Chapter 1

My name is Satou Kazuma, and I've experienced the kind of torment that makes you question everything, even your own existence. Have you ever been bullied to the point where thoughts of ending it all creep into your mind? Unfortunately, I have. It's a harrowing feeling, a constant weight on your soul that never seems to lift.

You might be wondering why I allowed myself to endure such torment, why I bowed to the whims of a heartless queen bee named Emily. The answer is both simple and terrifying: her boyfriend, David, was the ringleader of the bullies in our college. David wasn't just a regular student; he was a member of a biker gang known as the Skulls. He strutted around like a schoolyard thug, and even the teachers and the principal dared not cross him, likely because of his powerful family background.

My daily routine began with a futile attempt at normalcy. Like every other day, I bid my parents farewell and boarded the school bus, hoping that today might be different. Little did I know that my ordeal awaited me as soon as I stepped onto that bus.

"Hey, you pig, get over here and lick the dirt off my shoes," Emily barked with an air of entitlement that sent shivers down my spine.

I obediently approached her, knelt down, and extended my trembling tongue to commence licking the filth off her shoes. "Swallow the dirt," she ordered, "don't you dare spit it out. You know what happens when I get angry."

I nodded meekly and replied, "Okay, my queen. Your humble and respectful pig will obey your command."

As I continued to lick the grimy soles of her shoes, I couldn't help but feel a bitter mix of humiliation and disgust. Emily was perched on a bus seat like a throne, flanked by two boys who fanned her as if she were royalty.

"Make sure to swallow every speck," she taunted, her voice dripping with cruelty.

I complied as best I could, but the dirt clung to my throat, causing me to cough and, ultimately, to vomit. The revulsion on Emily's face was palpable, and I knew I had angered her even more.

"Ew, you can't even be a good pig," remarked Susan, a girl sitting nearby. "He's just made a mess on the bus."

Dread settled over me as I realized the consequences of my actions. I pleaded in a quivering voice, "Please, forgive me, Queen. It was unintentional."

You might wonder why I endured such torment, why I subjected myself to this degrading obedience. It was David, Emily's boyfriend and the leader of the bullies, who held my fate in his hands. Being a member of the Skulls, he had an intimidating presence and the backing of his wealthy family, which made him untouchable.

I raised my head, my hands trembling as I implored Emily for forgiveness, promising never to repeat my mistake. "Please, don't report me to David. I'll do anything you ask."

"You're going to pay dearly once we reach school," Emily threatened, her eyes blazing with anger. I knew I was in for a brutal beating.

Crawling on the bus floor, I begged her, "Please, Emily, spare me. I'll do anything."

Emily let out a sigh, considering my plea. "If you want forgiveness, lick up the vomit you just spewed on the bus floor."

With desperation in my voice, I agreed, "Yes, my queen. I will do it." I rushed toward the pool of vomit and prepared to clean it up with my tongue.

"Wait," Emily interrupted, turning to the girls beside her. "Go spit in his vomit."

The girls nodded and approached my direction, spitting repeatedly into the vomit until they were satisfied. Once done, they returned to Emily, confirming their task.

With a sinister grin, Emily allowed me to proceed, taunting me, "You can start licking and cleaning up your vomit, using your tongue."

As I reluctantly began to lick the foul mixture of vomit and saliva, I felt sick to my stomach. Each repulsive taste made me gag, but I couldn't afford to stop. The bus erupted in laughter as I struggled to complete the degrading task.

"Hahaha, look at this idiot," one of the students jeered. "He can't even finish what he started."

"Driver, stop the bus and kick this dog off," Emily commanded, her tone icy.

The driver complied, but terror surged through me at the thought of what awaited me at school. I pleaded desperately, "Please, sir, don't stop the bus. I'll finish cleaning everything, I promise."

"Hahaha, what a clown," the other students chimed in, mocking me.

Emily smirked and declared, "You're truly foolish and pathetic."

With cold determination, I continued cleaning, licking up every bit of the vomit and spit. The taste was nauseating, but I couldn't afford to falter. My stomach churned, but I held back the urge to vomit again, knowing the consequences could be far worse.

"Hahahaha, you're such a dumb, foolish boy," Emily said, laughing like a malevolent spirit.

Finally, the bus came to a halt, and Emily issued her final order, "Get out of the bus. Don't make me repeat myself."

The moment I looked into her cold, unforgiving eyes, I knew resistance was futile. "Yes, my queen," I replied, submitting to her will.

I had lost all hope of returning to school because I knew what awaited me there: a relentless cycle of beatings that would leave scars all over my body. They could even kill me today. Nobody could save me; everybody ignored me ,the teachers, the principal, even my fellow students. Nobody wanted to get near me, let alone save me.

Losing all hope, I made the fateful decision to commit suicide. I walked towards the bridge and chose to plunge from a great height, knowing that if the fall didn't end me, the passing cars on the roadside would. I believed that dying was a preferable option to continuing to endure this agonizing existence.

With my eyes tightly shut, I leaped from the bridge, landing on the road where vehicles raced past. As I descended, the cacophony of the approaching vehicles grew louder. The instant I opened my eyes, I found myself facing a colossal trailer truck. In my final moments, tears welled in my eyes, and I whispered, "Where did I ever go wrong?"

I cursed everyone and cursed the world. I bit my lips so hard that blood started to drip intensely. In my heart, I wished that if I ever got a second chance at life on this earth, I would exact revenge on their generations. Then, as the massive truck struck me at a high speed, in my final moments before death, I heard a faint noise and saw letters appearing in front of me.

"Your wish shall be granted ..."

" ....."

"Activating Revenge System "

"Rewinding time to 5 Years ago..."

"Quest for revenge accepted..."

" This life has come to end ....."

"Rebooting a new life ..."



Then, I couldn't see anything but darkness. I suppose I had died, and death is remarkably peaceful.

"Memory lost ,till triggered by unknown elements ...."