Where Are You? Please Don't Leave Me

It had been a week since the wedding day, aunty Dasha and Sam's decided to go home as they couldn't stay there for too long. Moreover, Sam who often left Dormania just to come to Zondalian.

He was worried that her father would follow him to Zondalian just to see Odelia. I couldn't do much and could only watch him carry his bag to go to the airport.

I don't know why it felt so hard for me to let him go, even though he had come here many times and why I felt so sad when he was about to leave.

I don't want to let him go, I want to be around him even though I should realize that I can't continue like this. I can't keep getting stuck in this feeling, where I keep expecting love from him.

"Then I will leave. Don't trouble my sister," he told me.

"I've never bothered Odelia! She never complained at all about what I did!" I said defensively.