I Hope I Can't Take Your Pain, My Baby

It turned out that Carmelia's fever was not getting any better. The little girl continued to feel feverish and for four days her body temperature continued to rise and fall, making Carmelia feel painful and continue to cry.

Odelia had used various methods to reduce her daughter's fever, but it didn't seem to work at all. Eventually her temperature would rise again.

She and Sean had taken turns to look after Carmelia every night because she kept crying when she woke up. Odelia was worried too because Sean had to stay up when he had to go to work in the morning.

Megan also tried to help calm her niece down without, moreover, feeling so worried.

"Mommy my head hurts!" Carmelia said while crying and snuzzle into her mother's chest.

"Yes dear, Mommy knows. I wish I could take away your pain, but I can't." Her tears were flowing because of the worry she felt.