Chapter 7 Anggun

Graceful point of view .

Back when I was little, I have memories of my parents, who were killed while we were on our way somewhere, while traveling by horse-drawn carriage on our way we were ambushed.

In that tense atmosphere, my father came out and faced the attacking enemy, I who was still small just cried silently, my mother who was with me hugged me and calmed me down.

Even though there was anxiety in her eyes, she looked out the window and found my father having a hard time facing the enemy, my mother who knew my father was in trouble, her expression became inexplicable.

There was a strong determination in her eyes, and there was also sadness in those eyes after hearing my father's screams to run away, my mother immediately took me back to the nearest town.

After running for a while my mother stopped, with red eyes and tears she faced me with a pained expression on her face, she put me down and did something I will never forget in my entire life.

"Anggun! My daughter, listen to mother, from now on if your mother and father don't come back you have to survive on your own! I'm sure you can get through all of this!!"

My mother, who was talking while shedding tears, looked straight at me. Hearing her words, it was as if she was going to leave me. I, who was crying silently, couldn't hold it in anymore.


I screamed while crying, hugging my mother tightly, not wanting to let her go no matter what, but my mother forcibly let go of my hug.

"Forgive me, Anggun, one day you will understand what I did, when you grow up and find your true love!" my mother said and pushed me away and said again in a firm tone, "Quickly run ahead not far from here there is a city."

After saying that, my mother gave me some money and turned around and left, and that was the last time I saw my parents' faces.

I, who was left behind, went in the direction my mother pointed out. I ran with tears streaming down my face. Even though I fell several times, I still didn't stop. After running all day, my body reached its limit and I fainted.

And that's how I met my benefactor, Mrs. Teresa. When I woke up from my fainting, I was in a luxurious horse-drawn carriage. Perhaps seeing me awake, Mrs. Teresa approached me and asked how I was.

I also told Mrs. Teresa everything that happened, with a warm smile Mrs. Teresa hugged me, I who received warmth from the woman I had just met, I shed tears again.

After that, with the kindness of Mrs. Teresa, I was cared for and lived with Mrs. Teresa's assistant, Aunt Dina.

Shaking my mind off my past memories, I stood up from the bathtub which was large enough to fit two adults.

"Haaah~ I'm curious about the love my mother talked about! Will I also get that kind of love?" I said while sighing softly.

After finishing my shower, I put on a towel and went to the bedroom and changed into neat clothes.

Last night, Aunt Dina and I, when we met Mrs. Teresa at the office, she gave me a new task, which was to be an assistant to her son who is now 18 years old and has just entered the magic academy.

Even though my main duty is to keep him safe, for the sake of my debt of gratitude to Mrs. Teresa, I will ensure his safety and I am even willing to give my life to keep her son safe.

After finishing dressing up and getting dressed neatly, I went to Mrs. Teresa's house. She told me to come in the morning, so I went riding a horse-drawn carriage to her house.

Remembering Mrs. Teresa's son, I had met him several times when he was little, he was a handsome boy and had beautiful eyes like Mrs. Teresa.

I became curious about him, what is Mrs. Teresa's son like now, in the office Mrs. Teresa doesn't really talk about her family but she mentions her son several times.

After a while of traveling I finally arrived at a large luxurious house, getting off the train I went into the gate of the house, at the gate there were several guards on each side of the gate.

When I saw one of the guards opening the gate, I nodded slightly to the guard and entered. When I entered, I was greeted with a view that was pleasing to the eye.

With the presence of green plants and colorful flowers blooming, there are also several statues and pools that are not so big but look very nice.

After looking around for a while, I went straight to the door of the big house, knocked for a while and finally a maid opened the door.

The maid who saw me, seemed to know who I was and immediately took me to meet Mrs. Teresa.

After passing through several rooms, we finally arrived at the food area and that was where Mrs. Teresa was, the maid who had finished accompanying me then returned to her work.

"Good morning Mrs. Teresa!!" I greeted when Mrs. Teresa saw me.

"Good morning Anggun! You can sit down and have breakfast with us."

Even though I had eaten a little before leaving, I did not refuse Mrs. Teresa's hospitality, I sat next to Mrs. Teresa.

After we chatted for a while, and waited for his son to come here, not long after the person we were waiting for arrived.

I looked at Mrs. Teresa's son, my mind went blank for a moment, I had guessed he would grow up to be a handsome man, but it turned out to exceed my expectations.

Mrs. Teresa's son, or Badril, looked at us back and forth with interest, finally he arrived at his seat and greeted us.

"Good morning, sweetheart!!" Badril said in a cheerful tone.

"Morning dear!" said Mrs. Teresa with a warm smile.

"Morning young master!" I replied while bowing my head slightly.

After hearing our answer, Mrs. Teresa's son sat down and asked Mrs. Teresa.

"Ma'am! Who is this beautiful lady?"

Hearing her son's question, Mrs. Teresa smiled and introduced me.

"This is Anggun! From now on she will be your personal assistant"

After Mrs. Teresa introduced me, I also spoke up.

"If young master needs anything, I Anggun will always be there, and try my best to carry out your duties!"

And that was my meeting with Young Master Badril, finally after talking for a while we had breakfast, after breakfast I followed Young Master Badril to the magic academy.

I, who got this new assignment, am anticipating my life with young master Badril.