She's A Big Problem!

Samantha was very frustrated and upset since she saw Odelia with the Osberts. She was worried that the secret of Yozara company would be leaked to Sean.

Moreover, the Osbert Family was an enemy of the Percy Family.

"Mom, why do you look so agitated like that! Who is the Osbert Family to our family anyway? Are they comparable to the Percy Family that many people know?" asked Alice who was confused by her mother's attitude.

"Of course they are! They are also very influential in our family!" replied Samantha.

"What makes you think that? Did the Osbert Family have a relationship with the Percy Family before?" Monica asked curiously.

The middle-aged woman explained that the Percy Family was the main owner of the once very successful Yozara. Then the former CEO or grandfather of Vincent and Alice gave Yozara to their father, Adam, to continue the family business as he was the son of the family.

The Osberts are the family of Arthur and the eldest daughter of Percy family, Cassandra. She asked for a share in the inheritance rights as she was also part of the Percy family.

But Adam didn't accept because he felt he was the new head of the Percy family after their father's death. Cassandra was no longer part of the Percy family so she was not entitled to it.

"That's why they ended up fighting over the rest of the inheritance and they got most of the money and your grandfather's crappy documents," Samantha explained.

"So... They're my cousins? Why didn't you tell me that I have cousins?" asked Alice who was confused because she herself didn't know that they had other family.

"All because family ties have been severed since your grandfather's death. Your late father no longer considered them as his sister or brother-in-law. Besides, that was when you were a baby and Vincent was five years old."

It all happened when they were very young, so they didn't know each other except Sean who was the eldest among them and was already 11 years old at the time.

"So that's the reason why you're enemies? You're competing in the same technology company and also fighting over inheritance?"

Samantha nodded her head. She was sure that Cassandra married her husband just to make her father praise her and give her a lot of inheritance because he was someone who was good at technology.

"TechnOzone was founded a year after the inheritance was distributed just to bring down Yozara's company! They're trying to compete with a company that already exists!"

"But aunty, lately TechnOzone has items that are even released by Yozara too. It's like they do copy and paste but their stuff is much better," said Monica.

It's as if TechnOzone found a flaw in the goods Yozara released and they fixed the flaw to make a more perfect product.

"Could it be that the barren woman leaked it, mom? I mean... She must have known the Osberts for a long time, thought they were better than us and then she quietly took whatever she could give them from Vin's desk!" said Alice, who was convinced that Odelia had stolen Vincent's work materials and given them to Sean.

Hearing that, Samantha thought it made sense to her.

"That could happen, so that ugly woman is secretly taking revenge on us by giving it all to them?! What a shameless woman!" Samantha irritably threw the cushion on the sofa.

She didn't want Yozara to go bankrupt and for her to lose all the wealth she had due to competing with TechOzone.

"I'm sure her pregnancy was also fake just to get that guy's attention. What a cunning woman!" Monica folded her arms in front of her chest as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"We'll see, I'll make that woman kneel at my feet and kiss it!"


In the laundry room, Odelia had just finished washing her, Sean's and Megan's clothes. Although Megan had forbidden it because she didn't want to add to Odelia's work, the woman had no problem doing it.

"Huft... Finally finished. Just need to wait for all these clothes to dry," she said as she rubbed her now rounder belly.

She still felt lucky that her stomach didn't feel so heavy yet, but she was happy that soon they would know the baby's gender.

"Odelia!" called Megan from the front door.

Hearing her call, Odelia walked over to her with a paper bag in her hand.

"I brought your favorite strawberry ice cream crepes! Sean asked me to give it to you," she said happily.

"Really? For me?" She looked inside the paper bag, there were several kinds of sweets and also a cup of smoothie.

During her pregnancy, Sean had spoiled Odelia by buying her things. He asked Megan to do it if his sister wasn't busy.

The ginger-haired woman smiled as she looked at all the sweet treats for her. Although they hadn't lived together for long, Sean already knew a lot of Odelia's preferences.

'Sean has always been considerate of me. It's not wrong that I chose to trust him,' she thought with a melting heart.

"Let's eat together, I bought some for me too!" invited Megan and they sat on the sofa.

They both sat on the sofa together and enjoyed the sweet treat. Megan said that Sean would also be home early and asked Odelia not to cook dinner, he would take her out for dinner together.

"So he wants you to get ready. He'll come home and maybe change his clothes first and then you'll go out together for a romantic dinner," she said with a chuckle.

"Romantic dinner, that would be nice," Odelia replied as she took a bite of her crepes.

"I heard from Sean that you still remember your ex-husband sometimes, huh?"

Odelia turned her head, looked at Megan and then nodded slowly. She said that sometimes she suddenly remembered him and it ruined her mood.

"I feel bad for your brother too. He's been doing all this, doing what's best for me and this baby. But I just..."

Megan nodded in understanding and put down her smoothie.

"There's nothing wrong with that, because Sean must feel the same way," she said.

"Feel the same way? What do you mean?" asked the astonished Odelia.

The woman asked Odelia to keep this a secret from Sean, asking her not to tell him if she told her this.

She nodded and promised not to. Megan finally agreed and she began to open her mouth again.

"I think Sean is also still thinking about his ex-fiancée and their baby."