report.

Ronald nodded and confirmed that Odelia should indeed be living there. But he didn't know why she hadn't been seen going in or out of the house.

"We even sent someone undercover as a salesperson and package courier to see who was in the house. But it was three women who opened the door. It was confirmed that one of them was his mother, his younger sister and another woman we didn't know," the secretary explained.

Now Sean felt confused about how he could find Odelia. He thought he could find her with the information he had. But it turned out that he was sure that the woman he was looking for no longer lived there.

"So that's the reason why she was at the hotel? Because she doesn't live there anymore. Now where should I look for her?"

He really wanted to meet with Odelia and at least talk one-on-one for a while. But now he didn't know where to find her.

Especially since two weeks had passed. It would be difficult to find her through CCTV even if he tried to check the CCTV on the street around the hospital or maybe the bus stop.

"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, it's hard to find if it's gotten this far," Ronald commented.

"Then we have to get rid of all the straw. Let's burn the hay, that way we can find the needle we're looking for," the CEO replied and ordered his secretary to widen the search.

"Use all kinds of methods to find her. Whatever it takes, I want that woman found as soon as possible."


As a month passed, Odelia began to get used to her new life. She did the same work as she did at home. She cleaned the house and cooked, while Rihanna was busy doing her work and she told Odelia to let her work for the money.

"It's so sore! It's six in the morning, I'd better wake her up as usual," said Rihanna who was sitting in her desk chair.

She then shifted her chair, moving closer to Odelia who was still asleep on her bed. The short-haired woman shook her friend's body to wake her up.

"Odelia, it's six in the morning. Come on, wake up, i'm your human alarm come to woke you up!" she said playfully and patted her arm.

The woman woke up, but she looked so weak and a bit pale. That worried Rihanna, and she stood up from her chair.

"What's wrong, are you sick?" she asked worriedly and checked Odelia's temperature. Her temperature was normal but her face looked pale.

"I'm fine, just feeling a little dizzy and nauseous. I think I ate the wrong thing yesterday," she replied.

"Wrong meal? You mean you got poisoned? But yesterday we just ate the food you made yourself and bought pizza. I'm fine, I don't think it's food poisoning."

The woman then invited Odelia to go to the hospital, but she refused because she was too weak. She said that she would be better by noon.

The ginger-haired woman then stood up from the bed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Rihanna was still worried about how her friend was doing. But she couldn't do anything more than follow her into the kitchen.

"Would you like some toast with garlic?"

"Yes, I would. With a sunny-side up egg," she replied as she continued to watch Odelia.

However, when Odelia opened the jar of garlic, she suddenly felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom. Of course, this surprised Rihanna, because Odelia was not usually like that.

She chased her into the bathroom and saw how Odelia collapsed near the toilet after she vomited the contents of her stomach.


Her worry mounting, Rihanna couldn't look at it any longer. "I think I'd better call a doctor."