Take Care Of Yourself

After Megan's return to Zondalian was delayed yesterday, given that something had happened between Megan and Samuel, she was forced to buy a new ticket to get home. She bought it the next day so that Sean and Odelia wouldn't feel worried about her canceling the previous day.

It was actually Samuel who bought the ticket and then he drove Megan to the airport as she held her new lover's arm, they walked to the gate where Megan would enter later.

"Then take good care of yourself until we meet again. I can't go to Zondalian anytime soon because I've asked my father for permission to go too much. He might catch up with me and meet Odelia later," Samuel said as he rubbed Megan's head.

Even though he didn't want her to leave, especially after they had made love yesterday and released all the feelings they had for each other. Samuel wanted Megan to continue to be with him nearby.