Please, Don't Leave Me Too Sean

I ran out of the car to my family's house when I heard that my parents had gotten into an accident. I, who was abroad at the time, immediately returned to Zondalian to see them one last time.

My house was already very crowded with lots of people dressed in black, and there were also many bouquets of flowers around the house.

Even so, I refused to believe that I had lost them both that day. With my tears flowing, I ran into the house and saw Sean kneeling before two coffins that were none other than our parents' coffins.

This was really happening, it wasn't just a nightmare and a trick to get me to come home, but it was really happening.

I walked up to their coffins and saw my parents lying lifeless inside.

"Dad... Mom... what are you doing in there? You should be welcoming me home. Why are you silent? Please wake up," I said as I watched them.

"Megan," Sean called out to me and grabbed my shoulders from behind.